I hate emo. Bloodbath backs this up.

Sixpounder666 said:
Jinn, i do agree with you about EMO, one of the worst genres ever, but I do have to say, it appears your comparison was a little biased, and the secone thing is your attack on musicianship, it is a little asanine to make this statement against their musicianship when a man like yourself who has been playng guitar for a year just learned to properly tune down a month ago, and who has openly admitted to going into a music store and turning on every effect in an effects rack. Not exactly what i would call good musicianship

it's called satire. of course it's biased.

And hey, when I turned on every effects pedal on the boss rack, I got this real trippy sound that sounded real fucking good with slow ominous melodies, now, what's wrong with that?

Also, I learned to tune down properly only a year ago because I never had any inclination to learn any other tuning before then.

So what's good musicianship to you? technical mastery of your instrument?

My definition of good musicianship is simple: good songwriting combined with the ability to control your instrument.

I support this with Mick Mars [who's riffs are the backbone of Motley Crue's entire musical history, yet he has slow fingers], Pre - 2000 Katatonia [both old and new Katatonia shows simple, brilliant songwriting without burning up the fretboard], October Tide [Brilliant and simple] and Dolorian [extremely atmospheric doom.]

But then of course, I don't attack Emo's musicianship for nothing. I tried out for the bass spot for an emo band not too long ago [ www.myspace.com/ui ] and I got the position SIMPLY BECAUSE I COULD STAY ON BEAT AND PLAY BETTER THAN THE OTHER BASSIST. The other guy was a full time bassist. I'm a guitarist with short arms. go figure. However, their label didn't like the fact that I was a metalhead and so they decided to keep looking, found someone else and that's the end of that.

I also have to go to emo shows CONSTANTLY to pick out the metalheads and pseudo-metalheads in order to promote my band. It's been successful because we've been asked to open for numerous bands, and we have developed a small fan base simply by word of mouth and two shitty demo songs that don't even have drums.

Now, I've witnessed emo musicianship, both from the crowd and from the eyes of the performers. It's not that complex. Tune to drop d, and then you can play your power chords with one finger, allowing you to thrash around like a retard.

I'm writing/recording all the instruments [except recording drums] for Mourning Glory's demo right now, and I guarantee you, the musicianship on it will be superb.
Alright alright, i get your point, i was just tryin to give ya a hard time bout it, hope to see you and the new guitar soon
Haha, class. Pure class.

I swear, the "emo" scene is the only scene that is capable of pissing me off more than the my pals gangsta one. If you are going to cry about something, that is all and well, but please stop crying about pointless shit, and go kill yourself now.

*runs off listening to Diabolical Masquerade*
Cerulean said:
Emo kids should DIE, I fucking HATE EM. I hate how they seem to pop up everywhere, my own god damn ex gf who used to be awesome became emo as fuck.


Know why? Because she is your EX gf. You bastard.