COB start writing new album

Who needs ten crap songs? What you need is at least one or two great songs. A full album of great art? That's another thing. Not unless Alexi went through a complete brainwash since RRF. So far there's really nothing being said, other than Jaska claiming the tracks to be dark. I'd like Bodom to be known of its melodies again instead of thrashy riffing.

I think I have a tendency to sense what's going on (I was right about the last albums too) and it looks like the band is working on an album that sounds more interesting than RRF but isn't the level of songwriting they were hoping for or they're still trying to do something mega. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's better than RRF... unless Alexi goes completely mad and starts copying Slayer and crappy American rock bands for real, abandoning the essence of melodic death metal. Let's see. I hope it's something melodic and dark, with interesting riffing and epic solos, that's all.
Henkka, Mobile Backstage :)

If COB are to follow the current trend set by bands like In Flames, The 69 Eyes, Cradle of Filth, they will go to a darker and more original sound, but remain lacking in melodies and musical creativity. We shall see. Somehow I know exactly what kind of album they're working on... I'd be surprised if they actually had creative songs with fast leads and melodies and a fresh album anyway. I think it will sound black again after the thrashy RRF, but there will be not much radical about it. Please prove me wrong. I want to hear some epic songs with an interesting soundworld, cool riffing and fantastic melodies and solo moments that slay the competing bands.
Arcane first of all calm down ? and please don't use caps lock it doesn't help you in anyway and just skip Joonas's posts,Some people do care about what he thinks or wants so please .. :)

Back to topic now , i'd really like a leak of some material like we had two years ago with SK :)
and Sleeper thanks for the update!
I still haven't fully expressed my disappointment on the god-awful Relentless Reckless Forever. It's so wrong I sacrificed time worth of over a thousand posts discussing that album during its birth process and it ended up being a pile of thrashy emotionless pseudo-metal with very little enjoyable material for the listener, songs that are comprised of parts that don't gel together and feel purposeless, solos that are there just cos there needs to be some shredding, and vocals that have long ago forgotten the purpose of rough vocals is to express anger and not to be there cos Alexi doesn't want to sing clear. That album is like a COB parody walking on the face of the planet.

I really fucking hope the band are currently redeeming themselves and putting together material that's full of memorable riffs and epic melodies and is done like this genre is supposed to be done, cos it's very sad to have witnessed the withering of such metal craft. I know Alexi can do better, maybe he's just been too stressed or busy doing the last albums.
I still haven't fully expressed my disappointment on the god-awful Relentless Reckless Forever. It's so wrong I sacrificed time worth of over a thousand posts discussing that album during its birth process and it ended up being a pile of thrashy emotionless pseudo-metal with very little enjoyable material for the listener, songs that are comprised of parts that don't gel together and feel purposeless, solos that are there just cos there needs to be some shredding, and vocals that have long ago forgotten the purpose of rough vocals is to express anger and not to be there cos Alexi doesn't want to sing clear. That album is like a COB parody walking on the face of the planet.

I really fucking hope the band are currently redeeming themselves and putting together material that's full of memorable riffs and epic melodies and is done like this genre is supposed to be done, cos it's very sad to have witnessed the withering of such metal craft. I know Alexi can do better, maybe he's just been too stressed or busy doing the last albums.

FOR FUCK SAKE! How is that even possible!? I mean, I've been cruising around here for like 4 years or so. And in the last 1.5 yrs of that period- I've just seen plain whiny bullcrap from you. To be honest, I don't admire the RRF ether- But to see your ASSGAYBRINGBACKTHEEPICSWHENALEXIWASSUICIDAL-posts on and on and on is just making me sick of even discussing COB.
Atmosphere^9999 [/(___joonas___)]

By the way, a grown man uses brackets in his username? What are those supposed to represent? Your enormous ass? And in the middle, at the place of asshole, is your name? Maybe it represents where your posts are actually coming from.

They are supposed to represent scythes. And he uses them because he is THE KVLT ORIGINAL COB FAN

Also this:
No wait... the last time I checked this was a forum for discussion. I'm discussing, you're not, so gtfo. Simple. You still enjoy reading my posts, cos you're still here and there's nothing else to read! Now get a life or start adding to the discussion or buy a rocket and shoot yourself to the moon. This is like a cycle, it always comes back to this.
No wait... the last time I checked this was a forum for discussion. I'm discussing, you're not, so gtfo. Simple. You still enjoy reading my posts, cos you're still here and there's nothing else to read! Now get a life or start adding to the discussion or buy a rocket and shoot yourself to the moon. This is like a cycle, it always comes back to this.

No, you shut up. We'll buy a rocket and shoot you to the moon on New Year's Eve. WHO'S WITH ME?!?!? Arcane? Emnity?
No wait... the last time I checked this was a forum for discussion. I'm discussing, you're not, so gtfo. Simple. You still enjoy reading my posts, cos you're still here and there's nothing else to read! Now get a life or start adding to the discussion or buy a rocket and shoot yourself to the moon. This is like a cycle, it always comes back to this.

who the fuck enjoys reading your faggy posts about trees and atmospheres surrounding your shitbrain 300000 times? lolol damn dude we already got it, but alexi wont ever read whatever the fuck you say, he has so much better to do than give attention to a little justin bieber hardcore fan a like of alexi like you. you should kill yourself your life doesnt make sense to you now with the truth told, alexi wont ever make albuns about trees like you wanted anymore!!
Little bitches acting tough on internet.

No, you shut up. We'll buy a rocket and shoot you to the moon on New Year's Eve. WHO'S WITH ME?!?!? Arcane? Emnity?

"Group force!! Can't do it on my own"...

How did I ever bear with you angry little COB fans all these years...
Little bitches acting tough on internet.

"Group force!! Can't do it on my own"...

How did I ever bear with you angry little COB fans all these years...

The question is, how did we bear with you "mr.repeat"?

Just because we all share the opinion that old bodom was the best bodom, dosen't mean you have to talk about the same thing in different threads, on or off topic.

Your trees, lakes and atmosphere shit is getting veeeery old now, it is time for you to either write about something else or not write at all.

Annoying is just the foreword when it comes to you.
I love epic melodies... 2:40 - 3:07

If Alexi created just one epic melody like this for each song and maybe had the darkest and tightest guitar sound yet, it could make a characteristic and interesting album. They have slid too far from the epic melody tendency of the past. Melodies that remain humming in your head, and an actually dark soundworld would make a paradise for the ears.

In this clip you can also hear some interesting drumming, which is something Bodom could do more for sure, but it appears they're definitely guitar riff driven since the last ten years.
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I love epic melodies... 2:40 - 3:07

If Alexi created just one epic melody like this for each song and maybe had the darkest and tightest guitar sound yet, it could make a characteristic and interesting album. They have slid too far from the epic melody tendency of the past. Melodies that remain humming in your head, and an actually dark soundworld would make a paradise for the ears.

If Alexi made something as boring as Swallow The Sun, I wouldn't keep buying his CD's. And that's not epic, that's just harmony. :wave:
Go to their profile and add to ignore list.

I for one always enjoyed reading your opinions. I pretty much left the forum after RRF came out (it sucked), but now I'm hopeful yet again...