I know it's stupid, but besides the COBTV, I hope Alexi remembers to include two Bodom related titles and "restores the balance of the force"
Looks like Petrax, from Jaska's most recent photo
I'd think so, but for once....
Feels so weird COB is in studio again recording a new album, cos there's been minimal talk about it.
...see? I can agree with you sometimes. They've indeed been secretive as fuck, we don't even know where they're recording and if they're going to have a producer or not.
For RRF they had an amazing intro track but they didn't include it. I think it would have set unrealistic expectations for the songs. Also it's not COB's style to release tracks that are not actual songs. I wouldn't mind an intro if the album is legendary, but I suppose this album will be the closest to Blooddrunk, cos that's where they left off before hiring a producer that manipulated their sound.
Wasn't the intro originally suposed to be part of NMF but then cut out because it was too long and they didn't want to start the album with over a minute of intro? I think I remember them saying something on that lines. And if I'm not mistaken it was indeed recorded and it's the intro they use before NMF when they open the gigs with it.
No honestly, if this one blows too, I'll give up.
Don't write checks that you can't cash
So if they record rhythm and bass before lead guitars you can assume they set more priority to heavy riffing than melodic leads?
Drums is always first, and usually it goes bass->rythm guitar->keys->melodies/leads-vocals->backing vocals. But bass can come almost last (like iirc it did in either BD or RRF) or keys straight after drums or whatever. But very rarely do melodies come before rythm guitars, which leads me to...
Ok. I hope he composes the leads before the rhythms at least, but lately I'm not so sure.
...it may happen in 5% of the cases tops, but most of the time it's either all together or just the vibe. Before he may have used to do that (if you look behind it the backing to many leads in the earlier albums are just long powerchords/simple chord riffing, which does come after writing the melody, but lately he actually writes riffs that can stand by themselves and I guess melodies come later, because to back up a melody with a complex riff is much harder than to have the riff first and then see what fits and inspires you, at least that's how I see it.