How Did You/How Do You Discover Your Favorite Bands?

I discovered most of my current favorites though the internet (message boards such as this), but some of them I discovered though Metal Mainiacs or mail order catalogs, and have been listening to them since the early 90s.
In Flames - my ex gf (while I was dating her) told me about them. Without In Flames I would still be in the nu metal crap

Burzum - ummm just felt like checking out black metal, haha

Opeth - an emo girl told me about them and how much they sucked. Wow was she wrong

Children Of Bodom - some person tried to get me out of nu metal by showing me these guys. He failed but later on I grew to really like CoB
Megadeth: I bought the "CTE" cassette in '92 because the cover was fucking great and they became, for me, the best metal band ever.

Opeth: I read somewhere, about four years ago, on an internet site, that Opeth were the greatest death metal band ever. So I download "Harvest" and my first thoughts were: "that's not a death metal band..." so I download another song, "The Funeral Portrait", and at that moment they became the second greatest metal band ever... for me.
Children Of Bodom - some person tried to get me out of nu metal by showing me these guys. He failed but later on I grew to really like CoB

no wonder you hate grindcore. you like COB, the most craptacular band in the world.
When I first became interested in underground metal, I only knew the big four thrash bands, Iron Maiden, and Cannibal Corpse. Amazon user lists helped a lot. Later, sites like bnrmetal and anus. Now I use a few online zines, MA reviews, random DC++ downloads, and recommendations from intelligent users on a couple forums.
I can't remember how I discovered Arkhon Infaustus. I guess "Words Of Flesh" track was in one of the Black Metal Radio playlists.