Albums you like that most people hate (2008 edition)

I am almost definitely about to get hated on for this, but it's my choice of music and not yours...

Avenged Sevenfold's latest album.

IMO they're never going to sound any better than they did on Waking the Fallen, another album you all probably would love to huck in a fire, but all the same their new album is alright.

Are You Dead Yet? // CoB

Absolutely love that album. I've heard countless CoB fans hate on the band for coming out with that album and complaining about how 'soft' they've gone, but I am a huge fan of that CD, although Follow the Reaper & Hate Crew Deathroll are probably my favourite CoB albums.
I dont get why people love Alexi. Hes a fucking loser who cant write serious songs.

On regards to Amon Amarth, I understand what you are saying about their fanbase. Out of all bands they seem to have become, along with Behemoth and Nile, popular with the scene kids.
Cob Fanboys usually have vaginas, but your right aboot the breasts.

Unless they're fat COB fanboys.

LOL, funny dude :lol:

They're not that bad, but they don't write serious songs for sure. The arguments people use against them are usually pretty shallow, but the people who think they're the gr8st can piss me off even more. Nobody can settle on that they are a decent band that's a bit different who are just not very rewarding to listen to. They're catchy & that's why I guess they're popular for a Metal band (even though I personally only know two people who've even heard of them). They still beat any of the clone bands I've heard though.
How is the difficulty relevant at all? Alter was expressing a dislike for their style of songwriting, not the lack of technical difficulty in writing fun songs (though it is true that COB songs are mostly simplistic though they may feature lots of wankery).
i disagree that it's harder to write a serious song than to write a goofy song. You just don't use lyrics like "I don't give a flying fuck"