Followed the Reaper
I made some questions...
Alexi, would you like to try orienting COB's music to more atmospheric direction again with more lead-melodies?
Alexi, how high do you concider atmosphere and feeling as priority in writing new COB music, as opposed to technical riffing?
Alexi, do you think your singing abilities have changed since the Hatebreeder times, have you purposefully changed your vocals or have your vocal chords worn out?
Alexi, would you like to lay the Lake/Reaper theme for an album artwork again? Are you aware many fans miss it, as it was an important part of what created COB a cult in the past?
Can you reveal what songs did you also concider as singles and album openers on the past albums?
Alexi, you've stated you'd no longer make albums like Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper, saying you don't want to return to neo-classical riffing, but what are the good elements of those albums in your opinion?
Alexi, would you ever concider playing Hatebreeder live again, or Taste of My Scythe?
Alexi, would you like to try orienting COB's music to more atmospheric direction again with more lead-melodies?
Alexi, how high do you concider atmosphere and feeling as priority in writing new COB music, as opposed to technical riffing?
Alexi, do you think your singing abilities have changed since the Hatebreeder times, have you purposefully changed your vocals or have your vocal chords worn out?
Alexi, would you like to lay the Lake/Reaper theme for an album artwork again? Are you aware many fans miss it, as it was an important part of what created COB a cult in the past?
Can you reveal what songs did you also concider as singles and album openers on the past albums?
Alexi, you've stated you'd no longer make albums like Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper, saying you don't want to return to neo-classical riffing, but what are the good elements of those albums in your opinion?
Alexi, would you ever concider playing Hatebreeder live again, or Taste of My Scythe?