COB start writing new album

HOLY SHIT! 34 minutes of interview. I will need a summary of what's been said.

Henkka said there's both the fastest and slowest song they have done on the new album. Sounds interesting.
Cool! RRF didn't have any really slow song.
Slowdance on Nails could be the slow one, just thinking :)

EDIT: Henkka confirms that the new COB album comes out a day before the summer tour (June 7). At the 8:00 minute.
So for the lazy asses, interesting stuff about the new album from the interview:

-He likes it the best from all (expected, as a musician if you don't like your most recent album, particularly this early, the most, you haven't done a great job).
-It has both the fastest and the slowest COB songs ever.
-Release date prior to the festivals, actually the same day of the first festival (7th of june).
-There should be a COBTV part 4 sometime this spring.
-He said which his favourite song, which apparently is the super slow song, but he used the working titles, he doesn't know the actual real titles yet (apparently this was recorded about a month ago).

That's about it, if I've forgotten about anything I'm sure somebody will point it out.

Also, Joonas, see he "answered" one of your questions, but didn't really, apparently you'll have to wait till it's out to see if it's atmospheric or not.
They take my question on the orchestral hits at 19:00 :D "Should COB use more orchestral hits on the new album, they sound fucking dramatic"

The question just before that is also mine, about the atmosphere, but Henkka claims it's up to you which album is atmospheric...

At 31:54 Alexi asks two of my questions. What is Henkka's favourite swimming style, and if he's considered wearing the lipstick and strings on stage again.

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It's interesting they have the fastest and slowest songs on this album...

But that can be misleading. A fast track doesn't necessarily appear fast, as fast just means the tempo of the drums, not the density of melodic notes... right? For example Hellhounds is claimed a very fast song but it doesn't appear that fast.

Really hope they have some fast melodic song like SNBN... and a very slow and atmospheric song.
They take my question on the orchestral hits at 19:00 :D "Should COB use more orchestral hits on the new album, they sound fucking dramatic"

The question just before that is also mine, about the atmosphere, but Henkka claims it's up to you which album is atmospheric...

At 31:54 Alexi asks two of my questions. What is Henkka's favourite swimming style, and if he's considered wearing the lipstick and strings on stage again.

It was kind of obivious it was your question. How many others have ever mentioned atmosphere in a question? :)
By fast song I get something like Northpole Throwdown, very in your face - direct - thrashy. I don't really enjoy that song, but if they did a 2:55 minutes song they can do it again. I hope it will be betther than NPT.

I'm really looking forward to that slow song. Henkka said its his favourite, isn't? So it must be quite good.
Everytime I Die, Angels, Punch Me and Banned are all really and interesting songs.

7th of June, please, come now!
By fast song I get something like Northpole Throwdown, very in your face - direct - thrashy. I don't really enjoy that song, but if they did a 2:55 minutes song they can do it again. I hope it will be betther than NPT.

By fast and slow song he didn't mean the duration of the songs, but the pace.
Jaska played some blastbeat on this album... so I guess this would be the super-fast/black-metalish/shred song. Let's see what they've got for us.
I just realized something. Trondheim is one of the working titles for one of the songs on the new album. I'm guessing that's probably the black metal influenced song, because Trondheim is a city in Norway...

This is probably obvious to Europeans, but I'm from Canada and I just googled it. So...that's that...
Whooaa that is all great news ! 7th of June noted in the calender !
I agree on Northpole would be the fastest theve done - in pace yes Joonas, imo Mutran meant pace too.
Or any suggestions on any other that would be faster? And which one is their slowest so far?? Hehe could be a fun discussion :)

- Im so fcking excited to hear Jaska playing extra fast, and even slow now :)
Jaska said in one of the updates or interviews that he hated to record one song of the album.
C'mon people, let's discuss about one drummer hating a song of the new record.
Maybe it's the slow song, because it was boring to him :/

I just realized something. Trondheim is one of the working titles for one of the songs on the new album. I'm guessing that's probably the black metal influenced song, because Trondheim is a city in Norway...

This is probably obvious to Europeans, but I'm from Canada and I just googled it. So...that's that...
Hey, I googled it too and I noticed too, haha.
But I think it will be more than one song of black metal on the album.
Who says Jaska was bored of the slow song, because it was slow? Since when has the speed of a song determined how good it is? It was probably another mediocre crap song like Done that he was bored with because it was a messy pointless song... And who cares if a song is fast paced if it still sound slow and boring (like NPTD). In my eyes SNBN is their fastest song and also the best because of the creativity of melodies and riffs.
Who says Jaska was bored of the slow song, because it was slow? Since when has the speed of a song determined how good it is? It was probably another mediocre crap song like Done that he was bored with because it was a messy pointless song... And who cares if a song is fast paced if it still sound slow and boring (like NPTD). In my eyes SNBN is their fastest song and also the best because of the creativity of melodies and riffs.

DWEDFN is the best song on BD alongside BFH!