COB start writing new album

Sounds very promising.. also noticed a reverse headstock Blacky in the background.

It's also interesting to see Roope play a Les Paul. Legendary Black metal guitar.
JEBUS, really liked how the stuffs sounds like, quite promissing!! This stuff make me believe now that a very consistent album is coming up. The music intro of this video remimd me of Blind Guardian's old songs intros. Love it. :D
That's what slow dance means, it's not a theory. The song title means dancing slow on nails. Not finger nails, metal nails. It could've also implied to dancing slow on burning coal, but maybe not easy to come up with fitting songtitle. Also sharp metal synchronizes better with the soundworld than hot burning coal. I've got an impression this album sounds more cold and dark. This gets creative but try to understand. You know these patches of burning coal where people run across and it doesn't burn their legs cos they run fast across. Then you have these nail beds where you can lie over and not get hurt as your weight spreads evenly on the nails. It's something along those linges. Slowdance On Nails is probably both an atmospheric or melodic song that is also very brutal.

Need to put my head on ice, just in case this thing blows with overhype.

I know what slow means, I know what dance means, even if I did not know what slowdance meant I could pretty much deduce it. What I don't get is where you come up with the idea that what was going through Alexi's mind was exactly "You know when the night club closes at 4 am there's the last slow romantic song when you're supposed to grab your date by the tits and ass and go dancing fucking tango (which I never do), well that's what Alexi means by slowdance.". WTF? As far as we know (and would make a ton more sense) it could also be about the slow dance through nails that a band's career actually is, or how hard going through life can be, but no, you know that crazy theory of yours is exactly what was going through Alexi's head.

I do agree 100% with you on your self ordered treatment, get your head in a fucking ice cold bucket, and do it fast.
From Jaska's facebook
"All right, now it is official:
Ten new songs on the forth coming album. :)
Wonder if that includes covers...
^^So now I have this wild theory that Slowdance On Nails is about a guy who grabs a girl by the tits in a bar? No dude, I just explained what slowdance means. Then I separately had to explain what nails mean. And now I have to explain this... I know perfectly what the title means both methaphorically and symbolically.

JEBUS, really liked how the stuffs sounds like, quite promissing!! This stuff make me believe now that a very consistent album is coming up.

Consistent? It's not that special when you calm down and listen to it. Promising yes, but this particular scene not that amazing.

Ten new songs, maybe one is an intro? I really don't care if it's 2 or 20 songs if they suck, even if they all rock I don't care if it's 8 or 10 songs cos even 4 great songs would be something very special. But yeah, I guess 10 songs is exciting, I hope quantity doesn't overcome quality.
From Jaska's facebook
"All right, now it is official:
Ten new songs on the forth coming album. :)
Wonder if that includes covers...
Makes sense since they promised two Bodom songs.
No but really, the number of songs isn't important. The quality is.
^^So now I have this wild theory that Slowdance On Nails is about a guy who grabs a girl by the tits in a bar? No dude, I just explained what slowdance means. Then I separately had to explain what nails mean. And now I have to explain this... I know perfectly what the title means both methaphorically and symbolically.

Ok, you're officially insane. There's no such thing as "slowdance" or "slow dance" or "slow-dance" or any combination of the two that's an actual word with its separate entry in any kind of dictionary. As a compound yes, we the rest of the world are not stupid and know it has meaning, one of which is indeed that kind of slow dance of the couple together like fused in one, but it can also be e.g. the awkward moment when you run into somebody going in the opposite direction as you in a narrow street/corridor and each starts moving to a side but keep maintaining collision path until the last second. Yes, we are aware of that, thanks genius, no need to explain that or the different meaning of nails to me (which btw if you read what people wrote I just did a page or two ago).

But we're talking songs, and songtitles, and you have no fucking idea what it'll be about, only Alexi and the other 4 know why he called it like that right now (we may get an idea once/if the lyirics are released, not earlier). And I can almost guarantee you the theme of the song is not going to be a cheesy couple fused in one and eyefucking each other at 4am in a bar.

"Finnish Heavy Metal Champions Hard at Work on Eighth LP

World renowned Finnish heavy metal band CHILDREN OF BODOM (aka COB) have entered Danger Johnny Studios (located at a top secret, undisclosed location in Helsinki) to begin work on their as-yet-untitled eighth studio album. For the recording of the LP, COB has teamed up with recording engineer Mikko Karmila, who worked with the band on their fan favorite albums Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper, Hate Crew Deathroll and more as well as producer Peter Tägtgren (Marduk, Amon Amarth), who is overseeing production of both vocals and keyboards on the record. The album will be mixed at Finnvox Studios and a summer release date via Nuclear Blast Records is expected.

"It's a nice change to the regular method where we lock ourselves up at a studio in the middle of the woods, usually also during the darkest time of the year," commented CHILDREN OF BODOM guitarist / vocalist Alexi Laiho who is currently finishing up lyrics for the songs. In early February, Tägtgren will travel to Finland to oversee the keyboard and vocal recordings for his longtime allies.

