DT forum members picture page needs new host

@skald: i know. my point is since he's the one providing the goodies right now he gets to say if he prefers to pass it on or if he's looking for a no-pop-ups site himself or whatever. i think it's rather fair given that at the moment he's the one doing the work, don't you? :)

@skald: nice page, a bit too dark maybe ;) about the dt page, i think rahvin's right: you better discuss directly with salamurhaaja the possibility of making a brand new site or developing together with him the version he's still working on. i myself gave him my support plus some material and he's been very kind to me :)
it's just that he's busy with his job, we've gotta be patient... we're not dealing with a corporate site, after all ;)
Originally posted by Rei Toei
@skald: nice page, a bit too dark maybe ;) about the dt page, i think rahvin's right: you better discuss directly with salamurhaaja the possibility of making a brand new site or developing together with him the version he's still working on. i myself gave him my support plus some material and he's been very kind to me :)
it's just that he's busy with his job, we've gotta be patient... we're not dealing with a corporate site, after all ;)

thanks, but that's just a program carcass. there's no design at all yet. And it's a good idea to develop the site together with Salmy, waiting for his opinion
I just updated Nicks picture, but be warned, it's huge!

New site will be up sometime during the weekend, after I have time to test it with a few browsers. I will most likely also move it, but you will see the new addy here anyway.
Thanks for the offer, I will have to concider that in the future maybe.
Right now, I am moving the site to a different host, even tho the pop-ups don't bother me, as I never see them, I hardly use a browser that supports shit like that, ie. IE (no pun).
If I get a new job I will have to leave the site anyway, at least I know who to give it to then :)
And in case you wonder why it has taken me so long to build this new site, well Rei already said it, I have been real busy at work and looking for a new job, right now it seems to have settled a little tho and of course the fact that I do the work in Notepad also slows me down (just make sure you realize that when looking at the page.) .
Also you may notice that I make the page to be fast, so there is no java or flash or any crap like that one the pages, pure HTML and CSS.

Anyway, this weekend you will see the new layout, people will either like it or not, if you don't like it, put it here and we will see what I can do about it or you can email me at the usual address.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
I just updated Nicks picture, but be warned, it's huge!

Holy shit!!! you forgot to warn me (us) that the pic was proof that things can go very wrong when a geek tries to look evil :lol: :lol: :lol: :p

Pantera t-shirt? tsk, tsk, it would be better if your mommy chose your clothes :p
I didnt try to look evil child molester. I just woke up and was out side having a smoke, and yes PANTERA is one of my favorite bands, so please suck a dick. On another note dont take my lines, I recall saying you tried to look evil, so have some originality. Thanks necrophiliac :) :).


P.S. Dont you have a dog to have intercoarse with than eat? :p

P.S.S. Im not a geek im a dork, get it right or I will kick your arse. :p :p
it would be a perfect pic, if your shotgun and banjo weren't missing :p

*sigh* so much things to say about that and so little time, thanks Nicky, you made my day :lol:

Ok, man, I see your point. I just wanted to say that we can use your design or whatever else, I just could supply programming and database. As for me, I'm too lazy, so I would write a code which will allow anyone register and upload photos themselves within a minute. Take a look at http://dt.skald.info and see my profile. It would be good to make everyone available to register and enter all info and upload a picture. We could use my hosting and domain, and design the page together.
Tell me what you think.
I have finally finished (almost, info and links pages still under construction, but they are not important right now anyway) the new version of the DT Members pages!

They are found here: http://liquid2k.net/dtportal/index.html !
I will also have the link in my signature, as you can see, no more ShitFire, I mean AngelShit... Angelfire, that was it and no more pop ups. I will be moving it to a totally new domain when I have time/money/interest but right now this is good, although the uploading could be easier, oh well, can't expect much from M$ shit anyway :grin:

Go go go already!

and let me know if anything is not working or any suggestions or anything else.

I am thinking of having seperate pages for all users with more info about them, like age, real name, ICQ, email and so on, let me know if you want that done or if I should just leave it as it is?