DT forum members picture page needs new host

Hmm, not sure I should say this, but... I do have a fairly good picture of myself. Not sure I should post it anywhere though. I wouldn't want to scare anyone to death... :(
@Sunjammer: We have Salamurhaaja to scare us with his obscene behaviour and appearance, so we can take anything you got. Bring it on!
:eek: It seems Ormir and Salmiakki are finally a couple... :blush:

@WB: plz tell me that pic is old.. :p

@Sun: Bring it on, we won't be scared, we promise. ;)
@WanderingBlade: and you said you weren't cute.... :p
You are very cute... :)

@Sunjammer: Don't worry, post your picture. I'm sure it won't scare anyone. :)

Originally posted by Siren
:eek: It seems Ormir and Salmiakki are finally a couple... :blush:

I want to join the both of you... :p :lol:

@Ormir: Salmy isn't obscene looking. He's hot. Where is your picture anyways? :p
Originally posted by mousewings
I want to join the both of you... :p :lol:
Is it just me, or is this forum becoming sleazier by the day? I would say it has something to do with the "hot" weather, but it's cold as fuck in Scandinavia right now!

ok, just don't come between us...

on second thought, forget that warning

@Ormir: Salmy isn't obscene looking. He's hot. Where is your picture anyways? :p
Photographs of me have the unfortunate habit of spontaneously combusting and deleting harddrives. Then there's the thing with the monitors shattering...
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
:lol: :lol:
I have no idea what the hell happened to this forum hahaha

Um, yes Ormir, between us is the best place for her :grin:
I know it's not right, but I can't help myself. :cry:

It's only temporary, isn't it Salami? We'll return to normal after a few nights of fun? or will we?
Originally posted by Ormir
Is it just me, or is this forum becoming sleazier by the day? I would say it has something to do with the "hot" weather, but it's cold as fuck in Scandinavia right now!

ok, just don't come between us...

on second thought, forget that warning
:grin: It's freezing here in Canada, also. I guess I'm cold and in need of warmth. ;) I'll see about the warning... ;) :p :grin:
Originally posted by Ormir
Photographs of me have the unfortunate habit of spontaneously combusting and deleting harddrives. Then there's the thing with the monitors shattering...
I'm sure you don't look that bad. Go on and post your picture. We're curious...

As for what happened to this forum, I visited here. :p

Edit: I guess my sig is okay with everyone... trippy. :grin:
Originally posted by mousewings
I'm sure you don't look that bad. Go on and post your picture. We're curious...:p
You probably are. Between me and Salmis you see much more of my... arms. :p As for my pic, I have a friend who has a webcam. I might take a pic next time I end up at her place. Then again, every time that happens I am very, very drunk. And in the toilet :Puke:
should make a nice pic...
Originally posted by Ormir
I know it's not right, but I can't help myself. :cry:

It's only temporary, isn't it Salami? We'll return to normal after a few nights of fun? or will we?

Haha, I am sure it will, I will be pissed off during next week again, I am sure, infact I know I will be, I have some stupid fucking asswipe customer to talk to on monday, ugh :mad:
@all: I'm considering making that picture available for viewing, but remember this: I'm not responsible for any heart seizures, mental illness or nightmares, okay?

*opens Photoshop and gets to work with the crop tool amongst others*