COB start writing new album

Alexi even said he's not allowed to tell it at this point.

Somehow I have a pretty clear picture of how this album will be like. I will be surprised if it is something different. For example if there suddenly was an artwork with a forest and the album began with an epic guitar melody and solo or whatever... I'd be surprised.
Even if he's already decided on the album title, and maybe he hasn't yet, there's no way that Alexi would reveal it at this stage, or in this kind of 'interview'; it's just not how he rolls

In recent years, Alexi's been writing most of his lyrics in studio, and since the album title is almost everytime based upon one of the 9 songs, they can't give away the title since there is no title at all yet.

Also, Bodoms guitar sound is whats got me into bodom in the first place, and what I think is the most important thing. It hasn't been all that good since Hate Crew Deathroll and even then it wasn't top notch. Name a better Lead tone than bodom's HB and FTR?
Alexi even said he's not allowed to tell it at this point.

Somehow I have a pretty clear picture of how this album will be like. I will be surprised if it is something different. For example if there suddenly was an artwork with a forest and the album began with an epic guitar melody and solo or whatever... I'd be surprised.

And what mental picture do you have, Joonas?

I think that the album could be dark, purple or blue. I have that feeling.
Mostly black, with a hint of either green, blue or purple. It will remind mostly of Blooddrunk but sharper sound. Lots of fast banging but not much melodic ideas or thorough creativity. One or two stand-out tracks. Maybe more guitar atmosphere and colder sound than on RRF.
All those "Are you coming to [Country]" questions are the worst. Ofcourse they will try to. But it's not really up to them to decide.
Mostly black, with a hint of either green, blue or purple. It will remind mostly of Blooddrunk but sharper sound. Lots of fast banging but not much melodic ideas or thorough creativity. One or two stand-out tracks. Maybe more guitar atmosphere and colder sound than on RRF.

I think its gonna be green maybe... he got a new green guitar recently :)
New album will be black with red font.. and the Reaper will be riding a horse
But he planned a green guitar already two years ago. And then the SKO fragments came out and I was sure the album would be green, cos it sounded green. Then WIWI came out and it sounded orange as hell.

It's hard for me to imagine, why does Alexi not write at least 2 songs that are in the vein of the old material, just use only best ideas. Why does it all have to be the same kind of stuff, only worse and better songs. Actually I'm starting to think a solution to "sell out" would now in fact be returning to the past themes.

It's funny tho. They've said so far it's like old-school Bodom. But nobody's buying because they already said Blooddrunk was a mix of old and new and so was RRF. :p Then what is new COB after all? HCDR and AYDY? All I've ever heard about this album since the beginning was it's gonna be real heavy. But sounding real heavy was never COB's thing, their thing about heaviness was always about writing genious little riffs that sound heavy as fuck because of creative notes, even if the guitar sound wasn't very heavy.

This 2:00 - 2:10 sounds super fucking heavy and is just cool songwriting. No matter how hard all these metalcore bands bang their instruments and downtune their guitars, it will not have the same impact usually.

I kind of lately figured how much this part of SNBN rocks... so full of hate <3

This song is every note perfection for each instrument and lots of room for improvisation... still what I concider the best song ever made.
A good piece of music don't really need breakdowns, yet its a really good thing in a proper song. Not in these retarded "metalcore" kids playing music and shit.(Well, I could write how bad is the metalcore scene recently and it would be a butthurt but i wont do it lol).
Here around 3:05 there is a fken heavy breakdown, but I recommend listening the whole song, its building towards to it(aka. its not some stupid pointless carp)

Or here: there is just an acoustic part(a part like this on the new album would be epic as hell but its not "bodomish") 2:20

A break after a solo would be also cool, like here 2:10

Just chills and gets the song "together"
If we're talking about heaviness in music, this to me this is one of the heaviest things I have ever heard in music. Also one of my favourite songs off of my favourite album.
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Yeah, a total silence after a magical guitar solo would be nice, maybe continued by intense doublebass. Also a song with a lead melody at the beginning, middle and outro of the song, that is always followed by short but catchy solos, would be pretty magnificent. Also sections with just drums, keyboards and bass, followed by rhythm guitar and gallop, then bursting to a heroic lead guitar. So much Bodom could try out.
But he planned a green guitar already two years ago. And then the SKO fragments came out and I was sure the album would be green, cos it sounded green. Then WIWI came out and it sounded orange as hell.

