If they do a Black Metal record, it's going to be melodic. I just can't see COB doing raw, old school black metal. Even the low fi sounds of IneartheD stay in melodic territory.
Do you think playing Deadnight Warrior and(at least contemplating) playing Touch/Angel has made them look more favorably on Something Wild? I saw a magazine interview here where Alexi stated he like the young ambition on that album, or something on the lines of that.
I actually hated Blooddrunk when it came out, but recently bought it. I think most of my hate towards the album was from listening to other people put it down. I love the angry, self descructive vibe, the sloppy buzzsaw guitars, and Janne's keyboard tone.i dont understand why nobody like blooddrunk n rrf, i love their old albums, but blooddrunk was pretty cool, very different but very cool, same with rrf, they r growing musically their taste is changing.....imagine how many times they had to play their songs, of course they get tired of this genre they try to make smth else....they change thats how it supposed to be. i love their first album, hatebreeder is my favorite, but i also love blooddrunk, id probably put it on the second place. if u dont like them now, u can just stop listening to them, its pretty easy?! nobody is making u listen to them or check their updated or be on their forum.
But this stuff is not manifesting the true potential of the band. There needs to be more darkness, more epic leads, better vocals, cooler riffing, revolutionary keyboard scenes, slaying solos... a vision and a theme.
Blooddrunk and RRF are just different. When you compare them with the earlier work, yes they are bad. But individually they actually are pretty awesome in their own way.