Fucking harry potter


Hair Metal
Mar 17, 2003
'Astinz innit. Yoo kay.
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this stupid shit has been in the news papers and on the tv for the past like 3 days just because the new book is out. almost every paper had this pile of crap on the FRONT PAGE!
even the independant has had it in the first couple pages.

i hate it.

can somebody explain to me why this book deserves to be in the headlines?

illbeleavinnow said:
I dunno, I like the books, they're some of the most enjoyable books I've ever read. That's not to say the best, far from it, but people who don't like reading Harry Potter are probably doing it just to be differeent.
I don't read the books because everything I've ever heard about them made me dislike them (yes, I'm aware I'm judging them without having read them, that's the point.)
i read a bit of one and found it to be a pile of crap.

its clearly written for children as the writing style is appauling, she may use big words occasionaly but the actuall context in which they're used shows the authors lack of skill.

things like " then harry walked up to the big goblin who was magnitudiously scary and had a big stick, harry then said 'go, you bad monster, you make me sad and melancholy.i shall defeat you with my wand. harry then hit the goblin with his wand and he ran away.."

even if some people like it why the hell yould it be reported above something like the resurection of the GM debate or ANOTHER assasination of hamas leader by the israelis?

I personally think the whole thing is fairly juvenile, though I've been told they are getting darker as each year goes by. The films are okay... fun kinda mindless stuff that looks really neat. I'm not interested in reading the books, though eventually I'm sure I will get curious enough to do so.

But I did go and buy the second to last copy in Murfreesboro last night. I know a special someone who really REALLY likes the books. :D

EDIT: YAY!!!!!!! The return of one of blakmetalemps better avatars... Not that frellin carrot top fucker
Starscream said:
even if some people like it why the hell yould it be reported above something like the resurection of the GM debate or ANOTHER assasination of hamas leader by the israelis?


Bah, real news is overrated anyways...:tickled:
i was really cynical when i first started reading the books, but after i found them great. the secone one scared the crap out of me
BlackwaterNymph said:
I happen to like the books ...to me, the main thing is it's getting children reading (yeah I care- I'm going to be a teacher) and growing geeks for the future.

My Dad, an English teacher, read it and thought it was a steamy pile of crap. Our opinions on stuff like this usually run parrallel, so there's another reason why I don't read it.

I refuse to acknowledge adult harry potter fans as 'geeks'. They're just losers. Also, video games (well, the good ones) often have alot of text in them. OMFG MY KID IS PLAYING VIDEO GAMES AND FORGETTING TO READ.

they're simply fun books. if this is what it takes to get the masses to read again, great. Maybe somewhere down the line it'll help society.
Yep, they're fun. Good simple fun. I won't give credit for them being literary masterpieces, but there's more to a book than just a the technical stuff. If i was a kid i would absolutely love harry potter books, and even now i still enjoy them. Not as a deep experience, but as a light read they were good :) I think i read the first 3 books in a week.

But yeh, front page news is a bit extreme. Though really, what's so wrong about putting something on the papers which is bringing happiness to a lot of children and being a positive thing for them? Such things should be shown.