COB start writing new album

Maybe it's something I've grown to perceive as the normal electric guitar sound.

First these bands are really ambitious (Something Wild), then they break through with records that are really creative, passionate and have enough experience to be magnificent, (Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper), then they either sell out or just the flow of the deepest creativity gets obstructed and they end up making albums that are technical but not very sexy.

I just have to mention this, not a metal band, but the way HIM went down is just... I'm thinking hard, but I can't find a word to describe it... The way HIM has flopped is just laughable, pathetic, miserable, insulting... I just want to give a good bang in the head for these guys, what the fuck are they thinking when they flop the way they do. When it's time to get creative, you shut away all the retarded people from your life that distract you, you go somewhere alone and find inspiration... It's just these known big names can release any kind of shit they want.

I would think it's good to have a full vision of an artistic project. You don't start building a sky scraper without a plan either, do you...
Excuse me, but Love Metal and Venus Doom are fucking masterpieces.

And believe me, their new album, called Tears on Tape will be better than this two. Dark Light and Screamworks were supper poppy and shit, but that remains in the past, buried.
Excuse me, but Love Metal and Venus Doom are fucking masterpieces.

And believe me, their new album, called Tears on Tape will be better than this two. Dark Light and Screamworks were supper poppy and shit, but that remains in the past, buried.

Love Metal is still a 'masterpiece', after that came Dark Light which was mostly pop shit already. Then came the horrible Venus Doom and the terrible Screamworks (didn't even know its name), and once I heard the newest HIM song it was just something so unbelievably bad. I really love the first four HIM albums and have memories associated with them. Every time I hear the first notes of the first album my mind is struck by a thousand volts as it takes me back to the emotions I encountered during one summer when I had my first girlfriend-related miseries and adventures... The second album Razorblade Romance is among my all-time top 10 albums, its just so bloody amazing from start to finish it's hard to believe. I listened to this album a lot when I was 15 on a snowboarding and snowmobiling vacation in wintery Lapland...
Love Metal is still a 'masterpiece', after that came Dark Light which was mostly pop shit already. Then came the horrible Venus Doom and the terrible Screamworks (didn't even know its name), and once I heard the newest HIM song it was just something so unbelievably bad. I really love the first four HIM albums and have memories associated with them. Every time I hear the first notes of the first album my mind is struck by a thousand volts as it takes me back to the emotions I encountered during one summer when I had my first girlfriend-related miseries and adventures... The second album Razorblade Romance is among my all-time top 10 albums, its just so bloody amazing from start to finish it's hard to believe. I listened to this album a lot when I was 15 on a snowboarding and snowmobiling vacation in wintery Lapland...

Dude, I understand you. But is impossible to say that Love Metal is a masterpiece and then call Venus Doom a "horrible" album, having such songs as Sleepwalking Past Hope or Cyanide Sun.

I thought that you didn't like HIM because they're not metal and their fame-status in Finland has decayed a lot.

I've been listening to HIM since I was born because of my parents, so you can consider me an encylopedia of memories and facts of HIM, haha.
Dude, I understand you. But is impossible to say that Love Metal is a masterpiece and then call Venus Doom a "horrible" album, having such songs as Sleepwalking Past Hope or Cyanide Sun.

I thought that you didn't like HIM because they're not metal and their fame-status in Finland has decayed a lot.

I've been listening to HIM since I was born because of my parents, so you can consider me an encylopedia of memories and facts of HIM, haha.

I haven't really listened to the two new albums, I just heard bits of songs and understood they're crap. Maybe I'll check those out.

I was a HIM lover as teenager, the nostalgy has grown and I absolutely adore the first albums, they're really unique, better than the '80's legendary rock feeling. The early HIM was a phenomena, then they got labeled gay, and the art isn't as good anymore. I do love 'em but I don't need to tell everyone, same thing with Bodom; most regular people hate Bodom and think they're gay even if they haven't listened to them. It's easy to base an opinion for people, but to change it is much harder. It's trendy to diss Bodom and HIM as gay, as it is to diss karate as a bad martial art because of the movie Karate Kid. When these stereotypes grow, people have an attitude, and sadly the ones who know better are better off keeping it to themselves.
I haven't really listened to the two new albums, I just heard bits of songs and understood they're crap. Maybe I'll check those out.

