Fucking harry potter

Blood and Fat said:
as do I, that's why I told Belial he's going to enjoy the books. as for the first two, they're made with a criteria for 11 and 12 year olds, while the next three grew in complexity, just as Harry grows in age. that's the idea, and it works well on all books, if you ask me.

Absolutely. The movies will continue to be aimed at 11 year olds though, which is why I hate them. The last three books are all quite dark and atmospheric, and I think they'll lose this in the films.
I agree with guardian..... the first two books fucking BLEW DONKEY ASS... but the last 3 aren't bad. They are getting somewhat "darker", but until someone gets their bowels removed only to let the rest of the blood from their body slowely pour onto the ground below, i won't consider it a truely KICK ASS series of books.

Oh, and anything else besides the books related to harry potter in any way is GAY. The toothbrushes, movies, barbies, and tampons..... they're all GAY!
Xtokalon said:
wow. way to go making a fool of yourself! i'm not a fan (i'm totally indifferent to the fact that the next book is coming out) but i did enjoy her books and read them all (my sis got me into them).

fact is her writing is good. it's cultured, full of vivid characterization and classic manichean, underdog, good vs evil themes. there are reasons why she's won book awards (and, i'm talking about before harry potter become so widespread and popular).

but, no really, i can give rat's ass about it, but i do hate ignorant assessments of other people's writings, especially the ones that issue from "counterculture" impulses. i tend to think people who hate somehting just because it's associated with the masses are as stupid as blind fanatics. you're all a bunch of sheep.

probably because no other book in history sells like a gazaillion trillion copies on the day it's released.

ps: the movies suck trememndous jelly-roll with cheese ass.

sorry but i dont mean to sound arrogant but i have a reading level above a fucking 13 year old so i can tell the difference between a well writen book and a juvenile rip off like harry potter.

try reading something by clavel,huxley,lustbader or even fucking orwell!

they can write a book WELL. as in for someone with a vocabulary and reading level of an adult.
rowling has a decent vocab but her writing is poor.

i dont see how being well read constitutes to being a fool.

as for your joke about so called countercultur, get a life, not everything is about being 'different'.

i saw the first book WAY before it became so popular and i though it was childish then.

its good that kiddies are reading again but they could be reading something better, i guess its a stepping stone but its no classic.

they should be playing final fantasy 6.
a good game with lots of text and a great plot.everyones happy.
Starscream said:
sorry but i dont mean to sound arrogant but i have a reading level above a fucking 13 year old so i can tell the difference between a well writen book and a juvenile rip off like harry potter.

judging by your writing, i doubt it.

try reading something by clavel,huxley,lustbader or even fucking orwell!

why? did they write children's books too?

they can write a book WELL. as in for someone with a vocabulary and reading level of an adult.
rowling has a decent vocab but her writing is poor.

i dont see how being well read constitutes to being a fool.

honestly, you don't seem like a person who's literate or educated enough to judge. now i don't really mean to defend Rowling here so much as i simply don't like ignorant folk posting about shit they are not qualified to post about. it gives you perspective and it gives me a chance to rant.

as for your joke about so called countercultur, get a life, not everything is about being 'different'.

of course not. but it probably is for a guy who can be so oblivious to the fact that HP does have a huge distinction in that it is the only book in history to sell so many copies on debut. why else would it get so much attention? it's entertaining, it has won a number of literary awards, has been produced into movies, and is a more than a bestseller.

i saw the first book WAY before it became so popular and i though it was childish then.

you "saw" a book?

its good that kiddies are reading again but they could be reading something better, i guess its a stepping stone but its no classic.

you're making a category mistake. this is a children's book. we're not talking about books on the level of War and Peace. but, that said, it would be a mistake to think HP is no more cultured or intelligent than a comic.

I wish I could write as good as Mrs. Rowling! I love her books and I can't wait to get my copy of The Order of the Phoenix. I understand that not everyone is going to share a love of reading her books and I respect that. :)

Xtokalon said:
judging by your writing, i doubt it.

why? did they write children's books too?

honestly, you don't seem like a person who's literate or educated enough to judge. now i don't really mean to defend Rowling here so much as i simply don't like ignorant folk posting about shit they are not qualified to post about. it gives you perspective and it gives me a chance to rant.

of course not. but it probably is for a guy who can be so oblivious to the fact that HP does have a huge distinction in that it is the only book in history to sell so many copies on debut. why else would it get so much attention? it's entertaining, it has won a number of literary awards, has been produced into movies, and is a more than a bestseller.

you "saw" a book?

you're making a category mistake. this is a children's book. we're not talking about books on the level of War and Peace. but, that said, it would be a mistake to think HP is no more cultured or intelligent than a comic.

explain then why i dont seem literate or intelligent?
is it because i dont agree with you?

and yes i 'saw' the book, most people use their eyes to read, dont know about you. when it first came out my GF's little sister had it and i read a bit. i didnt like it and subsequently havent liked any others. therefor i 'saw' it as opposed to 'read' it as i didnt read it to the end. i doubt it would have turned into a well writen book within such a short span.

maybe you didnt read it but im talking about HP in terms of an adults book not a childs book, hence the focus on it being in the newspaper headlines, last time i checked CHILDREN DONT READ THE BROADSHEETS.

