Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

This is what I've recorded so far for my boredom cover of Master's Apprentices. I pretty much learned the song on the fly. I do all of the growls. My friend offered to do the light vocals so I went with it and he did the singing parts, I like to collaborate. Anywho, I just modified my usual growl a bit and opened my throat more, and this is what I got. Any opinions/thoughts?

Holy fuck am I drunk as shit.... Masters Apprentices Cover lo-fi-02.mp3
This is what I've recorded so far for my boredom cover of Master's Apprentices. I pretty much learned the song on the fly. I do all of the growls. My friend offered to do the light vocals so I went with it and he did the singing parts, I like to collaborate. Anywho, I just modified my usual growl a bit and opened my throat more, and this is what I got. Any opinions/thoughts?

I hate you for being so good. Don't know how you do itt

The 'light' vocals I could defenately do without. But your parts were nearly perfect
Delta I loved your other covers but this is my least favorite. I think it would sound better if you did the vocals a little bit lighter if you catch my drift but you still outgrowl everyone else on this forum :)
Hahaha. You guys are probably going to laugh at me, but I was so drunk I honestly do not remember posting that cover. Which is pretty damn amusing to me. Glad you liked it though. I was going to do the singing parts myself but I fucked them up the first time around, and after my friend offered to do them I thought it would be fun. My regular singing voice is a lot different from Mikael anyways. I was more concerned with the growls:p. This shit keeps me in practice until I get a new band together, but I'm fuckin' busy. haha
Errrr... They're not THAT great. And really now, just how drunk are you Emetic? hahaha. I guess that went over a lot better than I expected. :S

To answer sceloporus I am currently not in a band. I was in one that played a sort of Amon Amarth/Bloodbath mix style, but two members are now in Valhal eating bacon. Haha. Band never picked up afterwards.

Soon there shall be another
haha just pissing around, but honestly you're pretty damn good man. You're getting really close to nailing Mikael's style. Testing the limits of my vocals, I can say I wont be able to do that. I can sound alot like Johan from Amon Amarth though. Which is good enough for me ;)
This is the first I've heard of your growls. Their not too shabby, although it was a little distorted:p Some parts sound pretty good, where others you sound a little strained. But not a bad start, much better than some versions I've heard. haha. I dunno if it's because of the song choice but it sounds like you're pushing a little too hard at times and it makes parts sound a little clumsy. I guess my complaint is you have to learn to be a little smoother with your delivery I guess.

By the way... Enjoy. No vocals version. You lose quality but I EQ'd it to sound acceptable. Haunt Departure Vocals Removed.mp3
Thanks for the feedback and I agree that it sounds clumsy but I will try to make a new recording with the version of the song that you made. Lot's of lub! :p

One thing that I noticed is that my growls sounds so weak when I record them. When my band rehearse(?) they dont sound like that. Is it because of the mic?

Btw did you get my PM?
People usually think 'Eh, water will calm it a bit but not fix much' which is not true. Have a glass before you perform and little sips here and there and you wont have a problem at all.

Unless you're singing emo/hardcore music with your throat. WHICH YOU SHOULDN'T BE ANYWAYS
People usually think 'Eh, water will calm it a bit but not fix much' which is not true. Have a glass before you perform and little sips here and there and you wont have a problem at all.

Unless you're singing emo/hardcore music with your throat. WHICH YOU SHOULDN'T BE ANYWAYS
Thanks guys:kickass:....I've been trying to get my growl down for a while...i play guitar for my band and our singer left so I took over...i'm female and have never done death metal vocals before, but I'm getting the hang of it...
Fuck emo/hardcore...I would kill myself before even attempting that...i hate that shit with a passion..
what i found was that while jamming my voice was fine, but when performing my throat would dry out and I would lose my growl. Just an idea for all of you that may also have this problem: I chew gum on stage and my growls are the best I've ever had them live!