General Chat

Alcohol = inhibition release. Which is also a Skullstorm title. But yeah, seriously.

Alcohol isn't the best for that ;)

And it's down to my new inhibition losing friend that I won't be single by the end of this week. And it's down to that, that I've made about 50 new friends in 3 weeks or so. And people I'd actually call my friends too because when we all met, there was no ego... everybody so so open and amazing.

Watch Human Traffic and get yourself out to some night clubs!
Well, I hated them and learned there were good ones dotted about the country. Legendary ones in fact. And then sorta opened up to all of em. Just don't go drunk. There's a way of enjoying nightclubs and meeting people. That's why I'm saying watch Human Traffic and it will explain all!
Yeah I read that. And he's right about the party that you have to be on something to enjoy it. But even after that I'll enjoy it when sober now because I know it can be fun. It's allowed me to let my guard down a lot.
I don't drink alot but I have other ways to loosen up though, ironically through lack of drugs (funny old world).

Meeting friends through other means is cool though, like meeting Dave and Si and maybe one day I will even talk to Joe.
Oh and there was that other guy I met at bloodstock the one who got hit in the face with a shield? And Stacey. <--- aimed at Si

Actually now I think about it most of my friends i have met by association.
It'd be nice to meet some if not all of y'all in person some day. Unfortunately there's only maybe what, five of you that I can meet in person due to my status with the Navy? Kinda can't fly over to the UK and have extended contact with any of you, as much as I'd like to...
It'd be nice to meet some if not all of y'all in person some day. Unfortunately there's only maybe what, five of you that I can meet in person due to my status with the Navy? Kinda can't fly over to the UK and have extended contact with any of you, as much as I'd like to...

Why not? I don't quite understand why they won't let you have friends? Are we likely to use you to steal us military secrets that we'll sell to the Uzbeks?
Well I may or may not be privy to information, and there may or may not be people who may or may not be trying to be privy to said information. From an allied country or not. It's a precautionary measure.

Hell to be quite honest with you, as much as the government treats Israel like a stepchild, we don't trust Israel at all.