DT is pretty awful, but ayreon is pretty lack luster minus Star One which I love!
As far as the negative comments go, I posted earlier on in this thread that if you have something negative to say about the new album. Start your own thread. This is the news/info thread for Iconoclast, and it was started because of the lack of excitement, and news comming from both the band, the fans, and management/nuclear blast. I do believe as a group we did just that, which was raise excitement. Though there are few, very few negative comments. Id like to remind you all that they are not welcome here.
News/Information being the key word. Not the 'personal vendetta/bashing of something that is clearly awesome thread'. Of course we're all entitled to our opinions. But might I remind you, no where in this thread, or the reason for the thread where we asking for your negative opinions on the upcoming album. Or any opinion at all for that matter. Thank you!
Me personally, am loving the new stuff so far. And I'm sure when I get my hands on the new album, i'll love it even more!
NOTE: One last reminder to everyone who has been great, and most importantly POSITIVE! I just want to say thanks to everyone who had contributed to this thread, with photos, videos, what ever it may be. And I appreciate it, as I am sure our fellow fans do as well. Its nice to see some life around here again.
Little behind on the times but I've been busy

-Some more photos which can be viewed here
-Official album art work for both editions of the album
-Track List for both editions of the album
-Release Date
-and of course the awesome Russell Allen interview
-I also removed the one live review, because I had only one...It was just taken up space!