I was a HIM lover as teenager, the nostalgy has grown and I absolutely adore the first albums, they're really unique, better than the '80's legendary rock feeling. The early HIM was a phenomena, then they got labeled gay, and the art isn't as good anymore. I do love 'em but I don't need to tell everyone, same thing with Bodom; most regular people hate Bodom and think they're gay even if they haven't listened to them. It's easy to base an opinion for people, but to change it is much harder. It's trendy to diss Bodom and HIM as gay, as it is to diss karate as a bad martial art because of the movie Karate Kid. When these stereotypes grow, people have an attitude, and sadly the ones who know better are better off keeping it to themselves.
You're so right.
What I do is just listen and feel the music, make memories over the years and then have this nostalgia. I'm a nostalgic guy, after all. Been in the car at night listening to Love Metal album, it's like I can smell it, y' know?

But, hey, they're going to kick our ass if this off-topic grows...
You're so right.
What I do is just listen and feel the music, make memories over the years and then have this nostalgia. I'm a nostalgic guy, after all. Been in the car at night listening to Love Metal album, it's like I can smell it, y' know?

But, hey, they're going to kick our ass if this off-topic grows...

Yea I know, when I listen to Love Metal I can smell the beer, cider, food, cigarette smoke, the outdoor rainy forest and everything from the summer house parties... Wish it was possible to really access those times again through the music...

Who cares, this is more interesting than talking about COB when there's no news whatsoever for months and months.

I just realize that people who get invalid and very sick, spending the rest of their lives in a hospital setting, traverse to this mindset and are able to live in this kind of past memories, as consolation for the inbearable present. Through music and smells I can mindtravel to different times and events and sort of live it again. For us it's just a longing, but those people really start believing it and mixing it with present reality. These are comforting possibilities for the human brain.
HIM was my favorite band back in 1999/2000. Razorblade Romance goes definitely into my to 5 albums. It's definitely one of he best albums I've ever heard but after that, they turned into a really american/commercial way. Deep Shadows has a few good songs and so has Love Metal but everything else was shit. Even their live performances went into a really bad way since Deep Shadows came out. Yeah, HIM is the best example for an awesome band which snuffle the smell of money when doing american music. So sad
If COB manage to make their best album now, I hope they make a pink artwork with a black Reaper on it, to make a metal version of Razorblade Romance. In fact that title could also fit COB. Oh, I forgot, that's why Sinergy have the ballad song title Razor Blade Salvation, both albums made in 1999...
Do you really think both bands care for each other?

I haven't bothered to check which record was released first, but I wouldn't be surprised if Kimberly checked this HIM album out. Weird coincidence maybe, maybe not, who cares. Maybe razorblades are a common thing in teenagers who experience love tragedies.

I have to say this album is in my top 5 or even top 4. It's very deep, painful and sweet at the same time, and of course full of nostalgic memories.
Alexi and however the Him guy is called have know each other for a while, so I highly doubt it was a copycat title, it just happened to come that way. And as you sure remember, Alexi's razorblade trouble is well documented, so since it's what you do you can go look into the deep meaning of it with this two things ;)

As far as the interview goes, yes he did leave some good questions unanswered and that sorta pissed me off (why leave them there then? If there's not gonna be an answer just cut it), but he seemed pretty relaxed, easy going and I don't know, it felt like he's really into it (not the actual interview, the album).

What's wrong with the production on BD? :O I think it's fucking amazing. RRF is the only album that IMO has bad/weird production, the production really didn't fit their sound.

Where to begin? Too muddy, everything way too mashed up together and overall "crispness" of it. The reason I don't really listen to it anymore. It sort of works for the D songs (particularly SPFTD), but it's still too muddy, and then the Drop C songs get even messier. BD with HCD/RRF sound would've been twice as good. Mostly it's the guitars, but also it sounds like there's not enough separation between instruments.

Blooddrunk has shitloads better songwriting. Songs feel like songs, not like riffs randomly mashed together. Take ODYWC, totally wipes the table from all RRF in terms of songwriting. There's hits on that album. RRF has just some good parts but there's too much annoying material to enjoy them.

AYDY has some masterpieces but also some really shit songs. I wish they'd just included Living Dead Beat, Are You Dead Yet, Punch Me I Bleed, In Your Face, Trashed, Lost & Strungout and Knuckleduster, and perfected the sound of each six songs to create a masterful short album.

