COB start writing new album

Sounds very good and new. First time I've ever been this excited for a new Bodom album (Basically meaning I'm more excited for this one than I was for RRF) Sounds atmospheric to me. Waiting for Joonas analysis too.

Translation of the video:

1, 2, 3, 4...

They play the first song/part

Alexi: That's basically the main riff

Janne: Our last few albums went more heavy and simple, but there's all kinds of mysterious wankery here. I'd put it between the 3rd and 4th album or maybe even the 2nd and 3rd

Alexi and Janne talk about how to play something.

Roope: Suddenly there's more Norway stuff in it than before.

Janne: Some Burzum stuck in the cd player. That's were it began (He says it as a joke)

Roope thinks about what he could say = "Souds good" & "We'll see when we get to record the guitars"

Alexi and some one talking about how to play something

Janne: All drums are done, now for the cover songs.

They play a cover song
That video and interview was very interesting, nice to finally have some more news. I think it looks promising.

The video had some interesting stuff that the text didn't mention. Janne said: "On a couple of records our style went into a more heavy and straightforward direction. Now there's some weird stuff that some of the older records had. It could sound like something between 4th and 3rd record, or even 3rd and 2nd."
Roope: "Well, surprisingly it has more Norway-aspect than before." Some other stuff there was musical terms when Janne and Alexi were playing, maybe that's interesting to someone but I don't know how to translate them.
This is the cover they were playing:

Janne: Our last few albums went more heavy and simple, but there's all kinds of mysterious wankery here. I'd put it between the 3rd and 4th album or maybe even the 2nd and 3rd
Wow. Talk about raising the odds. How am I supposed to expect the worst with stuff like that being said? Still,. I try to approach everything with an open mind.
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I suppose this time they're not fucking around saying it's got influences from the older albums. This is confirmation to me why they switched labels, they want to return to the more mysterious soundworld. The sample I heard reminded me half Something Wild half Follow the Reaper. I could never in my life have believed someone in the band would suggest their new record could remind a mix of HB/FTR. Of course it'll have its own sound, but then again, these comparisons can be misleading, if I remember correct, Janne did also describe AYDY as a mix of FTR and HCDR (as he's doing to this album too.)

The main thing is it seems to be a more mysterious and dark sounding album, pretty much what I've been dreaming about. But these are still just words.

Slowdance On Nails
is a pretty epic song title. Probably the new slow song. Some of you don't understand this title. You know when the night club closes at 4 am there's the last slow romantic song when you're supposed to grab your date by the tits and ass and go dancing fucking tango (which I never do), well that's what Alexi means by slowdance. Slowdance On Nails sounds like a twisted title of a song that's both atmospheric, clever but essentially painful.

All Twisted I think is a song title that could still change a bit. Just Twisted could be better. Bodom should avoid unnecessary words in their songtitles, it's the way they've been. Well it's not my job to suggest song ideas.

Roope is right about little tweaks to riffs making extraordinary difference sometimes. Good thing Peter is coming to aid with the vocals.

What can I say... I'm very happy so far, finally I'm hearing some SENSE! I hope to see dark forests and lakes and demons in the music and artwork...

Just don't let that Jeff Waters guy touch this album unless he baptizes his filthy hands in Lake Bodom.

I'mma listen to that stuff again...

'Cool Summer' is one of the sweetest and sexiest songs ever.
Well well the part Alexi and Janne are playing, the keyboard line is very similar to the Psychopath's Lair keyboard line I posted here saying the band should learn from this, and many guys said it sucked. The change of pitch with the wheel and all, same stuff. The faster keyboard section in it sounds pretty Bodomish, sexy and electric even. 0:26 and 0:33

Someone took a freedom of translation. Janne did not say mysterious, he just used a Finnish word that means something like "playing weird stuff", but I suppose that's what he means.

The 1:32 stuff reminded me of the Deadnight Warrior intro with FTR'ish sound. I hope they find some interesting keyboard sounds too instead of the basic string.

Very good to hear they're not making yet another boring heavy and simple album. Really hope this one's worth something great.
Meh, finally some more and interesting news but the samples suck. ^^ Maybe I will steel them and compose a song with those samples just to see how my and Bodoms song differ.
One thing I've been hoping Bodom to concentrate more on is the verses. It would sound so much more sick if the parts with vocals actually had catchy and interesting music backing them up, something more energetic instead of the plain riffing. And I hope it's not just a return to old sound style but also to the sexy, electric, climatic, adrenalinic composions.

