COB start writing new album

What, you think I've been hearing keys on the album version chorus?

I know that because you've said it more than one time! And if you deny that, you will lose even the rest bit of respect I had for you.

I think a few members here - like iPot - can tell you the same. You DID say MORE than one time that you find it kind of a shame (or something else) that the keys during the AYDY chrous are to quiet and not loud enough.
> implying you think there are keys during the chorus.
Ok then. I'm hoping to see a new COB TV episode or sommething!

Yeah, if they release something, I really hope it's a COB TV episode since those have been pretty funny. It would be even better if they did a video series from the studio, like In flames did for their CD last year.
Yes! I always hated those COBHC branded basses he used.
Maybe it's just best they focus on actually making good art this time and forget about COBTV episodes that try to portrait their manliness, funniness, alcoholism and musicianship at the same time, cos they just simply don't work together.

I'd like to know how much is Alexi responsible for the material these times. Is he coming to the rehearsal room with full song ideas, or is he just bringing riffs and they start jamming together... Cos it's impossible to write something emotional or deep when your band mates are present, the creativity is a sensitive animal that needs to be tickled awake in silence. The last albums they've done demos for five songs first... then does Alexi go to his room or cottage again to compose four more songs, or is there band co-operation. It should be the vision of one mind, unless the band members have some really good ideas that gel with the vision.
You need more sleep. I rhetorically asked does Alexi start composing the rest of the songs only when they have demoed the first five. A question is not a fact. I remember Blooddrunk and RRF they did the same thing.
Alexi just called me and said he's writing a sequel to Kissing the Shadows, but Janne was laughing in the background so I think he was pulling my leg.
^ bah c'est toujours comme ça , but we will have soon as they will finish all of the nine songs or even ten ? not including the cover which is probably lame again :(
To be honest, I don't care about any news as long as the album sounds good when finished. I do more prefer less news than too much. Usually things turn out better when you don't have that much information about a thing.
To be honest, I don't care about any news as long as the album sounds good when finished. I do more prefer less news than too much. Usually things turn out better when you don't have that much information about a thing.

I like it that way as well. You don't sit waiting and waiting for the album, you even forget it because there's not much news about it, and all of a sudden a lot of time has passed and you haven't even thought about the album.
And I mean, it's gonna be AT LEAST 6-7 months until the album arrives, so we won't probably hear much news at all for the coming months except maybe booking of a studio, scheduled release dates...w/e. I don't understand why people all of a sudden expect a lot of album news just because COB said they are starting a little bit of pre-production.
There's still no news so... maybe they've not composed a hit song yet. All they gotta do is write a Turkish melody, lay it over some Satanic riffing and make the best effort in vocals and keyboards, then make melodic solos over some catchy riffing. Only FTR as album proficiently used the keyboards, after FTR they served a very important role in Blooddrunk. I think they should hire a proper guy for producer that worked in melodic black metal projects.

They even put the Chinese melody to Northpole Throwdown which I coincidentally suggested as joke... But Turkish melodies are inspiring, just start youtubing... this one maybe not the best example, but why not use something like it for the next COB ballad... and they worked nice for SKO too.
