General Chat

Eh, I've been ALRIGHT I guess..... My sad shame of an online relationship ended abruptly, and badly, but that's not a topic for the moment at hand. Aside from that, I've been generally okay. Reading alot more comics now though. You should definitely look into The Walking Dead if you haven't read any of it. The show is top notch too.
Because people want the BIG names in movies first I suppose.

Now, as for an animated movie like Ultimate Avengers or Planet Hulk...... No excuses. We need one now. :lol:
Agreed with Dave. Though, I hate dogs. Sooo..... I'd put em down regardless. :lol:

Oh my. That was horrible. I apologize. :lol:
Dogs killed more people last year than killer robots. They're fucking terrors, and should be treated as such.
Dogs killed more people last year than killer robots. They're fucking terrors, and should be treated as such.

Killer robots? Yeah, cause they have that in America. Oh look; a pack of killer robotic beavers! And they want my flesh!! :eek: :(

All sarcasm aside, I would personally love to have a dog. But not only am I allergic to Dogs (like my dad, who has it worse), but I get terrible flashbacks to when I was chased by two pissed off dogs in Ethiopia. Also, I'm chased everyday afterschool by the neighbour's dog, which I don't like.
Me complaining about how much I dislike dogs. :lol: Pets in general really. I'm not really an animal person.
Cats can be beasts aswell. As I was a child I was often playing with cats and they nearly scratched me too death. I was always stalking them on the rooftop or something like that, but well if it's about dogs it always depends on the animal - the dog I had (R.I.P.) was the best.