Bands Like Katatonia

Don't remember if I mentioned them before in this thread, I think I did actually, but I'll do it again:

I'm totally encapsuled by their album "Offshore" recently. It's a short album unfortunately, some 37 minutes, but oh so beautiful, soooo emotional, sooooo subtle, sooooooo atmospheric! It keeps me coming back for more.

The sounds bears obvious similarities to Katatonia, Jonas' vocals would fit them perfectly! And vice versa. Subtle evoking guitartones, keyboard soundscapes that make you drift away, warm bass playing. Simple, but incredibly subtle and effective drums rhythms all add up to this beautiful journey. It's one of those albums you must listen lying down with your eyes closed and your headphones on and just drift away... hmmmmmm....

You MUST try and get hold of some samples of this album, you cannot afford to miss it, I tell you!

There's one song ("Sans Revival") from the album on their myspace:

Try and find the song "Return of the Native", there is no way any Katatonia fan will not be moved to tears by it.
So, what about it??!!
So, what about it??!!

To be honest, it is a little too boring for me at this time. It has a nice mood though. Maybe I should listen it some more, it quite hard for me to get into this kind of music. All these bands sound a bit a like to me (I know you won't agree with me hehe), but that is maybe because I never really explored these very soft kind of bands. Maybe I should, it seems like something I could highly appreciate. Thanks for the link.
Never mention Pantera and Katatonia in the same post again...or even attempt to compare them. Katatonia is a truly special band...Pantera are a bunch of drunk red necks that ripped off an awesome Thrash band.
Midwest Metal: Now onto EXHORDER. Not to stir up any tried-and-true bullshit here, but there's been a legend approaching 20 years that PANTERA deliberately ripped off EXHORDER. Your vocal style was an obvious influence on Phil Anselmo in the early '90s, and there are even old-school pictures of Anselmo proudly wearing an EXHORDER T-shirt. Perhaps it's time to shitcan this legend, or instill truth to it. Would you defend the claim that PANTERA deliberately ripped off EXHORDER in order to survive the passing of the glam-rock trend, or argue that PANTERA were slightly influenced by EXHORDER's style and simply mixed it together with the late Dimebag Darrell's incredible guitar playing?

Kyle Thomas: The thing I hate the most of this topic is just how handcuffed we are to their success. Did they rip us off? Possibly. Was it deliberate? Maybe. Were they influenced by us? Definitely. Did they work a helluva lot harder than we did? Absolutely. Case closed.
Midwest Metal: Now onto EXHORDER. Not to stir up any tried-and-true bullshit here, but there's been a legend approaching 20 years that PANTERA deliberately ripped off EXHORDER. Your vocal style was an obvious influence on Phil Anselmo in the early '90s, and there are even old-school pictures of Anselmo proudly wearing an EXHORDER T-shirt. Perhaps it's time to shitcan this legend, or instill truth to it. Would you defend the claim that PANTERA deliberately ripped off EXHORDER in order to survive the passing of the glam-rock trend, or argue that PANTERA were slightly influenced by EXHORDER's style and simply mixed it together with the late Dimebag Darrell's incredible guitar playing?

Kyle Thomas: The thing I hate the most of this topic is just how handcuffed we are to their success. Did they rip us off? Possibly. Was it deliberate? Maybe. Were they influenced by us? Definitely. Did they work a helluva lot harder than we did? Absolutely. Case closed.
Thanx for posting this.
Kyle seems like a stand-up dude with WAY more integrity then Phil.