Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

Yes, it's the US fanbase crying about the new stuff. I'm very happy about this situation cos it might mean that we'll get more of them in europe if they don't need to bother with US gigs. I might even get to see them in Finland. Keep on crying, we'll welcome them with open arms!

Agreed. Except our opinions dont matter. We arent paid critics and we dont write for magazines. If we did our opinions still wouldnt matter if not very little.:Smokedev: Symphony X isnt on the radio because its metal.
We got metal on mainstream radio here. It's mostly some sort of melodic metal like A7X, Sonata Arctica, Nightwish etc. More extreme or progressive acts are played on rock channels.
Yes, it's the US fanbase crying about the new stuff. I'm very happy about this situation cos it might mean that we'll get more of them in europe if they don't need to bother with US gigs. I might even get to see them in Finland. Keep on crying, we'll welcome them with open arms!

We got metal on mainstream radio here. It's mostly some sort of melodic metal like A7X, Sonata Arctica, Nightwish etc. More extreme or progressive acts are played on rock channels.

Hahaha no one in Norway has yet forgiven Hard Rock Hallelujah. That one still gets played on the radio now and then:tickled:

Symphony X are always most welcome in all of Scandinavia, I think they have a very strong fan base there. And that time they opened for DT in Oslo was when they sold most merch out of any gig. Not bad for a country with nearly half the population size of London:p I of course had to buy a kiddie t-shirt because the ladies shirts are BORING!

Then again I think Dream Theatre is universally awful, so opinions are opinions. I never felt half the emotion or atmosphere in any DT song like I had in an Ayreon song, but that's just me.

In that case you must not have heard The Spirit Carries On, Goodnight Kiss, Octavarium, A Nightmare To Remember or countless others. Oh and it's TheatER.

The Special Edition artwork for Iconoclast is way better.

Question for everyone, what are the chances of mainstream stores like Best Buy having either versions on release day? I think I might resort to an online order for this record unless an Independent store can get it in.
In that case you must not have heard The Spirit Carries On, Goodnight Kiss, Octavarium, A Nightmare To Remember or countless others. Oh and it's TheatER.

The Special Edition artwork for Iconoclast is way better.

Question for everyone, what are the chances of mainstream stores like Best Buy having either versions on release day? I think I might resort to an online order for this record unless an Independent store can get it in.

I've never seen prog metal at Best Buy, to the best of my memory, except maybe Systematic Chaos? I wouldn't bank on it. Though I did see The Great Misdirect at Wal Mart when it was released, so who knows...

This is why I love living next to a big fat independent record store. That town spoils me...
In that case you must not have heard The Spirit Carries On, Goodnight Kiss, Octavarium, A Nightmare To Remember or countless others. Oh and it's TheatER.

maybe UNIVERSALLY AWFUL was a harsh descriptor. Simply put, I don't like the sound of the music. i can't bash people for liking the group though, they're all in the realm of prog metal so why hate on such similar artists. As i said before, opinions are opinions. People here seem to generally dislike Ayreon, whatever, doesn't stop me from listening to them.

And I saw Paradise Lost in FYE back in 08, so im guessing They'll be carrying Iconoclast, just I hope the special addition :p
Ayreon sucks? Ha ha, what a story Mark...

Ayreon is mostly just one man who records almost all the instruments and writes pretty much everything. He has no formal musical education and can't even read sheet music. He plays completely by ear. He had to sell his own house to be able to fund his first record. He was rejected by many labels before finally being accepted by a small Japanese label. Most of the record labels said his music sucked and it was outdated for the 90's. His first album went on to being considered one of the best prog metal albums of the 90's and brought the rock opera format back to life. Ayreon also brings some unknown prog singers into the spotlight, often helping the singer's own band gain more attention. Ayreon's music contains complexed storylines with a lot of symbolism and references to today's world. The idea of the stories are to try to make the listener aware of the problems of our modern time, like pollution and consumerism. Many people have listened to an Ayreon album and as a result, began recycling more and living a more healthy lifestyle.

Dream Theater are good, but they are nearly the exact opposite. They are all VERY well versed in musical theory and have a much larger audience. We can all agree a very good chunk of their discography is cluttered with mindless wanking. The worst part about them, in my opinion, are their lyrics which mostly seem to have been made off the cuff in the final stages of writing. I'll never forgive lyrics such as "dark master of sin, I will fight for you". Octavarium and Six Degrees are probably their best tracks of the 21st century. A Change of Seasons could be considered their best song, structure wise and lyrically. So in many ways, making a song give the listener a strong emotion usually leads to success. 14 minutes of random improvised 200 mph shredding does not appeal to many.

Now with that aside, let's tear apart a band that really does suck like pain of salvation! Their singer has the most annoying voice I have ever heard of in my entire life and I have listened to several of their albums from front to back without remembering a single melody. Or how about The Mind's Eye with their master-piece-of-shit entitled "Walking on H20" where, I kid you not, EVERY SINGLE SONG is in the exact same song structure! How about Tommy Wiseau-like punch lines like "They say men have landed on the moon, those bastards!" that are never explained or seem to have any real place at all? And you say Ayreon is bad...

