Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

PAIN OF SALVATION's first 5 discs are amazing and the vocals are better then most in the business.....

I like some Ayreon like Electric castle, Human Equation and Ambeon but the majority of the rest doesn't interest me enough for repeated listens...

Not Star One?:guh:

Human equation is my favourite though....Is there anything else like it out there?

I did love Russel's and Damien's vocals on Star One. Maiden United on the 9th in London is gonna be fantastic! I can't wait!
Isn't Daniel from PoS actually in Ayreon's 01011001 album? I thought his voice was pretty good, I just don't really like the sound of his band.

If there is anything you can give Arjen credit for its in choosing amazing vocalists, and I think he does a pretty good job of getting the best out of them too (see: Russell on Victims of the Modern Age)

NOW, how bout that Iconoclast thing guys... :grin:
On the contrary, I find it astounding how Ayreon is packed with good vocalists and manages to suck the life out of each one, no matter how talented they might be.
Ok, I'm gonna try to answer you all...

I admit I really like how ambitious POS's albums are, with their elaborate concepts and such, but I just can't stand Dan's voice at all. It just sounds so whiney to me, like it sounds to me like a 12 year old girl who's mommy and daddy didn't buy her a pony and she decides to whine and yodel at the same time. I couldn't even stand his voice on the Genius operas, Transatlantic and Flower Kings albums. Maybe someday I will somehow randomly start becoming a huge fan of them. I used to hate DT because of James Labrie (I still don't like his voice, so I mainly listen to their instrumentals).

I know V's album cover is cheesy as hell, but I loved it at first sight. I can't really explain why! That album just has so much atmosphere. I think the concept of an album cover is what really counts, not the graphics. I am not going to complain about the new cover, because I am going to buy the special edition aka real version anyway.

I have heard of Pandora radio, but your work stereo, CD walkman nor car radio doesn't have it. I am also pretty sure you are limited to how many songs you can hear in one day? Pandora's prog station was mostly the well known prog like YYZ and Pull me Under. Still, I'd love any prog on mainstream radio, but of course it'll never happen. Could you imagine Octavarium or Divine Wings of Tragedy being played all the way through on a top 40 station at work?

Into the Electric Castle is my favorite album of all time. I love the atmosphere, storyline, melodies, but I admit it's extremely cheesy too. I just seem to really like over the top, melodramatic, corny concept albums. I used to own the Human Equation but it made me so depressed I gave it away. The lyrics are so painful for me to listen to not because they're bad, but just because the story is just really sad and I can relate to a lot of it. It just reminds me of bad shit I've been through. I love the rest of Ayreon's albums. Daniel Gildenlow was on 01 and I was not impressed. I also didn't like Simone Simon's appearance, as brief as it was. Still, I love that album. A great songwriter can make even Hannah Montana sound decent.

I am not slamming POS just for shits and giggles, but since the subject of this topic was anti ayreon, I wanted to change it to anti pain of salvation because Dan is like a virus that spread to so many great prog albums and tainted them, at least for me. I'd rather listen to Tommy Wiseau say "What a story mark" in a loop for 10 minutes.

And what is there to really talk about Iconoclast? Just wait until it leaks then this forum will be restored to a good old SX class reunion.
On the contrary, I find it astounding how Ayreon is packed with good vocalists and manages to suck the life out of each one, no matter how talented they might be.

I think that's completely your opinion of the music and not the vocal talent itself. You may like the singer but not like the song, therefore it diminishes the singer's ability to perform in that particular song. Say you like Bruce Dickenson and Iron Maiden, but dislike Ayreon, then you'll assume his performance is inferior in "Into the Black Hole" than in the things he did with maiden. Vice Versa, I dislike Pain of Salvation but like Ayreon, so i find Daniel Gildenlow's performance in Ayreon more appealing than his work with PoS

I also didn't like Simone Simon's appearance, as brief as it was.
ok, thats actually a good example lol. Her and Fabio Lione on Flight of the Migrator are 2 that are do not reach their true potential on Ayreon, so point taken. The rest of the vocalists, however, I find enjoyable.
ok, thats actually a good example lol. Her and Fabio Lione on Flight of the Migrator are 2 that are do not reach their true potential on Ayreon, so point taken. The rest of the vocalists, however, I find enjoyable.

