Color Curiosity

Don't talk about grammatical perfection, because such a thing doesn't exist. The english languages, all languages for that matter, were created by people and try as they might, they will never be perfect. If you can't accept that you're going to have a hard life. How can calling someone dumb or stupid be childish and "teh gheyzorz" "n00bs" and tr00lz" not be? You see the hyposrisy in your statement? The imperfection?

Don't accuse somebody of being something they're not, especially when you don't know them. You're so confident in your evidence, yet you aren't even showing it clearly. Jumping to conclusions and making accusations, that's all I see. So don't question my maturity, when you can hardly prove your own.
Don't talk about grammatical perfection, because such a thing doesn't exist. The english languages, all languages for that matter, were created by people and try as they might, they will never be perfect. If you can't accept that you're going to have a hard life. How can calling someone dumb or stupid be childish and "teh gheyzorz" "n00bs" and tr00lz" not be? You see the hyposrisy in your statement? The imperfection?

Don't accuse somebody of being something they're not, especially when you don't know them. You're so confident in your evidence, yet you aren't even showing it clearly. Jumping to conclusions and making accusations, that's all I see. So don't question my maturity, when you can hardly prove your own.

i know this does not concern me but havent you done this yourself...
┼Victim of the Night┼;5747092 said:
But what's happening in this thread too? Always fights, guys? :(

:erk: Sorry if it bothers you, but honestly, I didn't even ask for it. Plus I tried to stop, just let it go, but people just continue the attack, so I'm not just gonna sit back now.
:erk: Sorry if it bothers you, but honestly, I didn't even ask for it. Plus I tried to stop, just let it go, but people just continue the attack, so I'm not just gonna sit back now.

No, no, I'm not bothered at all... I was just thinking that it's sad having always fights and arguments so often... :(
^ dude you don't even know the gheyness that heartless brought into this place. trust me, don't get into it, and don't call JuJu a moron cuz she's just replyng to the nonsensical shit Heartless Fag rants on about.

JuJu, just let this shit go. that fag isn't worth the time you spend typing out your responses.

post jumped.

and yeah, see, at least eternal alchemist sees the hypocracy heartless brings in here.

don't use the word "gheyness", please... you're totally disgracing it. :erk:

JuJu I don't give a shit.


Then why are you in this thread?

because of the free flame.

Wow, how thick do you get. My friends and I nicknamed him JuJu Bean you 'tard. Do you really think that any logical STRAIGHT (unlike some of you on here, obviously) male would go around with the nickname JuJu Bean, dumbass. His real nickname would be Jules, from the band The Strokes go google it, loser. So I call him JuJu Bean, hence the whole "how could anyone resist HIM". Can you at least comprehend that?

if you love the strokes so much, then what the fuck are you doing on this forum?

enough wasting time here. i have better things to do :Smug:

yeah... those fakes account won't make by themselves

Don't talk about grammatical perfection, because such a thing doesn't exist. The english languages, all languages for that matter, were created by people and try as they might, they will never be perfect. If you can't accept that you're going to have a hard life. How can calling someone dumb or stupid be childish and "teh gheyzorz" "n00bs" and tr00lz" not be? You see the hyposrisy in your statement? The imperfection?

Don't accuse somebody of being something they're not, especially when you don't know them. You're so confident in your evidence, yet you aren't even showing it clearly. Jumping to conclusions and making accusations, that's all I see. So don't question my maturity, when you can hardly prove your own.

those words aren't for any random idiot like you or your "sister"... that's why you don't understand the leetness of them...

you're not mature for the sole fact that you have a double account that you're trying to hide.

┼Victim of the Night┼;5747272 said:
No, no, I'm not bothered at all... I was just thinking that it's sad having always fights and arguments so often... :(

oh no, please... don't begin with the "let's make love, not war" routine...
Color Curiosity January 3rd, 2007 06:37 PM get the fuck out of my forum

that's the bad rep i got from some "unknown" Heartless Fag. see what you guys have done to this dickbrain's ego? his ego has totally exploded. he thinks he owns this forum :lol:
┼Victim of the Night┼;5747092 said:
But what's happening in this thread too? Always fights, guys? :(

i know. it's so stupid. but a certain someone always has to start this shit. although, this time it was another fag by the name of KillerGon.

oh my god!!! i just had an epiphany...KillerGon and Heartless Fag are the same people!!!! Oh Noes!!! fake acount!! fake acount!!!

i know. it's so stupid. but a certain someone always has to start this shit. although, this time it was another fag by the name of KillerGon.

oh my god!!! i just had an epiphany...KillerGon and Heartless Fag are the same people!!!! Oh Noes!!! fake acount!! fake acount!!!

really... get out... no one likes lame trolls like you.

edit: by the way, your bad rep hurted me so little...