Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

What can I do if I can't do high growls? I can only do lows and now I'm trying my mid-range but the my highs are very shitty. :( And my "fast growls" are shit too :D (Bastard Son of God is really hard for me...)

I used to listen to them when I was a kid, so today I sang a bit to remember the old times and tough I could make a joke here hah.

Maybe I could take his place and make some money since his throat is fucked :p

I used to listen to them when I was a kid, so today I sang a bit to remember the old times and tough I could make a joke here hah.

Maybe I could take his place and make some money since his throat is fucked :p

I like your sound effects at the end:lol: But seriously you should look for a band/ start one, your voice should not be wasted.
yeah I want to post something new to get a new opinion, but I have a cold and sore throat atm, and waiting for the moneyz to get proper recording shit.
As always you're stuff is pretty damn good Scav. The Slipknot thing made me smile(Although slipknot never really made it to my stereo often). My only complaint is that your voice and Mikael's voice in Treasonous blend together too much. I can hear Mikael's lower register really clear beneath your vocals, which makes it hard to tell what's you and him. Still it's obvious you did a good job, I've always liked how well you know your range and belt out exactly what sounds best for you voice. Too many people don't know how to do that.

Also about that slipknot clip... Literally about 2 weeks ago I started thinking about the old music I used to listen to, and I had (probably far) future plans to record clips from a couple bands I used to like, just to see how far in other directions I could push my vocals. You and I seem to always do the same shit around the same time for some damn reason. Except I am probably out of practice considering I've not had any private space or free time in a good 6 months or so besides one day here, one day there, usually when I'm just waking up and my voice isn't co-operating! Luckily I know it's there, just needs some warming up again

/end rant
Know exactly what you mean Delta, after going a month without growling it probably took me nearly a week to get everything back.

Oh and I've decided to refine the highs a bit, and I'm using Blood On Your Hands by Arch Enemy to do so :)