COB start writing new album

Стас Проклятый;11005604 said:
Sany, I think that this is an old picture since the last session. Alex in this photo is not a new tattoo as well as in the photo had whiskers, and now he does not.

Ohh, could be possible :D
That picture is at least 5 weeks old. It could be from the demo sessions in late winter. Anyways, album is now recorded. Let's see how it is.
At least we have this moment of hope left now, until they probably squash our final wish of another cult Bodom album. We can still daydream this once that tomorrow they present an album that's as great as the blue and green one.
The whole band seems so uninspired about this album, there are no updates really. By this time for Halo Of Blood we heard snippets of Transference, Halo Of Blood, we had Roope saying there is a lot of Burzum/black metal influences, blahblah...all we see now is just few pictures of bad attempts from the band to create atmospheric environment for the recordings...

So this does not give much hope this album will be great. They should continue what they did on Halo Of Blood, which wasn't perfect album, but it was step in right direction. Oldschool riffs, melodic choruses and those damn orchestral hits.
The short samples are kind of... you can find a great 15 second clip from anywhere, and then the stupid fans get all excited and wet, like "they're hiding an epic album"... the bands love that proud feeling... until the fans find out the sample was the cherry on the cake... remember Shovel Knockout fragments? But yeah, the new soundworld is always interesting to hear.
It'll be interesting because we have different priorities in new COB music, as long as it's filled with awesome riffs I'll be happy!
Maybe the slow updates is good. The previous albums they always pushed a certain theme so maybe they're just doing what they should be doing which is just write whatever is natural and not try to be "dark" or whatever.
Maybe the slow updates is good. The previous albums they always pushed a certain theme so maybe they're just doing what they should be doing which is just write whatever is natural and not try to be "dark" or whatever.

Yeah I really have no idea what to expect
Actually fuck the new album, where's my Bananarama with Jeff Waters? :mad: