General Chat

Mother fuckers. Now I want pizza and chilli. Cheers, dicks :mad:


1) Tuna is a fish. I made a fish pun. Obvious fish pun is obvious?

2)NEW QUESTION! What influenced you guys to join this forum?

1) yeah, but it was kind of a bad joke :lol:

2) I had no choice. I came here just to see what was going on. Then i thought: '' OK bye'' but when i tried to turn around i found out that i was caught in a trap and that the possibility of ever seeing the daylight again was gone. They won't let me leave :( I would love to see my family again... they probably think i'm dead... i would do everything to see my loved ones again! But even thinking about glorious daylight makes me want to be released. The sound of birds... the warmth of the sun on my skin...

:lol: i love it here!

What influenced me to join the forums? I'm not really sure. I'd never heard anything like Evile (at the time) and was blown away, so I figured fuck it and signed up.

Now I can't leave. :lol:
For the life of me, I cannot remember why I signed up here.
I think I signed up because I was so excited for Infected Nations I had to post about it here. And now I can't escape.. :erk:
Used to come on here to get the latest news coming from Evile (God knows why I didn't just check the website) and eventually started looking at non Evile related threads etc and realised the people on here were cool, so I joined up :)
I joined and was told by Dave that I must find some sort of key.... Still looking for that damn thing!!!

Oh but the reason I joined was coz all the cool kids join forums. Your not cool unless you've joined a forum
Well, might as well go ahead and say my reason. I got bored and joined in February of last year and made two posts (on record, I was the one that made that SHITTY cracked article on thrash metal...) then didn't post again until June/July.

Why I chose to stay? Um... I tend to get addicted to things...

Next Question: Onslaught or Coroner? Discuss.