If you live in Scandinavia, you're lucky you get such radio stations. Do you know what we get here in Albany? Country, hip hop, alternative family friendly rock (mostly bands like Hinder, Nickelback, Papa Roach and Skillet), 60's pop, classical (mostly cluttered with interviews and the DJ begging the listener for money), top 40 (this is literally the audio version of being brutally impaled) and 80's pop (where "the Rick Roll" song is taken seriously). THAT'S IT! I kid you not! We don't even get Nightwish on any stations. And the EXACT SAME fucking songs are always played like heart's baracuda and aerosmith's dream on. I haven't heard a new song ever in my life on the radio here unless it's shit like Lil Wayne or Ke$ha.

And how dumb it is to say only the US don't appreciate the new SX approach. Are you kidding me? What a stupid statement. I am sick of Europeans making the US seem to be nothing but drooling, drunken rednecks.

EDIT: does anyone know why you have to keep logging in like every 5 minutes? It gets really annoying.
Ayreon is mostly just one man who records almost all the instruments and writes pretty much everything. He has no formal musical education and can't even read sheet music. He plays completely by ear. He had to sell his own house to be able to fund his first record. He was rejected by many labels before finally being accepted by a small Japanese label. Most of the record labels said his music sucked and it was outdated for the 90's. His first album went on to being considered one of the best prog metal albums of the 90's and brought the rock opera format back to life. Ayreon also brings some unknown prog singers into the spotlight, often helping the singer's own band gain more attention. Ayreon's music contains complexed storylines with a lot of symbolism and references to today's world. The idea of the stories are to try to make the listener aware of the problems of our modern time, like pollution and consumerism. Many people have listened to an Ayreon album and as a result, began recycling more and living a more healthy lifestyle.

How does any of that make the music good?
If you live in Scandinavia, you're lucky you get such radio stations. Do you know what we get here in Albany? Country, hip hop, alternative family friendly rock (mostly bands like Hinder, Nickelback, Papa Roach and Skillet), 60's pop, classical (mostly cluttered with interviews and the DJ begging the listener for money), top 40 (this is literally the audio version of being brutally impaled) and 80's pop (where "the Rick Roll" song is taken seriously). THAT'S IT! I kid you not! We don't even get Nightwish on any stations. And the EXACT SAME fucking songs are always played like heart's baracuda and aerosmith's dream on.

If you haven't heard of it, you should try Pandora. It's an internet radio site where you you can create and listen to your own custom stations. You can create a different station for every band or artist you choose and they will be played on that station along with other bands or artists that are similar. I have discovered some great music this way. You should check it out, it's free. www.pandora.com

I like the normal edition cover, it's really eyecatching, and hopefully might pull in some new fans? the special edition looks a bit unprofessional if you ask me, but I will still have to buy it....

For the people who are worried that it looks too photoshopped, look at V again, I think it's a terrible cover, and aged really poorly, it looks plain old now - definitely not one of their best. PL on the other hand, was great ... man do i love that album.

Looking forward to June, I need something good to counteract my exams (but if I play the album while revising, I'll get nothing done, prog isn't something you can have on in the background, it requires dedicated listening)... Oh well here's to failing my exams while listening to incredible music! :grin:
And how dumb it is to say only the US don't appreciate the new SX approach. Are you kidding me? What a stupid statement. I am sick of Europeans making the US seem to be nothing but drooling, drunken rednecks.
Can't say that I'm sorry for us europeans being so awesome. As for your question "are you kidding me", the answer should be quite obvious by now, or if it isn't, you'll prove yourself right.
For the people who are worried that it looks too photoshopped, look at V again, I think it's a terrible cover, and aged really poorly, it looks plain old now - definitely not one of their best. PL on the other hand, was great ... man do i love that album.

V's cover art is old for sure, technically (i.e. in terms of the way it was painted). But the concept/idea was absolutely great, their best to date (to me of course :)). PL's cover is well done, but the concept is much less deep/inspired, and starts to border on pure cheesiness as soon as you watch the Set the World on Fire video.
Now with that aside, let's tear apart a band that really does suck like pain of salvation! Their singer has the most annoying voice I have ever heard of in my entire life and I have listened to several of their albums from front to back without remembering a single melody.

PAIN OF SALVATION's first 5 discs are amazing and the vocals are better then most in the business.....

I like some Ayreon like Electric castle, Human Equation and Ambeon but the majority of the rest doesn't interest me enough for repeated listens...
Originally Posted by SymphonyXV
Now with that aside, let's tear apart a band that really does suck like pain of salvation! Their singer has the most annoying voice I have ever heard of in my entire life and I have listened to several of their albums from front to back without remembering a single melody.

I don't know if you're being serious or not, but I've always felt that way about PoS
Pain of Salvation are my second fave after Symphony X :/

Taste is taste.

Don't flame a band just because you don't enjoy some of their music.

Many do enjoy it.