COB start writing new album

That was me. I told you that awhile back. like back when I was vivebodom (late summer and fall last year). and before that when I was Katelyn (like more than an entire year ago). I keep getting banned for trying to get it all out at once, but y'all don't appreciate my efforts so I stopped telling you things. :lol:

Actually it was Joonas. I've also seen the interview because I knew there'd be 2 new Bodom songs on the new album and Joonas said there'd be 5.
Alexi said they'll put 5 Bodom-titles on the next album, because fans were disappointed :lol: But when he got serious he said there'd be 2, or something like this. Who cares, the important thing is the music and the atmosphere and theme... just because they title Bodom into a song doesn't mean it's a return to the old form. I'd certainly love the whole Lake / Reaper -theme back, it's very creative. Then add some industrial elements into the music, more atmosphere etc, just different soundworld altogether. The RRF soundworld is just something that doesn't fit this theme.
whatever. Joonas can have credit- all the credit he wants. Clearly, Joonas is super intelligent- a positive candidate for brain drain. Hell, maybe I should try to buy him over to my team. He's brahmin right? So what about this serious infection Alexi has got? Can you give us the scoop on that Joonas?

Did y'all hear about the discovery of a Higgs boson-like particle? now THAT is exciting.
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The last thread of 'writing a new album' which was RRF's ,reached to 5,948 posts
And I'm wondering if this one will pass it,what do you think ?
Ah man next year's autumn is miles away. My thoughts cannot even carry this far. I reject any thoughts of this new album now. It could be they first enter a studio to record some demos, and then re-enter studio next spring to record the album. This was my guess since the start. I feel Alexi is not ready to just fart out an album again and be all done after this Fall. Then again we'll see. It's not so much that I'm anxious about it, more like I'm interested to see if they have taken any of the cool advice shared here or if they make another below-standard Bodom album. I'm concerned over their lack of ideas. You just need enthusiasm and creativity, then the ideas will follow.
I'm concerned over their lack of ideas. You just need enthusiasm and creativity, then the ideas will follow.
Were they with ideas when they entered to record (or five months before the recording of) FTR, HCDR, AYDY, BD and RRF?
I think the guys just record what they're feeling at the moment, with no premeditation.
Were they with ideas when they entered to record (or five months before the recording of) FTR, HCDR, AYDY, BD and RRF?
I think the guys just record what they're feeling at the moment, with no premeditation.

I concur. And I think this goes for the big majority of all bands.
Of course some bands goes thinking that they're gonna write something in some direction or vein but that's about it.
The COB albums have always been more or less inspired by Alexi's personal experiences. Difference is they used to be in a more symbolic form on the past records. Last album's theme was "relentless reckless forever". What new has happened to Alexi since then? A girlfriend and a command from the doctor to fix his wild ways if he wants to live, sort of eclipsing the "promise" of the last album.

What could possibly be an interesting theme for the next album? Will it be inspired by something else than Alexi's 2010-2012 events? Maybe it should just be inspired by cool metal music and adopt the iconic lake/reaper artistic theme back.
The new album will have an artwork with the Reaper dressed as a doctor and the main theme will be the point of view of Alexi watching death at every corner (?)
The COB albums have always been more or less inspired by Alexi's personal experiences. Difference is they used to be in a more symbolic form on the past records. Last album's theme was "relentless reckless forever". What new has happened to Alexi since then? A girlfriend and a command from the doctor to fix his wild ways if he wants to live, sort of eclipsing the "promise" of the last album.

What could possibly be an interesting theme for the next album? Will it be inspired by something else than Alexi's 2010-2012 events? Maybe it should just be inspired by cool metal music and adopt the iconic lake/reaper artistic theme back.

Difference is they used to write their own stuff instead of getting it ready made and pretending it is theirs pretending they care. What they need to do is really care again. And that means more than a little medical scare is going to have to happen. There needs to be a psychic change...
So, new album scheduled before the next summer, acording to the last interview.

I'm having a hunch with may-june being the date.
So, new album scheduled before the next summer, acording to the last interview.

I'm having a hunch with may-june being the date.

That is wedding season! Mutran what do you know? Elaborate on this hunch!
I hope Nuclear Blast can steer the music back to the roots.

I hope that too. More melodies, and some style change and it'll be awesome.

Also, Joonas. I remember a few weeks ago someone asked you what you think about Something Wild, and now I'll ask you: What do you think about IneartheD?

In my opinion, they have some good parts (Especially intro of "Talk to the Trees" They should use it in some song, like they did in the past) and I just like the progressiveness of it, and the speed.
I'd like more lead-orientation instead of technical riffing. It doesn't have to be ice cream melodies, I'd love heavy riffing that's moody and "melodic". There's great elements in this music and it's all about the proper way of using them. On top of the talent there needs to be drive, passion, anger and atmosphere and stuff.

The melodies are somehow eerily depressing, even the beautiful Homeland melody. Maybe it's somekind of nostalgia from the times I listened to it. It's a long time since I listened to them. Some great stuff in Talking of the Trees (whole song) and Translucent Image (parts of the song and the Intro). Too inexperienced otherwise. Talking of the Trees is too far from Bodom's style to be used.

The chorus guitar of Translucent Image was used in Sinergy's Beware the Heavens, but I think they should use this fast keyboard section in a song on the new COB album, as it's one of the better ideas they ever had and would surely spice up an aggressive COB track:

1:30 - 1:50

Use it in a transition between intro and first verse, and in the transition between 1st chorus and the following verse and maybe third time later in the song. Just another crazy Joonas-idea if you want to make another headbanger hit song... we all want COB to make an album that's powerfully catchy world-class death metal that throws in genious keyboard ideas.

I like the way the third one descends to this nice guitar solo (from 3:00 on). This is also nice example of how a melodic idea on a solo makes it more delicious, altough this feels so out of context in the song but that's due to the inexperience.

Talking of the Trees is the best Inearthed track and it was remade for Something Wild but it didn't turn out well or didn't fit the style so it wasn't included. So technically SW was intended to have 8 songs I guess. Maybe if the record isn't destroyed they'll one day let it out online.
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There is a big difference in vocal style there. Would you say that plays an important role Joonas? I agree there was a big change in solo styling with RRF. The melody barely takes part- it's like a breakdown of a counterpart to the melody. Provided of course that you can find a real melody in any of the songs. And definitely too bluesy in that way to really sell in today's metal environment. Definitely RRF is lacking in good melodic composition. It is more like a study or exercise- a series of etudes if you will allow that phraseology- you are correct that it is more technical than melodic.
That is wedding season! Mutran what do you know? Elaborate on this hunch!

It's just a hunch and a bit of common sense. I mean:
Autumm = Rehearsing the new songs and do some demos. (+ two gigs)
December - mid/late february = Recording.
March = Mixing and mastering.
And finally april to june will be like early 2011 with snippets of the new songs (like that 1:30 of Shovel K.), cover artwork, tracklist, album title and single.

Anyone shares the same as me?