So let me get this straight:

-AYDY comes out and it's too generic, too american metal and overal shit for COB.
-BD comes out and much of the same, and AYDY is suddenly better.
-RRF comes out, it's great and sort of comeback to the old style (besides the aberration that was WIWI) for some months but now it's the dullest worst written album.
-New one is coming out (we haven't heard one snippet) and AYDY suddenly was actually pretty good (yet you're forgetting two of the best tracks in WNGF and NIL) and BD is not only better than RFF but has SHITLOADS of better songwriting? The former chuga chuga album now has shitloads of better songwriting? I'll agree ODYC, SPFTD and BFH have pretty good songwriting, but overall BD has the worst songwriting COB has done to date, testified by being represented by just 2 songs on the setlist once RRF came out (HCD and FTR still get an average of 4 and AYD 3), and more than half of RRF is 10 times better than anything on BD. And you got your goddamn melodies back, or are you going to tell me that NMF's second riff, most of SK, RTHAB and Ugly don't have some of the best keys and melodies COB has written for a while?

What?!? Production-wise with all of its mixing and mastering and instrument tones, RRF is one the best albums I've ever heard. It's on the same high level as HCDR whereas BD sounds too muddy with a band guitar tone and too much bass.Sure, it's your opinion but in reality, every music producer or sound engineer would tell you the same.

Blooddrunk is not a bad album but it's kinda boring. There is no single solo which I like and no song where I would say: awesome. Sure, it's definitely better than Something Wild, but it has no masterpiece songs like every other album has. And because of the bad production, I can't really listen to it. The only things I really like are BFH from beginning till the first solo, DWEDFN chorus, LB verse riff and RM verse riff but that's all.

This, exactly this. We don't need to go far at all, NMF's guitar tone whips the shit out of both BD and AYDY (except TL&S), and so does the solo to all in BD and many in AYDY. And the overall sound doesn't even begin to compare, you can clearly listen and enjoy every instrument in RRF, something very hard with BD (AYDY wasn't too bad except for the weirdly weak and low guitars).

Alexi says he likes ESP more than Jackson... well, he has to say it, and ESP was more 'nice' to him, but Jackson guitars are still better... it's like ESP copied the Randy Rhoads shape and only had to bulk it up unnatural to not get accused of plagiating.

Says who? Jackson treated him bad, and he remembers that, but besides that Jackon's been in steady decline for a while, current Jackson's aren't close to what they used to be. Yes, high end Jacksons are great (I myself own a mid-high range RR24 and I'm very pleased with it), but they're by no means ahead of ESP nowadays, and I really doubt his old RRs were better than his current ESPs. I've tried the AL600 series and they're great, so I can only imagine how his custom shop ones are. Oh, and Alexi's are not bulked up, nor are the CS and STD ones sold in Europe and Japan (for quite a bit more than the AL600 tho).

So I guess the guitarsound will sound like on Blooddrunk, or similar as he is using his marshalls in the studio this time around. Can't say I'm excited by that. Alexi has a really poor taste in guitar sound the last 10 years....

So basically you're saying Marshall sounds bad? Could you please elaborate with examples of music you may listen to that back up that point? I agree the mix in BD was fucked up, but to asume from there that Marshall usage means bad sound...

I never enjoyed the guitar sound of COB, just the composions. Maybe around Hatebreeder era they used delay which sounded cool in the leads. COB's guitar sound is nothing special, maybe they want their stuff to be more accessible for regular playing instead of being so dependant on equipment and setups.

Remember when I said a while ago that I thought you did play? I take it back, I should've read this before. This, plus the Jackson/ESP theory is a new level of nonsense.

Maybe it's something I've grown to perceive as the normal electric guitar sound.

First these bands are really ambitious (Something Wild), then they break through with records that are really creative, passionate and have enough experience to be magnificent, (Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper), then they either sell out or just the flow of the deepest creativity gets obstructed and they end up making albums that are technical but not very sexy.

I don't know why I'm doing it, but I'll explain it to you once again: your "creative passionate atmosphere uberawesomeness" from the first albums is actually mostly power chord and keys backing melodies that probably came from playing around as Alexi keeps doing his solos, best exemplified by the inordinate amount of melody and lead variations Alexi used to do live on the old songs. The fact he doesn't do them today is not (at least solely) a byproduct of him not being arsed to do so or wanting to play the actual melodies live, but also of the backing track being more thoughtfully written and less loose to be improvised upon. Perfect example being KTS, masterpiece written in the studio because the album was too short. What's KTS mostly comprised of? Melodies and leads, yes.

