DT forum members picture page needs new host

Well, for one thing, he isn't tied up against his will in my house somewhere...

But really, this is odd. He hasn't been here for a long time. :(
Salamurhaaja is on a vacation :) has been for a week already..I think he's somewhere in Denmark at the moment, he hasn't answered to my SMS yet..
@Hearse: I always knew that you had a beautiful tower in your immediate surroundings. :rolleyes:

I noticed that Salamy is absent since one month ago. Is he kidnapped? Maybe he has become a pop star...

|ng (Perhaps...)
Ok, well I thought I would reply this once, since you all miss me so much ;)

Yes, I was on vacation and my interest in the forums and UM is wearing thin even before that, I am now back with some good news (for me) and some bad news (for the DT members page).

Good news:
I was on a very, very good vacation, I feel relaxed now and not so pissed off at work either, which may also be due to the fact that I am moving to Helsingborg in a month, to start my new job :D
Yes, I am leaving this piece of shit village behind and moving into a real city, with big buildings, people (see there he is again :lol: ) and shit.
New job, new city and no dumbass roomies, but here it comes:

Bad news:
I will have no internet connection for a while after I move (this could be from weeks to months, depending), so therefore I will not be able to update the pages either, so I am thinkin if Skald is still interested, to send him the stuff and he can put it up.

To those of you who send pictures and AVs during my time away, I will try to get to them ASAP, but I just re-installed my computer, so it will most likely not be before the end of this week, I do have all the pictures in my (I hope, haven't checked yet), so that should not be a problem.

Anyway, I have to do some other stuff now, I will get back on this later.

I was thinking of blowing some people away, but someone got to it first, so I didn't think it was a cool idea anymore, of course I wouldn't have been so dumb to blow myself away too ;)

Thanks for letting me know this was here and letting people know what was up (even tho I think half of them still are wondering what Ormir was saying :lol: )

And of course, right when I was posting this, the server decided not to let me know if I had infact posted it, this is the major reason I hate UM these days, it blows. I can't understand how it came to this, since it used to work fine, if you then start asking people for money the quality should not go down, it should at least remain the same. Oh well, not like I really post anymore anyway.
welcome back, salmy, we really missed you. :) i'm happy for you and so-and-so about the board-related news. ;)
maybe you could try contacting skald yourself, and of course this humble dwarf is at your service - for the little he can do - if something is needed to make things run more smoothly.

don't forget to check the song survivor poll. :)

WB Salamurhaaja! And I thought you just ignored me :p
Anyway I sent you some recent pics (delete the sucky current one plz :)) and my old, nice avatar... it's a bit late but whatever. Let me know if you lost them or anything. Thx again :)
@Salamy: Welcome back. Skald is lately absent too, and the latest news about him were that he had in mind to move to the states, so I'm not sure of him as an ideal candidate. If the green dwarf can manage this affair, I think that his (omni)presence here could be profitable.

Originally posted by Dark_Jester
awwwwwwww he's got the cuteness of pikachu but the attitude of a great white shark with toothache :D
But he is wearing a Discouraged Ones longsleeve! Very true.
Originally posted by Ormir
Add it to your site quickly Salmis! Collect them all :p

Can't do it right now, something wrong with the site, I can't access the filemanager at all, so I have to put it on halt for now :(