COB start writing new album

There's some nice atmospheric keyboards during the blast beat parts as well. I think the better quality later will definitely make the song even better and keyboards more audible.
The orchestral hits are sexy and epic! I love that shit. It's a darkly atmospheric and grim, teeth-grinding song. I'm satisfied pretty much, it's what I expected. It's not as epic as SNBN but it's great in its own style of metal. They've taken an atmospheric riff, and this is the result. I always dreamed of this kind of riffs. The parts with vocals are still musically somewhat poor but I like the taste of the guitars and drums. Electric nordic metal. Solo fits the vibe of the song but is not epic in itself. Lovely blast beats. 4/5.
Like kilon said though, I think they could have done a little more with the verses. Especially the second verse. Changed the tempo or something. Sounds very similar to the verse of "Not My Funeral". Apart from that, it's sounding damn epic. So excited to hear the rest of the record.
If it wasn't so bad quality it would be amazing! the atmosphere is so intense! made me think to warheart without the sweet melodic part, and it has the same ending of Taste of my Scythe! Too bad there isn't any catchy part :( but overall I fucking love it!
If it wasn't so bad quality it would be amazing! the atmosphere is so intense! made me think to warheart without the sweet melodic part, with the same ending of Taste of my scythe! Too bad there isn't any catchy part :( but overall I fucking love it!

The album is said to be very diverse so I don't think anyone should expect the album to sound like the title track all of a sudden. There'll be plenty of cool melodies I reckon. This seemed more like it was meant to be just a super aggressive short song albeit a VERY awesome one.
First listen: And we thought Alexi couldn't do better than the vocals of RRF anymore! I really like the agressive vocals on this one. The intro is interesting, the verse sounds a bit like NMF verse but a hundred times darker (Also makes it better), the chorus sounds like it's missing some melody/keyboard chord stuff which should be there. Overall I like the song. At least they've made a huge change in sound which was welcome since I really don't think RRF is anything special.

Second listen: Notice when in the solo the audio cuts? There's more to the solo than what we hear! Might be they cut more than just parts of the solo but that's the only cut I hear and can remember.

Third listen: Not quite sure if they really cut something out. Listen to 2.16 and decide for yourself.
Second listen: Notice when in the solo the audio cuts? There's more to the solo than what we hear! Might be they cut more than just parts of the solo but that's the only cut I hear and can remember.

Third listen: Not quite sure if they really cut something out. Listen to 2.16 and decide for yourself.

I thought it was just a simple clip due to the stream. Would be cool if the solo had something more to it that was cut out, thought I don't think that's the case.

Can't wait to hear it all in CD quality.
Damn it just gets BETTER and better for each listen.

I love in the main riff how the keyboard is so atmospheric and eerie sounding. I don't know what band reminds me of but it's something. Maybe Dissection.
Damn it just gets BETTER and better for each listen.

I love in the main riff how the keyboard is so atmospheric and eerie sounding. I don't know what band reminds me of but it's something. Maybe Dissection.

blast beat riffs remind me a lot of Kalmah :)
This is fuckin' black metal, guys. But it's not so much melodic, and I can not hear keyboards, maybe because of the bad quallity. I like more the song from that album preview video.
I think there is enough melody for a serious metal song to be honest. Not sure if it is enough for all the fans who would like to see a copy of HB/FTR though;) For me, I think I will enjoy this record a lot.

Also, I wouldn't go as far as calling it straight black metal... You know, this is nowhere near Watain, or Carpathian Forest :) Just another bodom metal thing, haha - more furious though!
Btw, now we can confirm that the song sample from the trailer clip is indeed not the title track :P Must be Transference then, since it's having a music video made of it.