COB start writing new album

I just thought I'd keep the aliens out of this. :lol:

I think there's a theory that the Earth and Mars collided which caused the scar on Mars' surface, and Earth to obliterate rock material into its orbit which jizzled up together to form the Moon. It must've been pretty cool to witness the eclosing planet, I bet every fucking bug or early lifeform kicked the basket in the process. Not sure if I'm mistaking something; how would Mars only suffer a blow while Earth turns to dungpie. I listen to astronomical documentaries often when going to sleep, adults bed time stories.

This has nothing to do with COB anymore, since I deleted my theory about aliens and COB and the planets.
Wait a minute... doesn't the inner and outer core make up about 50% of the Earth? And isn't all of that liquid? The last geology course I took was freshman year in college. If I can recall, it obviously wasn't Mars that collided with the Earth but something about as large.

God damn my mind hurts trying to remember this stuff... but wasn't the earth formed as a result of some kind of supernova and the combination of all those gases and elements? As I recall, the earliest stages of earth was mostly molten and it stayed that way for about a billion years because of constant asteroid bombardment. Also, a planet doesn't need to be mostly solid. A planet is held together and shaped as a result of the gravitational pull from its core.
The earth collid with a planet with double the mass of Mars around 4 billion years ago but not Mars itself. And every planet in universe - gas giant or rock planets - were the result of supernovae but the earth itself was only formed by combination of rocks and it's resultant gravity.
Thats wrong too. Man you guys know shit about geology and astronomy.

^ Good that you edited your meteorit theory because it was wrong too
You're right, that percentage is only true for the crust.

Taken as a whole, the Earth's chemical composition (by mass) is:

34.6% Iron
29.5% Oxygen
15.2% Silicon
12.7% Magnesium
2.4% Nickel
1.9% Sulfur
0.05% Titanium
I was pretty close. It makes sense for it to be iron though.


And from Soundi, finally some hard news

Children Of Bodomin kymmenen uuden raidan tallennus etenee Helsingissä.

– Mukavaa vaihtelua, mehän teemme levyt yleensä keskellä pimeää metsää, Alexi Laiho nauraa Soundin uutisille. – Ja kannut kävimme toki taas äänittämässä Petraxilla, eli tavallista studiomeininkiä tuli viikko leikittyä. Mutta keihäät saa oikein hyvin talteen pienemmässä paikassa. Kiipparit Shakma (Janne Wirman) vetää kotonaan.

Kitaristilaulaja kiirehtii parhaillaan tekstejä valmiiksi helmikuun alkuun. Silloin starttaa urakan seuraava vaihe, kun Peter Tägtgren saapuu kymmeneksi päiväksi hiomaan kosketinsoundeja ja laulattamaan Laihoa.

Äänitämme Roxettea ja Bananaramaa sekä biisin, jonka Burrn!-lehden lukijat valitsivat

– Valmiina ovat vasta All Twisted ja Slowdance On Nails, muuten mennään vielä otsikoilla kuten Moto GP, Kananmuisti-ilmiö, FC Pettymys ja Trondheim, jonka nimestä voi arvella myös jotain musan luonteesta, Alexi kertoo.

Yhtyeen sisältä kantautui hiljan toive aktiivisemmasta roolista biisinteossa.

– Kitarasovituksia haluaisin myös miettiä vähän tarkemmin. Niistä saisi aika vähällä kiinnostavampia ja tasapuolisempia, Roope Latvala laukoi Soundissa 09/12.

Onko Laiho ottanut aisaparinsa ja Stone-legendan toiveet nyt paremmin huomioon?

– Roope on tosiaan heitellyt tavallista enemmän ideoita, Alexi miettii. – Ja samoin muutkin. Niihin pätee tuttu sääntö: hyvät ehdotukset käytetään.

Kitarapuolelle Laiho enteilee myös jotain uutta.

– Vierailin 2007 Annihilatorin levyllä Metal, joten Jeff Waters on meille soolon pystyssä!

Hulvattomia lainojakin on tuttuun tapaan luvassa ennen kesää ilmestyvän kahdeksannen kiekon erikoisversioille.

– Soundi saakoon tiedottaa, että äänitämme Roxettea ja Bananaramaa sekä biisin, jonka Burrn!-lehden lukijat valitsivat, Alexi päättää.
Awesome little sound fragments, but I barely understand with google translate. Could someone please translate to English?
That sounds quite interesting. I think refreshing is the best word to use right now. I did get a few things from google translate, but it's best to wait until a good translation before getting excited over something completely different.
Yeah I'd appreciate if someone could translate as well, google translate fucking sucked.

Awesome videos as well. Those small samples sounded different but very good!

Also, I understood that it was 10 tracks, but I assume the 10th is the cover track since they already said the album has 9 songs. In the end of the video, that last song they're playing, that's the cover song, right?
via Blabbermouth:

"Finnish metallers CHILDREN OF BODOM are hard at work at an undisclosed location in Helsinki recording ten new tracks which will comprise the band's eighth album.

