Concerts - 2006

marduk1507 said:
Im kicking myself for not paying more attention to this band. I used to love Troublegum, but then I somehow stopped following them. But I didnt miss any of the reviews of their newer stuff and based on that the concert should kick ass, because they basically stripped their music to the bone and sound like really angry, yet very wise bastards. I wouldnt miss it, too!

the same goes for me actually, i own troublegum and infernal love, but that's about it - they seem to have released something like 13(!) albums over the years. oh well, i guess it will be fun :) already took the next day off.
Keyy said:
Hey you guys should all go to the Evolution Festival in Italy on July 16, just because i say so ^^

I wish I could, but there is another great festival right here in my hometown on that day, so nope.

The Hate Eternal, Spawn of Possession gig confirmed - Ill be there! :kickass:

wildfyr said:
Ooooh, lucky you. I've heard some SoP tracks. Pretty hot stuff! Have fun at the show.

You amaze me, madam. Life of Brian and now SoP - teh coolness! :cool:
I am going to see Kataklysm on friday, may 26th, in Montreal! Yay!
with Vader, Destruction, Graveworm and another band I don't remember the name!
Maybe Satriani in Stockholm on June 28... Just have to pay the flight and the concert ticket (I was invited and i do not have to pay for the hotel)... Still this would cost me 70 euros so I still have to think about it.
Went to see Amorphis yesterday and it was great - their best gig that I've seen! Their new (well, not so new anymore) vocalist Tonto (who happens to be my old work-buddy) has really brought new life to the band. Too bad the audience was quite small, but at least everyone seemed to enjoy the gig immensely. Amorphis played plenty of stuff from their latest album and a couple of old classics like the Castaway, Drowned Maid and My Kantele.

There were three other bands that night: Machine Men, Poisonblack and Turmion Kätilöt. Iron Maid... I mean Machine Men played the same very maidenesque stuff they played right before DT at Tuska 2004 if someone remembers. This time they didn't end their set with Powerslave, though.

Poisonblack was good, but not great. The kind of "Sentenced was better" -atmosphere seemed to spread in the audience after a couple of songs. Still, the fangirls in the frontrow seemed to enjoy seeing Ville Laihiala and kept screaming his name. My friend had some fun calling him "Jussi 69" and screaming "69 Eyes is the best!" between the songs, which drew some confused looks from the fangirls. :goggly:

Turmion Kätilöt was boring. I dislike their music, but I was kind of expecting a good show, as people kept telling me they always have awesome performances. My friend summed it up best: their stage-antics belong to the nineties.

Overall, an otherwise decent night was made great by Amorphis. It's funny, considering that the band was quite dead in my book just a few years ago.

@the therapists: you'll be disappointed. i am a HUGE fan of troublegum and i do revere infernal love, but they got worse afterwards. while semi-detached is a very interesting album in places, i can't say the same for the following ones. and it's all the more annoying to hear some bits and pieces out of records like shameless or high anxiety that make you feel that yes, it's still the same band and they could do wonders, but they just don't. i find that the closest approximation to therapy? in the good old days is powerman 5000, even though the vocalist is no andy cairns and the lyrics are not as good - but the general sound makes me think of the days of yore when therapy really rocked the entire world. i also happened to see them three nights in a row (t?, not p5k) in london back in 2000 and i was the happiest idiot around for nearly a week.
perhaps a little late, but so far i've seen:

in flames - 21/3
darkane - somewhere in april
gorefest - few weeks ago

i'm looking forward to summer festival, havent decided which one yet
Hern: Yeah, now I'll have to listen to like... Lena Phillipsson ans Barabados-Magnus and all that shit, but DT is DT and I will shave :.:: in my head. Anyone know what time they're playing. I've bought tickets so I'll die if they change day. Just going up for one day...
Thanks for the review Villain! I've been wanting to hear how Amorphis is live... What songs did they play from the new one?