Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

Emetic Gore, sounds liek you're making some decent progress on your growls man. The one deep growl towards the end (not the exiting growl, the one before that) sounded pretty cool too
Emetic Gore, sounds liek you're making some decent progress on your growls man. The one deep growl towards the end (not the exiting growl, the one before that) sounded pretty cool too


I should be ahead more but I don't get much time to myself and it's not something to practice when everybody is around haha.

I'm working on recording the song Eaten to give a better idea of how low I can growl but I havent had much time to finish it.
Check this out

Tell me what you all think. It's me playing guitar also.

It may seem like a quick and sudden jump from the intro to the verse but I can't play keyboard so there's no interlude first lol.

And yes my mic is a $5 piece of crap.

Nice job! defenately one of the better ones I have heard in this thread.
(I just finally joined. But I have been keeping tabs on here for some time)
What is really supposed to happen to my throat when I'm just learning to growl? As it is now my throat gets hurt a bit below the speech-part of it. So it doesn't affect my speaking voice at all. There is a light taste of blood but everything goes back to normal after a while (a fairly short while depending on how far I push it). Is it supposed to not hurt AT ALL (which I find to be impossible but a lot of people keep saying, "if it hurts, youre doing ir wrong") or is it supposed to hurt, at the beginning, but that will go away in time. (if this is important I'm learning to growl from Tony Bullards example) I hope anyone can help me, or point me in right direction.

I'm really impressed with all you guys who learnt this art. I just started trying myself 2 days ago, and I can just make short words, with a somewhat growl-ish voice, But I suppose it'll come in due time. I made this short recording of me saying A! B! C! D! E! F! G! H! A! And it doesn't sound like an impossibility for me to growl.
What is really supposed to happen to my throat when I'm just learning to growl? As it is now my throat gets hurt a bit below the speech-part of it. So it doesn't affect my speaking voice at all. There is a light taste of blood but everything goes back to normal after a while (a fairly short while depending on how far I push it). Is it supposed to not hurt AT ALL (which I find to be impossible but a lot of people keep saying, "if it hurts, youre doing ir wrong") or is it supposed to hurt, at the beginning, but that will go away in time. (if this is important I'm learning to growl from Tony Bullards example) I hope anyone can help me, or point me in right direction.

I'm really impressed with all you guys who learnt this art. I just started trying myself 2 days ago, and I can just make short words, with a somewhat growl-ish voice, But I suppose it'll come in due time. I made this short recording of me saying A! B! C! D! E! F! G! H! A! And it doesn't sound like an impossibility for me to growl.

What I found with the Tony Bullard tutorial is that the results from his method almost always ends up with the listened using their throat from his example. He is using the correct method but his way of explaining it still just isn't good enough. I don't think anybody can explain it properly. My throat never hurts after I growl. The only thing that'll happen after time is I become a little 'hoarse'. I beleive I stumbled upon it by accident to be honest. Then again I have messed around with my voice lots. The best advice to have is to figure it out for yourself. That way you wont be copying anybody and you know what works best for you.

Hope that helps a bit
Yes it does, I'll just have to mess around with it a bit then til something pops up. Perhaps there is somewhat a connection from these other ways of using my voice I'm doing. The "slow down your mmm-ing til it cracks up and then keep that sound" Which I could just do for ages without getting sore, at most hoarsiness.. Thanks a lot for the reply and it did indeed help me.
Here is the start to a song I'm kinda working on for the online project goin' Vortex - New Song Start.mp3

Fucked up on the last scream but other than that it was an ok run. Will give a better version later perhaps.

Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated.

Annnnnnnd, does anybody know a good+cheap mic to buy? this one distorts as soon as I growl too loud. Can't get the full range out of my voice :\
Speaking of eaten,
Here is a video of me performing Eaten with a local band called Manifest, recorded 3 days ago:

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