The video that will make NAD use his "buyers remorse" card when he visits Mazda today.
Dude I totally had a dream that I was having non-WRX remorse. Also the first time I got drunk I got all maudlin for 10 seconds about betraying Fuji Heavy Industries. Jebus, who cares.
But seriously? Offroading in cars sucks balls. I jumped the WRX a few times, and it took it like a champ, but that kind of ground clearance is not meant for anything but the street unless you like breaking shit all the time. I'll take a 40 year old Jeep over any Subaru in the dirt. Oh yeah, rad video.
Is there a make these days that doesn't break down by 50,000 miles? Back in the day, you could buy a Toyota - boring as fuck as they were - and rest assured that it was literally never going to break.
We have a 2000 Corolla, which is probably slightly beyond the Glory Years of Toyota, but that car is seriously a fucking tank. Granted, it only has 85k on the clock, but here is a list of things we've replaced in the past 11 years:
My '80s Toyotas were nearly bulletproof, but not as much as my '80s Suzukis. Holy fuck those cars didn't even need gas half the time.
i don't think so bro
shit's made to break, or if it's not actually made to break, it's made of so many god damn components it's just inevitably going to fail horribly
new cars are stupid shit, just like new almost anythings
why can't anyone make a basic, robust car without dumb bullshit, but with some of the modern advances in safety etc.
Nobody makes money on those kinds of vehicles anymore, and that is the ONLY thing that matters in today's world unfortunately. Mercedes and Toyota learned that lesson in the '80s by overbuilding their shit and losing their ass on new car sales. Sucks. I honestly get depressed at the distinct lack of solid, '80s cars on the road these days. There are still plenty left, but not like 10 years ago. Speaking of Samurais, the used market on those is RIDICULOUS these days for good condition ones. My first car was an '86 that cost $1,200 that would probably go for $4,000 these days because they've become niche. I should go steal a few.
goddam! $470/month?! I wonder what Adrian's new payment is
Not that much more than the WRX, and I paid that car off when I was unemployed, no biggy. I hate leases, I always buy. At least with the WRX I came out with cash at the end, hopefully I'll be able to do the same with the Mazda. Note that I didn't say "I hope the Mazda lasts forever" because we know that'll never happen.
nowadays, a car is really cool for the first five years, but when little shit starts breaking on a computer car and the repairs cost $1000+ each, the glamour wears off fast. shit just don't age gracefully these days. really, i will be interested to see how many of today's computer cars are even drivable in 22 years
I've been saying this for years: there is no way that today's cars will be on the road in 20 years. They are way too complicated. My frickin' Mazda has shit that says HELLO to you with flashing lights when you enter the car. When you turn off the engine, you can walk outside the front bumper and literally hear all the computers shutting down from goat knows where. It's absolutely ridiculous.
But, fun while it lasts. I would have kept the WRX, which was pretty low key really, the only thing complicated was the ECU, everything else was straight '80s Japanese style, but can't afford making double insurance payments every month just for kicks. Plus I knew I could still get quick $$$ for it and buy a bunch of bass gear, which I promptly did. :Spin:
Oh yeah, I just got over 27mpg with the 'speed on a weekend trip. Usually averaging 22mpg with mixed driving, so that's cool. I still don't know WTF Leadfoot Lurch did to his Mazda.