COB start writing new album

I made some questions...

Alexi, would you like to try orienting COB's music to more atmospheric direction again with more lead-melodies?

Alexi, how high do you concider atmosphere and feeling as priority in writing new COB music, as opposed to technical riffing?

Alexi, do you think your singing abilities have changed since the Hatebreeder times, have you purposefully changed your vocals or have your vocal chords worn out?

Alexi, would you like to lay the Lake/Reaper theme for an album artwork again? Are you aware many fans miss it, as it was an important part of what created COB a cult in the past?

Can you reveal what songs did you also concider as singles and album openers on the past albums?

Alexi, you've stated you'd no longer make albums like Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper, saying you don't want to return to neo-classical riffing, but what are the good elements of those albums in your opinion?

Alexi, would you ever concider playing Hatebreeder live again, or Taste of My Scythe?
they may try verbally to convince an artist to head to some desired direction, but what are they gonna do, the music is a fine art and it becomes shit if you have to think about making a crossbreed between what comes from the heart and what somebody else wants.

Oh the irony...
Look, I don't mean to pick a fight, but this what most of your comments that I've seen consists of.
And I do agree, the artist should be able to keep his integrity whilst creating music.
The label wants to see profit so they want an album to be commercially pleasing. CoB's last albums all sold really well, so as far as the label is concerned, they shouldn't change anything.
I hope that since they are at a point where money isn't the biggest concern for the band any more, they have more to say musically.

That and I think if they went oldschool (which they won't. Not fully at least) they'll regain a lot of old fans and won't lose that many 'blooddrunk fans' for the lack of a better word.
The record labels are there to make business. They don't give a shit whether the bands that signed for them make "true metal" or "commercial metal", they just want the fucking cash to buy a house and car to their family. You'd suspect they do everything they can to achieve it, even if it's not much. I don't know, it's just a suspicion. Giving "ideas" is one thing, however, I'm sure if someone tried walking over Alexi, he'd change labels asap. Only bands who don't really take their own music so fucking seriously and to the heart, could make it commercial. That's what goes on in the pop-world, in fact people who are into the pop-scene say "of course bands sell-out when they first break through". Metal scene is quite different as many of the artists live and breathe their own material, even their songs tell of their own near-death experiences.
Anyway, the label approved the new record i strongly assume, so no point dragging them into this :p

You completely missed the point... but nevermind, this has been discussed before and I don't care, what's done is done, I just hope the new album is great.
I don't understand how anyone in their right mind would conceive ANY of the Hypocrisy albums as any bit commercial sounding. I think it's more of a myth that labels control the music. And to go more OT I think A Taste of Extreme Divinity easily blows away every other album in his discography.

contracts can at least cause stuff like being banned from giving interviews for a certain time or restrictions when it comes to gigs. and if a band's music stops selling well they might get advice on how to rearrange their stuff to get back in the public's eyes/hears ;)

That's what goes on in the pop-world, in fact people who are into the pop-scene say "of course bands sell-out when they first break through". Metal scene is quite different as many of the artists live and breathe their own material, even their songs tell of their own near-death experiences.

"George Michael has told fans that he intends to open up about his near-death experience through a new song.

The singer has written new track 'White Light' following his battle against pneumonia in Vienna last year, when doctors spent three weeks keeping him alive."
I made some questions...

Alexi, would you like to try orienting COB's music to more atmospheric direction again with more lead-melodies?

Alexi, how high do you concider atmosphere and feeling as priority in writing new COB music, as opposed to technical riffing?

Alexi, do you think your singing abilities have changed since the Hatebreeder times, have you purposefully changed your vocals or have your vocal chords worn out?

Alexi, would you like to lay the Lake/Reaper theme for an album artwork again? Are you aware many fans miss it, as it was an important part of what created COB a cult in the past?

Can you reveal what songs did you also concider as singles and album openers on the past albums?

Alexi, you've stated you'd no longer make albums like Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper, saying you don't want to return to neo-classical riffing, but what are the good elements of those albums in your opinion?

Alexi, would you ever concider playing Hatebreeder live again, or Taste of My Scythe?

They gonna laugh their ass off after they finished reading the whole thing. Anyways great questions, but they wont gonna answer it...(or if they do i would be really surprised)
I made some questions...

Alexi, would you like to try orienting COB's music to more atmospheric direction again with more lead-melodies?

Alexi, how high do you concider atmosphere and feeling as priority in writing new COB music, as opposed to technical riffing?

Alexi, do you think your singing abilities have changed since the Hatebreeder times, have you purposefully changed your vocals or have your vocal chords worn out?

Alexi, would you like to lay the Lake/Reaper theme for an album artwork again? Are you aware many fans miss it, as it was an important part of what created COB a cult in the past?

Can you reveal what songs did you also concider as singles and album openers on the past albums?

Alexi, you've stated you'd no longer make albums like Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper, saying you don't want to return to neo-classical riffing, but what are the good elements of those albums in your opinion?

Alexi, would you ever concider playing Hatebreeder live again, or Taste of My Scythe?

