GMD Poll: Darkthrone's Discography Ranked

That's fair. I don't get why Ravishing Grimness is above Total Death in your list either if I'm allowed a critique.

By all means! I really like the production, midpaced slow churning deathsound and the in-your-face-ness of Ravishing Grimness, as opposed to the more cold and reserved Total Death. Obviously it goes without saying (at least imo) that Darkthrone don't have a single bad album, and hell - my ranking is all over the place. Some are lower on mine simply because I haven't listened to them as much.

This list for me was based more on gut feeling and memory than going through all their albums again. Probably a mistake I'll regret but bleh.
By all means! I really like the production, midpaced slow churning deathsound and the in-your-face-ness of Ravishing Grimness, as opposed to the more cold and reserved Total Death. Obviously it goes without saying (at least imo) that Darkthrone don't have a single bad album, and hell - my ranking is all over the place. Some are lower on mine simply because I haven't listened to them as much.
Yeah, that's alright. I'm not going to judge people for not gunning all the way through a 17 album discography for this.

Honestly, the disappointing aspect for Ravishing Grimness is the songwriting. Some of my favorite tracks from Darkthrone are the slower ones (Earth's Last Picture, Majestic Desolate Eye, In the Shadow of the Horns, To Walk the Infernal Fields, etc.) but the writing isn't anywhere near as good. Comparatively speaking, it just feels like a slog to get through. I appreciate the production but that's all I can really commend it for.
A slog? Huh. I can get through it fairly easily. Though for me that could be said of any of their albums, unlike many other bands they rarely strayed into long album territory either.

I like that it closes with a track that is pretty much a loveletter to Motörhead. :D
Total Death is easily the outlier on my list here but I think it's a fantastic release that isn't given anywhere near enough praise or attention. It maintains the atmosphere of their previous work while still having a lot of variety to the songs which makes it one of the band's most memorable and worthwhile releases. A classic.

Agreed. Props for ranking it so high. The Serpents Harvest was my introduction to Darkthrone some 17 years ago and it's still one of my favourite tracks by the band. Love that lurching, desolate opening riff so much.
A Blaze in the Northern Sky (1992)
Under a Funeral Moon (1993)
Soulside Journey (1991)
Total Death (1996)
Transilvanian Hunger (1994)
The Underground Resistance (2013)
Ravishing Grimness (1999)
Dark Thrones and Black Flags (2008)
Panzerfaust (1995)
Goatlord (1996)
F.O.A.D. (2007)
Plaguewielder (2001)
Arctic Thunder (2016)
The Cult is Alive (2006)
Hate Them (2003)
Sardonic Wrath (2004)
Circle the Wagons (2010)

Decided to, rather than foolishly going by gut-feeling and memory, actually listen to every album and I'm glad I did as the former and the latter provided very different results. It was worth the multiple hours of just listening to Darkthrone in order to get my list in before the deadline.

I guess this is why it's fun to do these discography games, to see where you stand with so many albums that you may not have heard in some time. Because I didn't really foresee a lot of this ordering, but I did go through them in order. [shrug]

Going to have to take back what I said about Arctic Thunder being boring and I also stated that I preferred Ravishing Grimness to Total Death, well I did a total flip on that, Total Death is so cold and alien and detached!

Bring on the next game, no more fucking gut-feeling and memory lists from me. I'm going to make the time to do it properly.
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Total Death at number 4?!

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A Blaze in the Northern Sky (1992)
Under a Funeral Moon (1993)
Soulside Journey (1991)
Total Death (1996)
Transilvanian Hunger (1994)
The Underground Resistance (2013)
Ravishing Grimness (1999)
Dark Thrones and Black Flags (2008)
Panzerfaust (1995)
Goatlord (1996)
F.O.A.D. (2007)
Plaguewielder (2001)
Arctic Thunder (2016)
The Cult is Alive (2006)
Hate Them (2003)
Sardonic Wrath (2004)
Circle the Wagons (2010)

Looks like you saw the light with Transilvanian Hunger this time.

Decided to, rather than foolishly going by gut-feeling and memory, actually listen to every album and I'm glad I did as the former and the latter provided very different results. It was worth the multiple hours of just listening to Darkthrone in order to get my list in before the deadline.

I guess this is why it's fun to do these discography games, to see where you stand with so many albums that you may not have heard in some time. Because I didn't really foresee a lot of this ordering, but I did go through them in order. [shrug]

Well said. That's exactly what I enjoy about this activity.

You need to add at least one more album to your list for it to count.
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1. A Blaze in the Northern Sky
2. Transilvanian Hunger
3. Panzerfaust
4. F.O.A.D.
5. Under a Funeral Moon
6. The Underground Resistance
7. Ravishing Grimness
8. Soulside Journey
9. Arctic Thunder