Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

Scav I've finally figured out who your growls remind me of. They remind me of the singer of Between the Buried and Me. Nice voice work btw.
Between the Buried and Me is far from Screamo, although it has many hardcore influences, especially lately. I find them really hard to classify actually, but their material earlier on is pretty decent stuff... Unless you're all grim and trvv and shit. I actually really enjoy a lot of their songs.

Anyways I wouldn't say Scav has the same sound at all for the most part, although he has a really "smooth" type of voice so it's not as growly as some vocalists. BTBAM vocalist also has a sort of smooth growl when he does it, so I guess it's got that in common.
Thats what I mean, the smoothness. Lol I guess Im gr1m cause I really dont like their old stuff, their new cd is alright though. I give them props for trying to move away from being "scene".
haha.. I'm actually making some progressive/doom tunes for fun with a pal of mine singing clean. Sounds pretty good. Could be something, at least a studio project. Playing live is something that will never happen though. I listened to the tune of mine you growled on on my mp3 player on the subway yesterday. That one still rocks my socks :kickass:
haha.. I'm actually making some progressive/doom tunes for fun with a pal of mine singing clean. Sounds pretty good. Could be something, at least a studio project. Playing live is something that will never happen though. I listened to the tune of mine you growled on on my mp3 player on the subway yesterday. That one still rocks my socks :kickass:

hey, of course we should play live! don't chicken out ;D haha
very good bordi

i've been trying to expand my vocals. i can already do my own unique sounding growls and black metal screams but i've been working on doing some mikael style vocals along with some goregrind vocals just for the hell of it. i can also pull off some ahab style vocals (basically my style but pushing as deep as possible)
Alright all, finally got around to using the new mic. My band has a new song on our myspace where I used it, its called Reflection of Torment. We still need to work on sound quality, but it sounds ok. The mic sounded crystal clear just through the digital workstation, but after my guitarist put my vocal track into his computer program it just lost some of its power I think. Nevertheless, it does sound better than the other mic I used before still.
here's a crappy live video of my band. the camera makes my lead guitarist's guitar sound out of tune and there's some mistakes. but, how're the vocals?

nice vocals but why wont your damn bass player face the crowd at least for one second? i think you should fire him
alright brand new to ultimatemetal!

i dunno if you can really help me with this, i bet you can, im not going so much for a death metal growl as a classic rock or early metal growl, a la Bon Scott (AC/DC), James Hetfield (Metallica) and Lemmy (Motorhead) to name a few.

Ive been practicing my clean singing for a little while on a variety of songs and styles, and have once or twice attempted to do some form of growling but Ive decided to stop that until I understand the proper technique as my voice hurts like a bitch after 10 minutes of singing like that. I think part of my problem is Im using my vocal cords too much.

Any explanations are very welcome, also a brief explanation on various body parts (diaphram, larynx...) would also be helpful to get me on the same level with the vocabulary.

I just saw motorhead... that's not something he does for a growled effect. He sounds like that always! Even when he's just talking.
How important is it to sing in key when doing death and black metal vocals?

I have some people telling me that it's just as important as with any other type of vocals, and some people telling me that the notes you sing don't really matter much at all.

What I don't understand is, how can some people get by only being able to growl or scream a small range of notes. For instance, what if someone can only growl notes, say, B through F. What happens if a song is in the key of G or A?

For so many of the big death metal vocalists to get by only using a small range of pitch in their growls, wouldn't key not have to matter?
Emetic I just finished doing drums tonight to the new one, I just put it on youtube for you to listen and see if you want to do anything with it.

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