I actually think these are great questions. Ones I wish I'd thought of to ask. They've got depth and it would really make them think and reflect. All I asked was for them to release the title of the new album lol.

I'm gonna have to agree with the poster above me that they'll probably laugh their ass off after reading those though, and they honestly might not answer those. They've definitely changed, musically and I'm thinking in terms of personality as well. They'll probably answer the simple stupid questions's sad but I don't feel there's a big chance of your questions being answered...
I made some questions...

Alexi, would you like to try orienting COB's music to more atmospheric direction again with more lead-melodies?

Alexi, how high do you concider atmosphere and feeling as priority in writing new COB music, as opposed to technical riffing?

Alexi, do you think your singing abilities have changed since the Hatebreeder times, have you purposefully changed your vocals or have your vocal chords worn out?

Alexi, would you like to lay the Lake/Reaper theme for an album artwork again? Are you aware many fans miss it, as it was an important part of what created COB a cult in the past?

Can you reveal what songs did you also concider as singles and album openers on the past albums?

Alexi, you've stated you'd no longer make albums like Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper, saying you don't want to return to neo-classical riffing, but what are the good elements of those albums in your opinion?

Alexi, would you ever concider playing Hatebreeder live again, or Taste of My Scythe?

post your question on COBHC Mobile Backstage, henkka will interview Alexi this friday with the questions of the fans
I did. Been a fan since 2000, visited 11 gigs, and written 7000 in-depth posts so don't you think it's about the fucking time Alexi answers ONE of my guestions.
I hope he will answer because these are good questions.
(7000 in depth post, made my day thanks Joonas :D lol I'm still smiling like a retard)
Any ideas when the answers come if they come? Really hope Joonas' posts get answered. My question was kinda similar but not quite as clear on what I want them to do. (Does the new album have more or less melodies than RRF)
Henkka's Mobile Backstage interview with Jaska, posted 4 January 2013

H: The drums for this album are harder than the others. How is it?
J: There are several new tricks that have been quite tricky to play ... maybe some longer bass drums parts or some new or fast blast beats ... i think it's fast ...

H: Most enjoyable song you have ever recorded?
J: I like them all; I like everything I usually record, but on this new album there is one song I hated to play, but I made it!

H: Do you get sweaty in the studio?
J: Yes. A lot!

H: What's your opinion about the new album, and the sound? Is it a mix between your experience and your past albums?
J: Erm, yeah, i think so ... songs so far I found them quite nice.

H: Do you have to keep up with your condition, or does the drumming do it naturally for you?
J: Both. I do some exercise but, you know, I play so much live, so I think that's good exercise for me.

H: Anything really groovy coming into the mix this time, or is it all just straight-up, hard, pounding metal?
J: Groovy? Yes. Yes.

H: Are you working on a drum solo for the upcoming tour?
J: Can't tell

H: What bands or albums do you listen to, to get inspiration?
J: I listen to classical music a lot; some old-school death metal, maybe some old-school black metal?

H: If you ever had to miss a show, which drummer would you prefer to play your set?
J: Kai Hato, from Wintersun

H: Any rituals you do, each time you go in the studio?
J: Not really

H: What do you think about Pantera?
J: I like the music, but I never was a big fan.

H: What's your favourite track on the new album?
J: Well, there's this one song, where there is lots of blast beats, and it's something new for us.

H: Is this your best work yet?
J: Well, I guess there is lots of new stuff ... I was actually surprised that I came out with new ideas.

H: Are you going to cover any songs? If you do, which songs will they be?
J: Yes, we're gonna do some covers, but we don't know yet.

H: Will you be touring India on a regular basis?
J: I hope so. I hope there is a least one show on the next tour.

H: What about Norway?
J: That too. I hope we will come there and play a show.

H: If you were not the drummer of COB, or any other band, what would you see yourself doing as a profession?
J: I don't know. Maybe I would like to do something with my hands ... maybe a carpenter.

H: Will the new album have the typical 9 songs?
J: I can't answer

H: The name of the album?
J: I can't answer that question either.

H: How has your drumming style changed through the years, from Something Wild?
J: Maybe it makes more sense.

H: Is the new album more like the recent stuff, like Relentless, or more like classical elements, like Hatebreeder?
J: No and yes. There is some old-school COB ...

H: Will there be a Bodom-story song?
J: I think we discussed about that, and I guess there might be one.

H: What do you think about other Finnis bands?
J: Good quality

H: What's the album gonna be called, and when is it gonna come out?
J: I don't know the title yet. It's coming out in May.

H: Are you using a new drum-kit for the new album?
J: No

H: Which part of the recording sessions did you enjoy the most?
J: Well, today was a really nice day. I'm almost finished; there is one song left, and then I will have a holiday.

H: Is there gonna be a European tour in 2013?
J: Yes

H: What is your favourite song to play live?
J: I like In Your Face a lot.

H: When is COBtv part 4 coming out?
J: Hopefully during this studio session, but I guess when we have enough material.

H: Anything new in terms of music which sets the coming album apart from the rest?
J: Cool mix of old COB and ... can't tell anything precisely ...

H: That's all
J: Thank you