so please tell me why im not fit to judge a book?
literature being a form of art i THOUGHT that art was down to opinion, meaning everybody has the right to judge the stupid book.
it is my OPINION that the books are poorly writen based on me being whats known as 'very well read'. this is not opinion, it is the fact that i read alot meaning i have alot to compare to.

im judging the book as AN ADULT, which i am and in the context in which i was criticising the book.
Starscream said:
and yes i 'saw' the book, most people use their eyes to read, dont know about you. when it first came out my GF's little sister had it and i read a bit. i didnt like it and subsequently havent liked any others. therefor i 'saw' it as opposed to 'read' it as i didnt read it to the end. i doubt it would have turned into a well writen book within such a short span.
well i think it does. you see, a lot of books, especially sagas, have a tendency to get better when the author gets a feeling for his/her audience and starts getting accustomed to his/her own characters and so on. so far i've read only book 1, but i must say that - in my opinion - it has its brilliant moments when it comes to writing style. there are funny british jokes; a simple but not over-simplified way of describing situations; and no repetitions or clumsy, boring chapters where the events are explained at length or moral preachings get in the way. much like xtokalon, i'm also not a fan and i'm pretty much convinced there's a lot better stuff around to read for adults. still i kinda enjoyed it because i think most of all it's witty.
maybe you didnt read it but im talking about HP in terms of an adults book not a childs book, hence the focus on it being in the newspaper headlines, last time i checked CHILDREN DONT READ THE BROADSHEETS.
however, their parents do. it's them buying the books for their children to read. if products tailor-made for children didn't make it to the newspapers' frontpage, how would you expect ppl to get to know about them?
so please tell me why im not fit to judge a book?
literature being a form of art i THOUGHT that art was down to opinion, meaning everybody has the right to judge the stupid book.
it is my OPINION that the books are poorly writen based on me being whats known as 'very well read'. this is not opinion, it is the fact that i read alot meaning i have alot to compare to.
things like the technical skills of a writer are not - to my knowledge - merely opinions. i think it can be debated, but there are guidelines to judge if someone can write. so far you only "quoted" a short passage which is nowhere to be found on the first book (i read it yesterday) and you also admitted to having read just a part of number one. it does seem to me that you have not presented enough substance to back up your opinion.

rahvin said:
well i think it does. you see, a lot of books, especially sagas, have a tendency to get better when the author gets a feeling for his/her audience and starts getting accustomed to his/her own characters and so on. so far i've read only book 1, but i must say that - in my opinion - it has its brilliant moments when it comes to writing style. there are funny british jokes; a simple but not over-simplified way of describing situations; and no repetitions or clumsy, boring chapters where the events are explained at length or moral preachings get in the way. much like xtokalon, i'm also not a fan and i'm pretty much convinced there's a lot better stuff around to read for adults. still i kinda enjoyed it because i think most of all it's witty.
however, their parents do. it's them buying the books for their children to read. if products tailor-made for children didn't make it to the newspapers' frontpage, how would you expect ppl to get to know about them?
things like the technical skills of a writer are not - to my knowledge - merely opinions. i think it can be debated, but there are guidelines to judge if someone can write. so far you only "quoted" a short passage which is nowhere to be found on the first book (i read it yesterday) and you also admitted to having read just a part of number one. it does seem to me that you have not presented enough substance to back up your opinion.


the 'extract' was only a mock quote to show what i meant.
so far i have read bits of all of the books and have been forced to sit through the film TWICE, which sucked.

i understand that books for children should be aimed at the adults who will buy them but this should be more widespread and less over emphasised. headlines arent the traditional method of selling a new book, there is such thing as marketing for that. and yes while this is very succesful marketing i feel it is unethical to say the least.

to my knowledge it had at least 4 headlines with many more page 2+3's.
this is my point, the trivialisation of our news means that a new book gets the headlines over REAL news.

i think its poorly written and i dont like it, fine its SUPER popular but that doesnt necesitate headline news.
where is the news? what can you learn by reading 2 pages about how a new book is out?
the news should be about news not the release of a new product, the new HP book should at least be in the business sections, not on the front page, papal visits,putins controversial state visit, gm, hamas.
THEY are news, not a new book.

but i take your point rahvin, i havent read enough of them to properly judge them as a series but i know that ive not been impressed with any of what ive read so far, which has discouraged me from reading any further.

lustbader and clavel are the kings of saga so im well aware of the nature of the content but i feel her STYLE is poor, as ive explained, its written for children but uses adult words which SHOULD work well, as wellas boosted the little kiddies' vocab but i feel it is clumsy and awkward.
When the 4th book was released I was working at a book store...that day was the worst day of my life. I was the only guy working that day so they made me wear a harry potter hat and glasses. We had stupid kids coming in all day asking if we had the book, and asking me about the series. We had kids crying...because we were out of books, parents yelling because we didnt have their order in yet, and stupid kids trying to steal the frickin book.

I have never seen so many people go this insane over some of the most poorly written shit I have tried to read. I gave it a shot once...read about 3 pages before I was bored and annoyed at the little kid writing.

Oh well, thank god I wasnt working when this one came out.