I am not kidding you, I would really like to see what goes inside your mind when you make some of your associations, because half of the time you leave me baffled thinking how the fuck you get to the conclusions you get. Don't take it negative, freedom of mind and speech is great, but some of them are straight up from Mars.
As far as the interview goes, yes he did leave some good questions unanswered and that sorta pissed me off (why leave them there then? If there's not gonna be an answer just cut it), but he seemed pretty relaxed, easy going and I don't know, it felt like he's really into it (not the actual interview, the album).

I pretty much got the same impression from the interview. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for the next part.
dont know what u all r talking bout all COB albums r great, very different, but great.
BD is an awesome very aggressive n sorta in ur face sound album. RRF is pretty cool, very different sound but isnt that cool?
i mean should COB be like evanescence? every album sounds just the same and u cant even recognize the songs? they grow, like people and like musicians
and of course they feel and want to write different music. i think they've done great and im very excited about their new album
Alexi and however the Him guy is called have know each other for a while, so I highly doubt it was a copycat title, it just happened to come that way. And as you sure remember, Alexi's razorblade trouble is well documented, so since it's what you do you can go look into the deep meaning of it with this two things ;)



Here's a pic of me singing a track by HIM at the summer house :D


So let me get this straight:

RRF is just so "random" and atmosphereless the songs feel like garbage to me, I can't explain it technically, but I don't care about a guitar tone if the songwriting doesn't strike me. RRF is the farthest away from old COB. The only that in it that ever reminded of the old COB was the SKO best fragments recorded with a mobile phone. The album made Blooddrunk feel like better songwriting to me, with parts that seem to link to each other, unlike on RRF... AYDY of course has some majestic songs with the epic aura that's since been rare.

Says who?

For me the most epic Alexi guitar will always be that yellow-black Jackson RR24 Wild Child guitar.

I don't know why I'm doing it, but I'll explain it to you once again: your "creative passionate atmosphere uberawesomeness" from the first albums is actually mostly power chord and keys backing melodies that probably came from playing around as Alexi keeps doing his solos, best exemplified by the inordinate amount of melody and lead variations Alexi used to do live on the old songs. The fact he doesn't do them today is not (at least solely) a byproduct of him not being arsed to do so or wanting to play the actual melodies live, but also of the backing track being more thoughtfully written and less loose to be improvised upon. Perfect example being KTS, masterpiece written in the studio because the album was too short. What's KTS mostly comprised of? Melodies and leads, yes.

Well, for me the old COB was technical enough... I think there was more lead melodies and a more simple but groovy rhythm guitar. Think of SNBN or Children Of Decadence. I just love it, I'm not bothered by the rhythm guitar being technically more simple. Also, I wouldn't mind it being more complex, but it's not necessary, especially if it comes with the songs not being as sexy anymore.
(__Joonas__) RRF is the farthest away from old COB. [/QUOTE said:
How the hell you can say that RRF is the farest away from old Bodom? So BD is closer to HB or FTR with it completely different guitar tone and album production, completely other songwriting and extremely lack of good solos? RRF has a closer tone to the older albums because it's fucking clean, the solos are partly better and also closer to HB solos. Technically you can only compare HB with FTR because both are on the same level. HCDR has a slightly improved technique, AYDY has also an improved technique (mostly because of all those drop C songs), BD is a huge step back and RRF is superior comparing to the older albums.
So basically you're saying Marshall sounds bad? Could you please elaborate with examples of music you may listen to that back up that point? I agree the mix in BD was fucked up, but to asume from there that Marshall usage means bad sound...

I didn't say Marshall is bad, I said that every time I've seen Alexi use one he gets a crappy tone out of it. I.E. Blooddrunk, all those young guitar videos and even live. I rather prefer the old Lee Jackson setup, or his new ENGL setup.

Oh, and by the way, HIM sucks dick and is the gayness of all time.
How the hell you can say that RRF is the farest away from old Bodom? So BD is closer to HB or FTR with it completely different guitar tone and album production, completely other songwriting and extremely lack of good solos? RRF has a closer tone to the older albums because it's fucking clean, the solos are partly better and also closer to HB solos. Technically you can only compare HB with FTR because both are on the same level. HCDR has a slightly improved technique, AYDY has also an improved technique (mostly because of all those drop C songs), BD is a huge step back and RRF is superior comparing to the older albums.

I don't read the songs mathematically, I feel them. I see more epicness and atmosphere in Blooddrunk than on RRF.