"Last night I finished my parts for the record," dishes COB bassist Henkka Seppälä. "We listened to all the songs and fixed what had to be fixed. So the bass tracks are locked in and so are the basic tracks for guitars, from both Roope and Alexi. And of course all drums were recorded first. Next in line are the guitar melodies and solos and then the keyboards and vocals. We are ahead of schedule and very happy to work here in Helsinki for the first time ever."
Ok, you're officially insane.

Yes, the Slowdance On Nails expression is the metaphora, just typical way for Bodom to symbolize their song meanings with these fantasy titles, which is something I like about them. Like you said, it's probably influenced by something such as the difficulties of the band over the years or whatever the fuck, I really don't care what it is. The thing is I care about the art, the symbolism, but Alexi needs the inspiration for the anger-emotions from his personal life events. He didn't dance on nails, but it implies to something else, however this symbolism is the way to create an interesting song title and theme and lyrics etc. Also typical for Bodom to tie compound words together like we do a lot in Finnish... blooddrunk, knuckleduster, slowdance, strungout, bloodred, etc... In Finnish we tie these together unless the first word ends with the same vowel as the second word starts, then we put a - in between, such as linja-auto. need to stop voicing your subjective opinions as facts.

About his lyrics, they are and always been bad, although they are even worse now, mostly (imo). He's stated several times himself not to expect anything intelligent or poetic, yet you seem to think there's some super deep meanings behind everything.

Who gives a shit if Slowdance on Nails is a metaphor? Pussyfoot Miss Suicide, you think that's a nice title as well? They're both shit. All Twisted is also bad but at least it's not a title that reeks of depression.

Alexi said they're gonna focus more on vocals this album...Too bad he's not gonna focus more on lyrics as well. If he's gonna articulate more on this album and the lyrics are even worse then it will not be fun listening to some songs imo.

I mean just check some verses and choruses from the songs on RRF, it's pathetically bad. Some songs is okay/good though but stuff like this makes you cringe:

"Slipped to drop a hit of you, one second later
I vomit I od’d… oh yes indeed"

"Hell yeah
Ignore the pain
But I’ll do it again"

"This is the way we roll
At the fuckin north pole
We show no mercy
Dead men all in the snow!

"Look at my kingdom
Tequila shots kill me"

"Fuck yea I’m a madman, a Jameson junkie"

"C’mon, you fucker, let’s go
By this time you already know
With that standpoint of hias
You can kiss my Nordic pale white ass!"
I've been saying all along Alexi must focus more on vocals on this album. On RRF the vocals and lyrics were just really bad. There's some really good lyrics on Hatebreeder as well as Follow the Reaper, while sometimes in the past the vocals were absolute perfection, then they turned to annoyance. I just want the vocals not-so-suck this time so everytime I play some COB track I don't need to mute it when the vocals start so nobody thinks I'm a weirdo listening to such music. There's a massive difference between Alexi's epic vocals and his retarded vocals, and they're the easiest sector on the album to improve the music as it demands mostly effort, not much creativity. However, it's easier to make the vocal appeal better if the lyrics are creative and exciting.
Does anyone really listen to metal for the lyrics? I for one could care less what the songs are called and what the lyrics are.....I personally would love to have metal cd's available with no lyrics what so ever. Just the music. For me lyrics do not add to or take away from the vibe of the song itself. A good song is a good song regardless of the lyrics.

I really like the bits of music I have heard so far, so can't wait to hear full songs and see what they are coming up with this time.
Does anyone really listen to metal for the lyrics? I for one could care less what the songs are called and what the lyrics are.....I personally would love to have metal cd's available with no lyrics what so ever. Just the music. For me lyrics do not add to or take away from the vibe of the song itself. A good song is a good song regardless of the lyrics.

to me lyrics in the song play the same role as the script in the movie.

Does anyone really listen to metal for the lyrics? I for one could care less what the songs are called and what the lyrics are.....I personally would love to have metal cd's available with no lyrics what so ever. Just the music. For me lyrics do not add to or take away from the vibe of the song itself. A good song is a good song regardless of the lyrics.
If you even look at vocals like they're just another instrument, they give some extra power to the music.

Growl for example - musically lyrics are not important, because you can't understand a word without booklet.
So just some random screams like "aarghhh roaarrr shhhhh arrrr" can make music more powerful.
I do not agree! There is a difference between Bodom and Anal Cunt vocals, and sometimes the lyrics gives another kick to an already great song. (and thats why I do not consider the most of deathcore genre as real music)
It's not just about whether the content of the lyrics is about drinking or about mythology, the theme isn't that important, but the way you build the sentences for doing the vocals is important. Some string of words can sound really cool and surprising with DM vocals, others just blunt. And when you have a blunt sentence "On the eve of their death" you can still make some interesting line of vocals with it with lots of creativity. Or you can just go venting and puking vocals and lyrics (like Cry of the Nihilist). I love especially the first tracks of Hatebreeder vocal-wise since the content, the vocals, and the sentences all groove excellent (except for the low pitch vocal parts).
Well, singing is actually meant to sound good in music, even in death metal... and it can sound better in death metal than any other type of music... But to me albums like RRF just treat the vocals and lyrics as a necessary abomination, not even trying to make them sound interesting. I think they're mixed a bit too loud in the first place, no logic.