Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

You guys are fucked. lol. Honesty is good though.

Darth Puma is very young so he's got some shit to learn and he has tons of time to learn the "ways" of a good growl. I'm not going to bash him for being young. That is really fucked.

Keep with it man. Just don't fuck your throat up
Your vocals remind me of a particular vocalist I cannot put my name on right now. I'm not a real huge fan of your high pitch style personally but I think your growl sounds pretty decent. At times the overall band sounds a little hardcore-ish but still fairly solid for a starting band, well done

The highs sound like Hypocrisy's.
Nope I just remembered. His high screams sound exactly like "The Agony Scene" to me. Probably the reason I disliked them.
I remembered what you said and at the last band practice I worked on exerting a lot more control to make them not quite as high pitched all the time. They sounded a lot better, a little like Dimmu or old Immortal I think.
erm i know only 1 thing ... u have to die hard to growl good...
that means practice practice practice ...
i managed to match the deepnes of the voice ... but i still dont have enough stamina to keep it up like that longer than 5 min...
Then i discovered .... Diabolical Masquerade ... and i was fascinated with it .... Blakkheim rulllz ... and i forced myself to imitate his scream .... and i did it.

True meaning of this is ... if u practice u can do it ...
so keep it up guys.
ill try to put some of my vocals here
erm i know only 1 thing ... u have to die hard to growl good...
that means practice practice practice ...
i managed to match the deepnes of the voice ... but i still dont have enough stamina to keep it up like that longer than 5 min...
Then i discovered .... Diabolical Masquerade ... and i was fascinated with it .... Blakkheim rulllz ... and i forced myself to imitate his scream .... and i did it.

True meaning of this is ... if u practice u can do it ...
so keep it up guys.
ill try to put some of my vocals here

Ples... dotn ... do ... taht... aaj... d...o...n...t...h...wabyt ... .. ... . tp .... know... .. . .ho w.... .ggr..w.w.wooowwwl likez.zz.z.z.z.z..z.z.z.z..z....z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z..z......................................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... :puke:
lol ... what a shame ...
poor guy ... i think its the bacterias he got on his birth ... its 100% their fault ... pneumophilla, salmonela, clostidium, trichomonas vaginalis and aureus
Ah yes... But I dont have any of those... I have A.I.D.S... I've had it since I made sweet love to Barry White :( He told me that he was clean but he LIED!!!! LIEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZD!!!!
thx bud
i am tryin to be better and need some clues if you guys say i got potentiel tell me some tricks to get better my throath hurts sometımes and i cant growl while talking at least not for that long
pretty badass man... If I got around to recording any instruments on the PC in the near future, would you mind adding vocals to it?
Hello all!
buds i need help with longer vocal tecqhniques and such also are there any possıbılıty to hasten ur brutal vocals ? cuz can barely sing em and usually do guttural

here some samples please say smthng
Click here to watch brutalvocal
Click here to watch Brutalvocal2
Click here to watch brutalvocal3

ze real Gutfather

Your vocals are very guttural and that is a start, you know how to do it to a certain point. But if you can't enunciate in the growl it's just gurgling and you may as well be in a gore-grind band like Phalagore, where they claim to have lyrics but you need to be deaf to hear them. So keep on working on it, but I'd personally recommend you don't rely on going as deep as possible in favour of being able to form actual words. A good range both ways is the way to go. If you can upload something where you don't just gurgle it would be easier for people to recommend some stuff, though I'm usually the only person that responds:p I fancy myself a decent growler though. haha