The guitar riff at the start of this sample is actually pretty boring on its own, remains to be seen what its role is. It's almost like the part in Punch Me I Bleed after the solos. It's still promising, but nothing like the guitar/keyboard sample Wintersun put out... Now I want to see the artwork and album title and rest of the songtitles!

It'll be a long fucking while yet till this is fully done.

Actually when you listen to the intro and right after click to 1:32 the song kind of continues and you can feel it's pretty dark. I can see the Reaper with his scythe on a graveyard! Or a gothic church! So it must have atmosphere cos I can see something...
@Arcane: Be sure to share it later! :kickass:


Janne: Our last few albums went more heavy and simple, but there's all kinds of mysterious wankery here. I'd put it between the 3rd and 4th album or maybe even the 2nd and 3rd

Thanks a lot, much appreciated! Janne's a funny dude hehe.

Slowdance On Nails
is a pretty epic song title. Probably the new slow song. Some of you don't understand this title. You know when the night club closes at 4 am there's the last slow romantic song when you're supposed to grab your date by the tits and ass and go dancing fucking tango (which I never do), well that's what Alexi means by slowdance. Slowdance On Nails sounds like a twisted title of a song that's both atmospheric, clever but essentially painful.

:lol: Joonas, are you insane? You haven't heard a word on it yet you go THAT far? I'll give you creativity points though :lol:

Just don't let that Jeff Waters guy touch this album unless he baptizes his filthy hands in Lake Bodom.

What did I say? Hahaha I knew it, I could see it coming the moment I saw the name there :lol::lol::lol:
:lol: Joonas, are you insane? You haven't heard a word on it yet you go THAT far? I'll give you creativity points though :lol:

That's what slow dance means, it's not a theory. The song title means dancing slow on nails. Not finger nails, metal nails. It could've also implied to dancing slow on burning coal, but maybe not easy to come up with fitting songtitle. Also sharp metal synchronizes better with the soundworld than hot burning coal. I've got an impression this album sounds more cold and dark. This gets creative but try to understand. You know these patches of burning coal where people run across and it doesn't burn their legs cos they run fast across. Then you have these nail beds where you can lie over and not get hurt as your weight spreads evenly on the nails. It's something along those linges. Slowdance On Nails is probably both an atmospheric or melodic song that is also very brutal.

Need to put my head on ice, just in case this thing blows with overhype.
Someone took a freedom of translation. Janne did not say mysterious, he just used a Finnish word that means something like "playing weird stuff", but I suppose that's what he means..

Exactly. I wasn't trying to make a 100% correct translation, I was trying to get the message through.
Maybe you're right with "slow dance" (Wikipedia), but the song is called "slowdance" :p

It's "hitaat" in Finnish.

It's right after the lights turn on preluding the closing time, when a guy has to drag his drunken ass on the dance floor and try to impress that chick with his romanticism in a final attempt to gain access to her later in bed (sorry girls). I would never dance when I'm sober, however I've conquered dozens and dozens of dancefloors in the past when I still knew some breakdance (or thought I did when I was drunk), fun times...
Well, that was quite promising! I very much liked the stuff Janne was playing there, I'm very curious what comes out of all that. And I actually love them doing a Roxette cover, I hope of one of their really old songs... was one of the first bands I listened to when I started to learn English twenty years ago - going to be nostalgic as fuck :lol:
Is anyone also tryin to figure out the Notes? :D

That's some pretty simple stuff. I wonder how long it will take until some faggot's uploading a Youtube cover for those fragments and calling it "new COB song" ^^ I know this will happen but that's so stupid. I had to laugh about those fags who covered the first 20 sec. of WIWI just to be cool and to earn some views. But better are those "wow, you nailed it" or " you get the notes down pretty fast" comments
That's some pretty simple stuff. I wonder how long it will take until some faggot's uploading a Youtube cover for those fragments and calling it "new COB song" ^^ I know this will happen but that's so stupid. I had to laugh about those fags who covered the first 20 sec. of WIWI just to be cool and to earn some views. But better are those "wow, you nailed it" or " you get the notes down pretty fast" comments

Thats some pretty simply stuff for you :D
Im playin 5 years now, but im now slowly learning things by ear.