Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

I might try a Cry My Name one sometime, I'd have to practice on doing it different ways tho, my normal growls I start running out of air near the end on the longer lines like I steal your soul and cut a hole right where your heart once used to be. I want to start doing some breathing excercises to extent my lung capacity somewhat or something.
Since Cry My Name seems to be a fairly requested song in general I should probably upload it here. All I did was strip the vocals so the quality is lowered but I tried to keep it sounding good enough for a cover. There are certain sections you can still hear Mikael (because of how it was mixed) but they are few. "Cry my name!" part stands out in particular... Anywho, if someone can provide an actual good instrumental that's not just a vocal rip it would be great. I know one existed at one point.. What happened to it?

Anyways, enjoy! 320kbit just for the extra range

Cry My Name Instrumental: My Name Instrumental.mp3

If I get time I may cover it myself for fun. It's been a while since I got a chance to let people nitpick my fuck ups. It's some useful shit
Hey scavneck could you send me that cry my name karaoke version? would be very appreciated.
To your voicework, there isn't much to say really. It's excellent, if you're not in a band, join one you fucker! :D

Yo dude, I'm having trouble uploading it, but it doesn't matter now since Delta posted a 320kbps version of it.
The mic came today, its reallly nice looking. I'm gonna try and run down to the music store today before it closes and pic up a couple nice mic cables. Maybe a pop filter, I might just make one tho, cause you can make them out of a embroidery ring and a pair of nylons.
Cheers for the cry my name Karaoke. I sang to it today, thought the growls themselves were pretty good, but the timing was absolute shit and it can't all have been me. Sometimes you can tell I was too early/late/had no more breath, but especially towards the end it got insane, my "cry my name" was literally 2-3 seconds before it should come, and I'm not THAT bad. Anyone else have that problem? I'm using Audacity. I guess I'll have to record the song bit by bit or something, if I can't figure out what's wrong.
I'm pretty bad at Death/Scream/Black Metal vocals. I can sing clean pretty damn well though. I am getting better. I can make a very evil sounding growl very quietly but it'd need to be mic.ed if I was to ever use it in a band. Does anyone have any tips how I can achieve the same sound loudly?
Sounds decent, esp if you are a beginner. A couple things.. you sound rather dry, you should drink some water. And I'm not sure if its just the dryness but at the end of the lines it sounds like your running out of breath maybe? Oh well, keep practicing, you've got a great start.
Sounds like you are doing something right and something very wrong.. there are actually two sounds coming out, I'm not sure you can handle this kind of growling right now, keep practicing and don't exaggerate.
I appreciate the feedback guys. I can explain the out of breath thing, I'm a pretty big guy and out of shape and don't have a huge lung capacity so thats why it sounds as if I'm running out of breath.

As far as being able to handle the growling, I experience no pain in my throat whatsoever when I do this, and my voice remains perfectly normal when I speak afterwards.

I've only finally figured out this technique about a month ago (after years of being afraid to try for fear of fucking up my throat). So I think I really am off to a good start, and I must admit I kinda impressed myself with it :rock:. Any other feedback is welcome.
alright brand new to ultimatemetal!

i dunno if you can really help me with this, i bet you can, im not going so much for a death metal growl as a classic rock or early metal growl, a la Bon Scott (AC/DC), James Hetfield (Metallica) and Lemmy (Motorhead) to name a few.

Ive been practicing my clean singing for a little while on a variety of songs and styles, and have once or twice attempted to do some form of growling but Ive decided to stop that until I understand the proper technique as my voice hurts like a bitch after 10 minutes of singing like that. I think part of my problem is Im using my vocal cords too much.

Any explanations are very welcome, also a brief explanation on various body parts (diaphram, larynx...) would also be helpful to get me on the same level with the vocabulary.
alright brand new to ultimatemetal!

i dunno if you can really help me with this, i bet you can, im not going so much for a death metal growl as a classic rock or early metal growl, a la Bon Scott (AC/DC), James Hetfield (Metallica) and Lemmy (Motorhead) to name a few.

Ive been practicing my clean singing for a little while on a variety of songs and styles, and have once or twice attempted to do some form of growling but Ive decided to stop that until I understand the proper technique as my voice hurts like a bitch after 10 minutes of singing like that. I think part of my problem is Im using my vocal cords too much.

Any explanations are very welcome, also a brief explanation on various body parts (diaphram, larynx...) would also be helpful to get me on the same level with the vocabulary.

I wouldn't consider what your explaining a growl. Just smoke a pack of Lucky Strikes a day and wash it down with Jack Daniels for a couple years and your voice will sound just like that.