I really honestly don't see in any fucking way how you'd find a correlation between WIWI and the color orange.

What goes through your mind when you think that a certain song sounds like a color? How can a song even sound like a color?
I often see the music in colours, don't you? It's important for someone designing an artwork for an album, the artwork needs to correlate with the feeling of the music. For example cold soundworlds are usually associated with blue colours and hot soundworlds with red colours and dark soundworlds with black, these are all very common in metal. Colour of melodies and riffs reflects the emotion as well, whether it's aggressive, party, mysterious, sad, dark...
So I guess the guitarsound will sound like on Blooddrunk, or similar as he is using his marshalls in the studio this time around. Can't say I'm excited by that. Alexi has a really poor taste in guitar sound the last 10 years....

Marshalls can sound amazing, I don't know how they fucked it up on Blooddrunk so bad but if they're using Marshalls that doesn't make me nervous at all. I think by now, especially with Roope, they'll find a great sound with whatever gear they're using.

I never enjoyed the guitar sound of COB, just the composions

There's a reason people keep chasing his classic sound. The jackson era sound was really unique and smooth, at least for leads. Surprising statement.

Alexi's not giving away much. It seems he still channels his artistic creativity only to COB, but my view is he's taking Bodom more as labour now instead of stripped passion. I really fucking want to some day make an interview with him myself, to make him answer my deep as the Abyss questions about COB, so that MAYBE it could reinvigorate that original COB passion in him, but it's gonna be too late. Alexi should relax and really get serious and spiritual about the music.

I see it the other way around. From what I've gathered over the years, they chased certain sounds and busted their ass writing the earlier albums and as time went on their music is simply a result of Alexi just writing what comes out naturally. I don't think some questions from anyone will change that... I mean, this happens to sooooo many bands down the line. The first albums are very try hard with specific goals and over time they stop giving so much of a shit. It's just a natural thing it seems, and this is how I've accepted the COB sound. I don't really see Alexi ever forcing himself to write specific style music ever again, but when it comes down to it every album has amazing moments and at least one amazing song.

I often see the music in colours, don't you? It's important for someone designing an artwork for an album, the artwork needs to correlate with the feeling of the music. For example cold soundworlds are usually associated with blue colours and hot soundworlds with red colours and dark soundworlds with black, these are all very common in metal. Colour of melodies and riffs reflects the emotion as well, whether it's aggressive, party, mysterious, sad, dark...

Yes, and I think the artwork for every COB album thus far has been pretty spot on. Speculating on the color of the next is basically useless because the band says so many contradictory things leading up to the release.
Maybe it's something I've grown to perceive as the normal electric guitar sound.

First these bands are really ambitious (Something Wild), then they break through with records that are really creative, passionate and have enough experience to be magnificent, (Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper), then they either sell out or just the flow of the deepest creativity gets obstructed and they end up making albums that are technical but not very sexy.

I just have to mention this, not a metal band, but the way HIM went down is just... I'm thinking hard, but I can't find a word to describe it... The way HIM has flopped is just laughable, pathetic, miserable, insulting... I just want to give a good bang in the head for these guys, what the fuck are they thinking when they flop the way they do. When it's time to get creative, you shut away all the retarded people from your life that distract you, you go somewhere alone and find inspiration... It's just these known big names can release any kind of shit they want.

I would think it's good to have a full vision of an artistic project. You don't start building a sky scraper without a plan either, do you...