Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

Here's two self written songs with me doing the vocals (bass, gutiar and drum programming), any oppinions regarding my vocals would be nice to hear:

Hey there

To be honest I wasn't as fond of the vocals done on your self-written songs as I was of the vox in Feral. However it's not your technique that pushed me off, I just didn't really like the vocal pattern to the songs, it was too jumbled up and felt off time to me. But the technique itself sounds good when applied differently.

But to Feral - :rock:

Did you have any opinion on the song I linked by any chance?

I think I'm going to need to update with a newer song, the production of this old stuff really holds back. I had to dumb down my vocals so much to match up with the rest of the song since it's so dirty sounding overall.
wheew.. it looks like everyone here is really good & really working hard on improving skills on Growling, hehe, I'll practice mor & mor hehe...
wheew.. it looks like everyone here is really good & really working hard on improving skills on Growling, hehe, I'll practice mor & mor hehe...
Cool stuff but what that shit -> christian rap? :D
Is it normally if i had a cold then I can't growl 2-3 days? I try but I can't I donno why 'cause before I had cold I can growl for 10-11 minutes time (I know it's not big thing but I'm just a beginner) but now I can't growl after 2-3 minutes...
well, i don't know if i'm doing my growls the way it used to be
but, in the beginning i had after few minutes of growling pain in my throat
now, i have that pain only after a long time. and after e time a sore troath like you say

a good, "professional" growl, is that only sound from the stomach? or air from the stomach en sound from the back of your troath?

and the only 'growl' i can make is a death metal growl :s i can't growl at any other way, not even like (let's just say) slipknot..

Hmm i saw this awhile back, does corey taylor actually growl or scream? i dont think theres a method behind what he does, its just screaming...
its alright, but i think most people share my haterd toward the man that took metal out of the mainstream.

But even, you have to admitt he had the most gay suicide note ever...

dead (the lead singer of mayhem) on the other hand. Has the best note of all time.

"Excuse all the blood"

Kurt cobain was all like, hey look at me, im and attention whoring pussy!

I heard this and sorta laughed, if metal was mainstream in a way there wouldent be as many metal fans as we see today, half the shit people write about is about how shitty the music industry is to the metal community, we were made to be underground, its better that way. We got alot more to talk about now then we ever did...

And plus who gives a fuck, let the rap artists have there fun, drink, take drugs and fucken die. :heh:
Hi guyz! I trying to learn how to growl about a week and i read this threat. Thanks for the tips, it was really helped me. I have a problem. When I record my growl with my mic ( 10 dollar shit >_> ) I hear my voice like a deep growl but i dont know what the problem, cause the recording is shit and it sounds like a clean voice.

And sorry for my bad english :)

It could be either the mic or you are not creating enough volume or pushing the growl out from your stomach. First make sure you are actually getting some volume so the sound is being properly projected. Also, unless you have a nice condenser mic (oh how I yearn for one) your voice on recordings will probably sound different than the sound that resonates in your head. Even good dynamic mics usually don't pick up the full range because they are not sensitive enough to catch the things going on beyond what is projected right in front of them.
does any here no how to manipulate your throut or exercizes that will help for death metal vocals cuz i cant do it properly and my throut is hurts...
Thank's a lot to those who liked my christian rap songs ;)

Though I'm suprized that delta_storm prefered my singing in Feral when the members of Feral ofthen say that they like the vocals in Meathook moore.

And yeah, I know that the singing is of beat some times in Meathook, I just hoped that no one would notice ;P
Hey there

To be honest I wasn't as fond of the vocals done on your self-written songs as I was of the vox in Feral. However it's not your technique that pushed me off, I just didn't really like the vocal pattern to the songs, it was too jumbled up and felt off time to me. But the technique itself sounds good when applied differently.

But to Feral - :rock:

Did you have any opinion on the song I linked by any chance?

I think I'm going to need to update with a newer song, the production of this old stuff really holds back. I had to dumb down my vocals so much to match up with the rest of the song since it's so dirty sounding overall.

Dubble post:zombie:

Since you took your time to listen tp my shit I listened to yours.

To production wasn't that easy to hear though and the vocals was quite low mixed, but about a minute into the song you can hear them more clearly and it sounds like youv'e got a whole lot of power in your vocals, and thats probably the most important thing if you ask me. Many vocalist just try to go as deep as possible, but then lak a lot of their potentian power.

Thuogh I would also like to hear an other song with the vocals clearer in the mix.
Yeah I suppose the vocals were drowned maybe if you don't know the lyrics and all. I think I was just trying to make sure the instrumental parts were also recognized. Especially since extra effort was made to program drums (which was a first time thing here). I have no production experience besides basic mixing, but I don't like the idea of the vocalist dominating the song(even though I'm a vocalist).

But yeah that was a pretty oldish mix. The newer stuff I'm working on is much much cleaner all around. I shall upload it soon. Anywho your opinion is definitely considered
I am finally going to be buying a condenser mic (recording with a dynamic mic just isn't as nice), but I don't want to go overboard with the price. I was looking at Studio Projects B1 and B3. So my question is, has anyone had any experience with either of these mics? Are they a good choice for a reasonably priced condenser mic or should I go with something else?
Hi , i have been learning death growls for like 1 month ,but I still suck and i'd like to see that Tony Bullard Tutorial , but the link posted here doesnt work , and i cant find it anywhere on the internet , so pls some1 post it