DT forum members picture page needs new host

Wau... This is really, really good! Great layout. By far the best of the member picture pages.

Here's a suggestion; is it possible to implement something that we can see who the avatars belong to in the avatars page? Like text appearing somewhere?

-Ormir (awed)
Originally posted by Ormir
Wau... This is really, really good! Great layout. By far the best of the member picture threads.

Here's a suggestion; is it possible to implement something that we can see who the avatars belong to in the avatars page? Like text appearing somewhere?

-Ormir (awed)

Thanks, made purely in HTML/CSS and with Notepad (well, ok, NoteTab, which is the same but you can open many files in one window).

I am going to change the avatar page like that, so yes, it will be coming!
Originally posted by rahvin
:yow: very cool, salmy. :) i just updated the link to the page in the sticky rules thread, so ppl are aptly redirected. i'm in favour of the separate-pages thing, so count my vote in. ;)


Will do, hmm, wonder if that should be made into a poll?

I added a redirect to the old page as well, so no worries about people going to the wrong place :)
Originally posted by Ormir
Here's a suggestion; is it possible to implement something that we can see who the avatars belong to in the avatars page? Like text appearing somewhere?

-Ormir (awed)

Ok, I fixed this already, now when you place your mouse on top of the avatar it will say who it belongs to.
I will do a bit more work on this page later on as well, but don't expect any visible changes, mainly location the images in a different place and making the code in the same format as the picture pages.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Last update on this host, updated VultureCultures picture, take a look at his kit :)

errr... that's not my kit :)

edit: and hey, great job on that page btw, and nice graphics from reitoei:eek:
Ok, I fixed this already, now when you place your mouse on top of the avatar it will say who it belongs to.
I will do a bit more work on this page later on as well, but don't expect any visible changes, mainly location the images in a different place and making the code in the same format as the picture pages.
That's great, but too bad it doesn't work with Opera... Works perfectly with Exploder though ;)
Originally posted by Ormir
That's great, but too bad it doesn't work with Opera... Works perfectly with Exploder though ;)

Which version of Opera?
I will fix it more later, I will add the name under the avatar as well, but that will be in the future.
I haven't been able to check with anything but IE 6 and K-Meleon 0.6, I will do more testing later.

The picture page is fucked with Opera 5 or lower, this is due to the crappy support for tables in those versions, 6.xx should be fine tho.

The pages should look pretty much ok with any recent browser, I think anything about IE4 will work with no problems.

I noticed a slight cosmetic fault with K-Meleon 0.6, on a page with uneven number of members, the last member should be aligned to the left, but K-Meleon centers it, I know how to fix it tho, but that will come later too, the table code is not standard at that point.
i'm going through the photo page right now to get a good look at you folks... the chick at the left in At The Gates' photo is fucking delicious...

oh yea, site looks pretty good by the way
Originally posted by malignant vermin
i'm going through the photo page right now to get a good look at you folks... the chick at the left in At The Gates' photo is fucking delicious...

she's not one of us yet, we'd have to track her down and convince her somehow. ;)

Arg... good site overall, but I still hate my pic there. Not that I have any better ones just lying around :p

Oh well... after next Friday, I hope to have some pics with my gf at the DT show.... maybe with DT? (hint hint) or IF? (more hints)

~Kovenant (wants to meet a band.)