Another "How to properly growl..." thread.

this one is an inward grunt on a song from trivium. It's the first time i tried one because i'm used to exhale grunting. Tell me what you think of it. On this side you first have to enter a code that's against spamming. And after that you have to w8 for about 50 secs before you can download it.

This is another one (inhale)

and last one is an own made song called OLD with EXhale vocals. This is all recorded with a laptop that can make a bass guitar sound like a trompet, so.. Sry for the bad quality. Here ya go.

Tell me honestly what you think of it and what should be better!!!!
you've got a nice growl, need some articulation though, I don't like inhale vocals, they always sounds too forced and stressed, stick to the normal exhale thing... trivium sucks donkey fart! seriously :erk:
Can anyone recommend a decent microphone for recording? I don't want anything with a stupid price, just something to have some fun with :p
Can anyone recommend a decent microphone for recording? I don't want anything with a stupid price, just something to have some fun with :p

Buy a Sennheiser E 815 that costs around 50 euros or so if you don't want a serious expensive mic but some decent quality.

You prefer them over Shure? I'm going to get the recording stuff soon (for christmas :p) and Scavneck told me to get the Shure 58 I think. Also, there's no microphone that you can use well for recording and performing, right? That doesn't cost 00099993852934535973945374593478957 Euros?
Well it is a condenser mic.. but if it falls down once your FUCKED.

I'm not so sure which is better, Shure or Sennheiser, since you're willing to pay around 100 euros for a microphone, I think you'll do just fine with either brand.

This one should be around 100 dollars, it's a new model and is a condenser microphone in a shape of a dynamic microphone, it's made for stages so it won't brake as easily as a recording condenser microphone.

Interesting. I looked around and that model costs around £450 :p which is about $900 and that's a little outside of my proce range :lol:
However, the E840 has a more attractive price, but again, I don't know anything about mics :lol: what do you think?

Haha, 900? No way give me the link please, when I was reading the specs I did think 100 dollars is too small of a price, I saw an interview at youtube and the Sennheiser dude said the retail price would be around 100 dollars.. wtf.

Edit: Just found him at this site for 458 + 2 accessories -

Edit pt.2: 499 Euros at -
The best mid-range sennheiser mic is the e865. It costs about the same as a Shure SM-58 last I checked, which was about $110-$125. Overall I think it's a better mic than most of it's direct contenders in that market range. Although that really comes down to your preference.

The e965 Scavneck was refering to is in the next series(the e900's) in their lineup. They are the higher end dynamic mics, so it's more expensive.
The Shure SM58 sounds pretty good, and the price isn't bad either :) I'm stil gonna look around but if I can't find naything better the SM58 will probably win :p