Color Curiosity

what a fuckin dumbass. that topic is done and over with. we were never the same people. you already know who we are so i'm not going over this again. why don't you just stfu and go fuck your boyfriend instead of talking unnecessary shit.
:lol: Why are you still here? CoB hates fags like you, and everytime you come on COBOT you get flamed for being a tard... if you have such a cool life like you claim, don't come here then :Smug: :lol:
Psh, Heartless couldn't pwn his own pale ass, and if you're too thick to understand that me and sister share an IP address because we have the same internet then this thread is obviously gonna go over your head.

I pwned your ass worse than your dad did when you were 6... child rape ftw :lol: And the only one that is "thick" is you, you fat ass mongloid :lol:

"Worst come back ever" because you've got nothing to really come back with yourself. You just got told, or better yet let me put it into you lamens terms for you so your thick head understands that you just got "pwnd", now stfu, and leave.
:rolleyes: lame :lol:
and it looks like your mouth is busy sucking on some dick. no wonder your words cum out all retarted and faggoty.
Wait... this was LAME, my mistake. Why does your schitzo ass insist on taking everything so serious/personal. God you need to go back to the looney bin... and weight watchers :lol:
Yes, because some of us actual do have other things to do in life apart from watching tv or sitting on the computer like you seem to do every hour of every day. Plus if you haven't got the ability to come up with your own lines then don't go around calling people who actual use their own brain to come up with original comical lines lame, because it just makes you look pathetic.

Seeing as you're trying to turn my thread into something pathetic with your mere existence, I'm just going to start ignoring you. So brainstorm all you want for a good comeback or go steal it off of someone else, either way don't sitting there waiting eagerly for me to respond like you seem to have been doing because it will be in vain.

amgz0rz!! You're gonna ignore him!?!??!?! OH NOES!! :cry:


(It's early and I didn't see there was a second page to this faggotry :lol:)
^true most black people don't like "good" music. but i know some black kids who are into punk rock and ska, which are pretty good genres imo.

Hey JuJu, i say we turn this into the official Julian Casablancas thread
Julian Casablancas!!!! he's the singer of the Strokes, and yes, he is gorgeous. me and my sister were lucky enough to see them at the Troubador (which is a tiny venue in Hollywood) and you can imagine what it was like, seeing this really big band play at such a small venue (it was actually a secret show and we won tickets from the radio station). i have many pics of julian from that show if you'd like some :) i think he's one of the best song writers (lyrically) and singer out there. he makes you feel a certain way when he sings. not many singers these days are capable of that.
