DT forum members picture page needs new host

Originally posted by Thanatos
coool, I'm going to beat someone, I like the story

Hehe:lol: , fun for you...but I'm the one who you're after, I can feel the pain allready:OMG: *running for my life*

And now it is Final_Visions turn. He is the big, bad brother to Silence.

Silence has told Vision that Thanatos is after him, and Vision doesn't like that at all. So he decides to search for this Thanatos and then have a little "talk" with him.

To be continued...
@rahvin: That's okey. Brothers' have their disagreements every once in a while...I sure hope we'll be friends soon again?

@wanderingblade: OKey....help me out here...I need a list of the most vicious people here on um?:)
See the problem is I realized Thanatos was only in it for the money as he was hired by Phyros to to beat up Silence as the Nagus had been having an afair with Atlantis, and now Thanatos is a loose cannon bent on taking over the world....

As the bu turns...
I'm here. :grin:

This is confusing... but of course I'll marry SilentJohan (cause he's cute... uh, and cool and stuff). I'll also cheat on him with other guys since I can. :muahaha: (this is a soap opera... not that I have ever watched one... but I presume this is the way it goes).

Originally posted by rahvin

it also depends on that person's opinion, unless you want him to fall prey to your constant beatings. :loco:

You mean bitings. :grin: Remember the meaning of my name... :grin:
Originally posted by mousewings
You mean bitings. :grin: Remember the meaning of my name... :grin:

bitings might hold a certain interest in a relationship, while beatings just tend to get in the way. so i'd suggest you either bite in the right circumstances or beat him silly to get out of embarrassing situations. :grin:

Biting is good :p

Now, I actually had something to say too *shock, horror, disgust* (now where's that smilie when you need it? ):
I am going on my vacation (I can't say holiday, since someone just told me americans have no idea what that means :lol: ) starting tonite and I will be back on the 14th, so you will have to survive a bit over a week without me, how will you manage :p
So anyway, during the time I am away, I will not be able to update the members page, so if you send a picture in, don't expect it to appear before the 15th. I might be able to read my PM's at times tho.