She has a good voice in general, I just didn't like how it came about. She wanted to be on a song, so Arjen wrote that song just for her and just tried to add it in somehow, even though the story doesn't need it at all. It is very short and has a nice melody, it's just...idk. I think her reference to her bf is what threw me off. I just imagined she walking in saying "I have an amazing voice, gimme my own song!" and refusing to leave until Arjen let her have her way. She seems to be extremely conceited. How about how she is on 2 of Epica's album covers almost nude and hogs up the music videos and photo shoots? She looks good, but this is prog metal, not a fashion magazine! I love Fabio's voice, he sounds like if Tommy Wiseau were to take classical singing lessons. He is practically the king of cheese metal. It's almost like it's so horrible it comes out from the other side as genius.
Could've sworn this was the "information/news about Iconoclast" thread, and not the "bitch about Ayreon and Dream Theater and Pain of Salvation" thread. Why derail this thread entirely?
Could've sworn this was the "information/news about Iconoclast" thread, and not the "bitch about Ayreon and Dream Theater and Pain of Salvation" thread. Why derail this thread entirely?

u mad, brah?

There isn't really anything to talk about Iconoclast. Do you just expect us to judge the new album by the mostly crap 10 second cell phone clips? Most other treads die in a week, this is just an ongoing discussion.
I will say though after hearing these 3 songs what would make this album even more awesome, and im sure all of you already are thinking what im thinking. Its so obvious that i really have no reason to even say it. Anyone who thinks the keyboards have little purpose now will change their minds once they hear this idea, but again, you should have thought of it by now. Whatever this edition touches turns to gold no matter the situation. The addition of a kazoo would add tons more depth and focus to the writing of Symphony Xs new music.
u mad, brah?

There isn't really anything to talk about Iconoclast. Do you just expect us to judge the new album by the mostly crap 10 second cell phone clips? Most other treads die in a week, this is just an ongoing discussion.

Firstly, there are several 1080P videos with great sound quality for 3 of the 4 new songs played live.

Secondly, I just don't really see the point in using a Symphony X-based forum to write stuff like "oh Ayreon sucks". Just kind of seems stupid, immature, and troll-ish to me.
Could've sworn this was the "information/news about Iconoclast" thread, and not the "bitch about Ayreon and Dream Theater and Pain of Salvation" thread. Why derail this thread entirely?

I agree, let's get this thread back on track. Start a separate thread for bitching about your most hated prog rock/metal bands.

Let's talk about Prometheus (I Am Alive). What do you like about it? Dislike? Personally I think it is the weakest of the three new songs we've heard, but the quality of the recordings was lower than that of the other two, so I'm not judging. Love the intro, though, with MJR's funky guitar chords. Don't like Russ's singing in the first verse, though.
Firstly, there are several 1080P videos with great sound quality for 3 of the 4 new songs played live.

Secondly, I just don't really see the point in using a Symphony X-based forum to write stuff like "oh Ayreon sucks". Just kind of seems stupid, immature, and troll-ish to me.

:Smug:They're called tangents. They occur when no more info is being released on an upcoming project on a thread that people want to keep alive until new info has surfaced. Complaining about complaining isnt help. Neither is complaining about complaining about complaining. Im not helping. srz.:waah:
I just really don't like the singing 'style" of Russell in Dehumanized, maybe its just the live attitude he puts into the song, but i because of it I put Prometheus above dehumanized for its catchy chorus. EoI remained the best of the 3 by a good margin Imo
I just really don't like the singing 'style" of Russell in Dehumanized, maybe its just the live attitude he puts into the song, but i because of it I put Prometheus above dehumanized for its catchy chorus. EoI remained the best of the 3 by a good margin Imo

I can't stand it either. It's like on Paradise Lost's The Walls of Babylon Russ says "Riders" like "Ridaz". It's one small example but I think that since Paradise Lost his singing style as well as vocal melodies AND lyrics have lost a kind of intelligence and sensitivity.

The melodies just seem a bit too simple, meaning one can easily guess where each melody is going.
The addition of a kazoo would add tons more depth and focus to the writing of Symphony Xs new music.

I'm listening to a track that makes extensive use of a kazoo right now...happy day.
Let's talk about Prometheus (I Am Alive). What do you like about it? Dislike? Personally I think it is the weakest of the three new songs we've heard, but the quality of the recordings was lower than that of the other two, so I'm not judging. Love the intro, though, with MJR's funky guitar chords. Don't like Russ's singing in the first verse, though.

It is my favourite of the three. I thought End of Innocence would be because it is the one that's closer to their old stuff, I feel. But I've always liked the groovy songs, and the chorus is definitely full of groove. Wicked is one of my favourites, for example, and I know a lot of people think that's one of the weakest songs on the album. Same reason why I love Atomic Soul (in spite of the terrible album name:p). In the past I have often felt that their groovy songs had better verses than choruses (again, Wicked as example), but this time it's the other way around. In other words, I agree about Russel's singing in the first verse, but it's not just his singing, it's the entire first part. Too fast and furious for the rest of the song imo. Still, the song is, well...damn sexy, to put it plainly.