General Chat

I have had both cats and dogs as pets growing up and right now I have a cat. A dog that doesn't like bacon or meat? That is odd, even my cat who doesn't like most people food has stolen bacon off the table.:lol: The only complaint I have with my cat is that he likes to chew through wires and cables. I am somewhat surprised I haven't come home to an electrocuted siamese.:zombie:
I'll be back Dave, don't worry! I'm planning on staying here for a year or so, then swinging back home through the States in time for Christmas next year.

And I dunno really Keenan! :lol: I have a few friends over here, and England is kind of shit at the moment... so yeah, I bailed. I'm almost 25, life's short, and the world is a BIG place. I don't want to die without living.
I'll be back Dave, don't worry! I'm planning on staying here for a year or so, then swinging back home through the States in time for Christmas next year.

And I dunno really Keenan! :lol: I have a few friends over here, and England is kind of shit at the moment... so yeah, I bailed. I'm almost 25, life's short, and the world is a BIG place. I don't want to die without living.

Where in the States?

And Austrailia? Shit man, I actually hope on going there while I'm in the navy, apparently Austrailian women throw tennis balls with their phone numbers written on them onto our ships when we pull into port.

WHile you're over there Podgie, bomb every 'Hungry Jacks' you can find will ya? It's BURGER KING you assholes, get it right! :lol:

British person...defending fast food....never thought I'd see the day.....
I hate it when people have philosophies like that which they can actually live to.
Makes me feel like a gluey turd.

Same. It makes me feel like a reclusive loser who sits at home all day. OH WAIT.

I hate the saying 'you can do anything you put your mind to' because honestly? In this world, you can't. BUT! You can sure as hell try. And if you want something bad enough, and you work hard to get it? Then you're more than likely going to end up with it. And if you don't? At least you tried!!

I used to be a very negative person, and it hindered so many aspects of my life. I'm not going to go into detail here, but believe me, I've come a long way. My advice to you two is to simply stop feeling like you're a gluey turd, and a reclusive loser, because you're not. You're unique and there will never be another you. Be proud of who you are, don't copy what the others do. And most importantly, enjoy your life while you've still got one. I know you're both still young, but tomorrow's never guaranteed!

Where in the States?

And Austrailia? Shit man, I actually hope on going there while I'm in the navy, apparently Austrailian women throw tennis balls with their phone numbers written on them onto our ships when we pull into port.

Not exactly sure yet dude. Going to try and hit most of the major cities, hitting the west coast first and ending up on the east coast. Before flying home in time for Christmas (if all goes to plan!).

Hah, yeah. Both the guys and the girls are VERY forward here... Apparently :loco:

Oh and Dave, I actually went into a Hungry Jacks the other day, only bought a Fanta though. I'm not big on fast food... hope you don't mind if I pass on the bombing, I don't fancy spending my time here in prison! And I definitely wouldn't be able to go to the States then! Hah
(I apologise in advance for my being so blunt) ... Well stop it, because you're not a loser at all. From what I know you're a really nice, intelligent, cool guy who has a lot going for him. The ladies don't know what they're missing.

Someone will come along soon, probably when you least expect it. That always seems to be the case haha