I hate emo. Bloodbath backs this up.

cthulufhtagn said:
haha, well it's ok i hate gueros like myself too :loco:

actually now that i think about it are there any asian metal bands at all really? like that anyone's heard of?
Dragonforce has Herman Li on guitar and he is a fucking god. \m/
haha this emo shit reminds me of something. it was a day two years ago. i was with my friends and we all got shitty drunk and had a whole lot of fun. sometimes i growled well-known verses from CC or Bloodbath and suddenly a guy came to me and he asked me if i could scream, too. i showed him and he asked me if i want to join his emo band. at this time i didn't even know what emo was! but considering the look of this guy i knew it had to be gay ^^ i can't remember the rest of the dialoque and i'm REALLY glad that i can't!! at least i never met that freak again -.-
Clearly, you are a tool who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about. Clearly, that's not emo. Emo was a genre of hardcore punk music that died in the early 90's. Those are scene kids. You are one of the many people who confuses emo with pop-punk, and by doing so you are no better than those scene kids who label themselves emo. Harcore and "emo" kids are usually the same thing, different band shirts and slighly less tighter pants don't make a difference, they're still fucking scene kids.

Now I don't know what it's like where you live, but most people that look like that call themselves hardcore, but they don't listen to real hardcore, they listen to shitty mallcore bands like Atreyu. BTW, the guys in the second pic don't look any less like douchebags than the cunts above them. Don't get me wrong though, I love metal, including Bloodbath. You're just acting like way too much of a tool. Yeah, wow, he looks like he is going to slaughter a baby, that's real badass. Just imagine if everyone dressed like Bloodbath instead. I'm pretty sure that everyone else in the world who isn't a metalhead or scene kid would agree that both of those styles look equally stupid.

Also, the cutting references are played out more than Eddie Van Halen on "Eruption". The fact of the matter is, only pussies cut themselves, and these pussies listen to Slipknot, or are fisted in their vaginas by angsty stepfathers. I see tight pants at shows, I see middle school girls at shows, I don't see cut marks.
are you saying that because i have attempted suicide i am emo??? i hate emo people, i never have been or never will be emo. i listen to death/black metal, so don't say only emo people cut themselves... i know many people who do, none of them are god damn pussies or emo....
Metal heads look badass, and at least look like the gender they are. And death to inocent, all the scene kids i've seen talk about scuicide, all the time, and depression, and ending it all. They're just attention cravers that seek to be unique through conformity. They're just idiots. And emo is a derogatory term for scene kids, and i use it PROUDLY!
Flal said:
Metal heads look badass, and at least look like the gender they are. And death to inocent, all the scene kids i've seen talk about scuicide, all the time, and depression, and ending it all. They're just attention cravers that seek to be unique through conformity. They're just idiots. And emo is a derogatory term for scene kids, and i use it PROUDLY!
having hair past your shoulders is looking like the gender you are?
Tagtgren is a god, I didn't know that emo bands looked that weird.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of that Emo stuff, too many wierd guys walking around my school with tight pants and listening to bands with names that are like 12 words totally annoying.

Alice In Chains. Music that can evoke emotions other than "zomg I'm sad because my girlfriend of 2 weeks left me"

Nice job Jinn