- Jun 25, 2006
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The Bringer said:The reason why I don't like the album:
There is a huge difference between European metal and American metal. Since I had begun to listen to extreme metal I had always perfered the Euro sound over the American sound. In Flames, Nightwish, Hypocrisy and Children of Bodom (this is back in 2001/2002). The music was great because it was liking NOTHING I had heard before in Canada. While pop music was being influenced by rap in America the Euro scene would take none of it. Since I couldn't stand rap (still can't) it was not what I wanted. I wanted the aggression and speed of Hatebreeder and the sadness and beauty of Century Child.
Children of Bodom lead the way for me. The music showed me that it didn't need to have popular influences to be absolutely killer music. Solos were fucking cool and never went out of style (or even went away, people say solos disappeared from music. They just disappeared from pop music on TV). But with each release you could see the progression change. Follow the reaper followed a more death metal feel, HCDR was more of a thrashy Slayer feel and AYDY with a more Pantera type American metal feel. And with me it is progressively worse because it is not the sound that I PERSONALLY want to hear. So what do I do? I listen to other music and past releases. Just not AYDY.
I wouldn't go so far as to say it is metalcore or has metalcore elements. I don't think it does at all. The solos are still there and blazing away, they sould great too. I love the solos in Not Gonna Fall. But the influences are easily seen from bands like Lamb of God, Slayer and Pantera (I don't like any of those bands). The lyrical content has changed from songs about death and the grim reaper to songs about drinking and getting beat up. This is not what I want to hear, so I don't listen to it as much anymore.
The best way to sum it up is that over all, it is a good album for what it is. I think Children of Bodom will always be the best of whatever genre they cross over too. Alexi is just a very talented musician along with Roope, Janne and the rest. There is no way they would let the talent level slip. The problem is that the genre they are crossing into is a much lower technical level. Not as many riffs, instrumental parts, solos are not as important as melody, etc.
You pwn.