"It's a nice change to the regular method where we lock ourselves up at a studio in the middle of the woods, usually also during the darkest time of the year," CHILDREN OF BODOM guitarist/vocalist Alexi Laiho tells Soundi magazine. "However, we did track drums at the tried-and-tested Petrax studio in Hollola this time as well, so we got our fix of that modus operandi too. But for the guitar and bass, we don't require a big facility in the countryside, so we decided to stay closer to home for this part of the session."

Laiho is finishing up the lyrics for the songs so that they are ready when phase 3 kicks in at the beginning of February. Swedish producer Peter Tägtgren (PAIN, HYPOCRISY) will then travel over for a period of ten days to oversee the keyboard and vocal recordings.

"It will be great to have Peter come over for a good stretch this time so we can really concentrate on the vocals," Alexi says. "At the moment, I'm done with the lyrics for two tracks: 'All Twisted' and 'Slowdance On Nails'. So far all the other tunes go by working titles such as 'Moto GP', 'FC Pettymys', 'Kananmuisti-ilmiö' and 'Trondheim'."

In in-depth interview with Soundi last September, CHILDREN OF BODOM guitarist Roope Latvala expressed interest in taking a more prominent role in the arranging of the band material.

"In my opinion many guitar parts could be made more interesting and balanced with just minor tweaks," Roope said, perhaps inspired by his recent work with Finn composer Anssi Tikanmäki's national anthem album project.

Has this comment led to Alexi giving the former STONE axeman more leeway and responsibility in the fine-tuning of the songwriting process?

"Now that you mention it, Roope did voice his opinions more than usual this time around," Alexi says. "And maybe the others, too. As far as the actual question goes, the usual rule applies: all good ideas are taken into consideration."

The new CHILDREN OF BODOM album may also feature a special guest appearance, as Alexi reveals exclusively to Soundi, where he was once again named "Musician Of The Year" in the annual readers' poll.

"I played on ANNIHILATOR's album 'Metal' in 2007, so the way I see it, [ANNIHILATOR mainman] Jeff Waters owes BODOM a solo or two! It's payback time."

And finally, CHILDREN OF BODOM wouldn't be CHILDREN OF BODOM without some new off-the-wall cover tracks recorded during the sessions for later use as bonus tracks for the as-of-yet untitled disc, due out before the summer.

"We will be doing our versions of songs by BANANARAMA and ROXETTE, and a track chosen for us by the readers of the Japanese magazine Burrn!" Alexi says."
"Slowdance On Nails" sounds promising+good keyboards+Roope+Guest(s)+New ideas= WIN (Gonna wait for a Joonas analysis :D LOL)
oh and thanks for the english translation!
"Slowdance On Nails" sounds promising+good keyboards+Roope+Guest(s)+New ideas= WIN (Gonna wait for a Joonas analysis :D LOL)
oh and thanks for the english translation!

No one can deny that the song titles thus far sounds gayer than two gay men having sex, but I don't really care as long as the music is good.
^You know "nail" has two meanings, right?

Thanks Stella, about time we got some real news, sounds pretty promising, and they look very very focused on it, I'm liking it. The titles sound a bit weird, as always when they first come out (remember Smile Pretty For The Devil and variations when BD was coming around?), but cool nonetheless, although (again as always) the working titles are much more fun hehe.

I take the Soundi video has sort of the same things as the Blabbermouth, or anything new in there, finnish speaking people? We'll be very thankful for you and pay back with virtual cookies ;)


PS EDIT NOTE: I skipped the "10 tracks" thing as I thought it'd be referring to the cover they'd add to the album, but since he talked about 3 covers later, could it be they're actually going to go for 10 this time around? They thought about it I think either in BD or RRF but ended up going back to 9 iirc.
Those cover songs are going to be.. different yet again. I had to look up what songs they are known for, but a lot of those songs are famous enough to reach a big audience. Should be fun.
^You know "nail" has two meanings, right?

Thanks Stella, about time we got some real news, sounds pretty promising, and they look very very focused on it, I'm liking it. The titles sound a bit weird, as always when they first come out (remember Smile Pretty For The Devil and variations when BD was coming around?), but cool nonetheless, although (again as always) the working titles are much more fun hehe.

I take the Soundi video has sort of the same things as the Blabbermouth, or anything new in there, finnish speaking people? We'll be very thankful for you and pay back with virtual cookies ;)


PS EDIT NOTE: I skipped the "10 tracks" thing as I thought it'd be referring to the cover they'd add to the album, but since he talked about 3 covers later, could it be they're actually going to go for 10 this time around? They thought about it I think either in BD or RRF but ended up going back to 9 iirc.
Yeah I know it can have two meanings, but ''All Twisted'' isn't really that good either, and judging from the last album I don't expect much. And it was on BD they had 10 songs but kinda merged two songs into Roadkill Morning instead. But I agree, since they said they had more than 1 cover and they said 10 tracks I guess we might get an extra track this time around :p
Well, you know how the name will instantly become awesome and/or we'll forget about how it looks? When/if the track comes out and it's an absolute blast.

Lil Bloodred Riddin Hood?
Tie My Rope?
Every Time I Die? (talk about emo???)

I don't remember my reaction to the titles, but by themselves they sound pretty weak. Then the song comes out swinging, it's awesome and all's good with the world. I'll be pleased to add All Twisted to that list by May ;)