Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

Invadaz. light slayaz. come down and fiend the betrayaz!

The last part except the umad was directed to the PL bashers. Should have made that more clear, my b.

How is using examples like Hetfields style to explain the approach of singers for exaggerated pronunciation in order to justify Russels constant use of AZ dribble? I find it pretty sensible. Disagree, i dare you. /grrrrrr
Thing is, it's not an "az", not even close. It's very easy to hear atleast with my sennheisers. Your point could be valid if it actually was an "az", but it isn't. Russell has listed some british metal vocalist as his influences, so I guess it needs to show somewhere. Someone said his assumed "az" sounds unintelligent and brutish or something, but I'd say his vocals sound really damn good and I'm very, very happy that he doesn't try to force any american ARRs in his singing.

English is my third language so I can't really give you a proper example, but... "Ö" in my first language is an "oe" sound, like the vowel sound used in "burn". Now pronounce burn without the "r" and just leave the last consonant and you have the british pronunciation (and ö-sound in the middle). Russell clearly says "riders" - "ridöööz", "vindicators" - "vindicatööz". I don't know if that made any sense to you, but that's pretty much the pronunciation I was taught at school.

Now, can we quit with this subject cos it's really fucking stupid arguing about something so obvious (if your headphones/speakers don't suck)?
I'm now awaiting the bitch fest about their wardrobe, hair, etc.

No wonder why they hate technology... its turning society into a bunch of fucking whiners who have nothing better to do than sit in a chair typing and complaining about anything, and everything.

Go outside and get some fresh air, it'll do ya some good.
I wouldnt even classify it as an arguement. I dont know who is one whos side and what views are competing. All i know is Sep3 has a hard time reading and comprehending pronunciations in his head. I dont blame him because its the internet. Only i know what i meant "az" is suppose to sound like. I typed it. This misunderstanding put this thread on a tangent.
I wouldnt even classify it as an arguement. I dont know who is one whos side and what views are competing. All i know is Sep3 has a hard time reading and comprehending pronunciations in his head. I dont blame him because its the internet. Only i know what i meant "az" is suppose to sound like. I typed it. This misunderstanding put this thread on a tangent.
Well yeah, it's very hard to discuss about it when we can only type what we imagine.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Beio70G7hdM#t=1m47s I'm not very familiar with gangstas and I loathe rap music, but this should be clear enough to indicate how I perceive "ridaz".

And this is probably the best example of how I hear "riders" on The Walls Of Babylon (3:36ish)
It's the left-hand side button with "the rough riders pronunciation in English" tag.

Now you can correct me if I'm wrong, my part of this discussion has been over for quite a while.
I seriously feel like Symphony should go out and play at least 1 hour 45 minutes because there are only 3 bands on the bill now. and they shouldnt use it just to showcase Paradise Lost all over again. Heard 8 songs off it and while I love the album,but they need to play deeper cuts imo. Play Dressed to Kill or Bird-Serpent War or something...
There sure are some pissed of people on the Blabbermouth forum. Many disappointed Nevermore fans.
From the tone of most of the posts, they couldn't care less about Symphony X. That's why I'd like to see opening bands of the same genre or close. There are many good, new bands out there to choose from.
me being a Nevermore fan as well as Symphony (definitely more Symphony fan), am very disappointed that they cancelled. I have been wanting to see them ever since TGE came out so it kinda sucks. and i think they did it once at a ProgPower?? not positive
Have they still never played Edge of Forever live? Kinda fucked up since its generally a fan favorite.

They played it at Prog Power USA II, if I'm not mistaken...

me being a Nevermore fan as well as Symphony (definitely more Symphony fan), am very disappointed that they cancelled. I have been wanting to see them ever since TGE came out so it kinda sucks. and i think they did it once at a ProgPower?? not positive

I think it's 2 no wait, 3 times.... Because of them cancelling the first ProgPower USA, we got to see Symphony X.......
About 25 new press pics were released today. Here is just a small taste...


The first one is funny, I like that (though a bit cheesy) :lol:
I like Lepond in the second one, but everybody else looks a little...awkward, I feel. Apart from Pinnella, he just looks bored. Why do metal band pictures always look the same?
Yes, and why always black? What's so good about black?

It's like the official metal color, kinda like the way classical musicians in an orchestra never wear colored suits. This is not a grunge band.

The first one is funny, I like that (though a bit cheesy) :lol:
I like Lepond in the second one, but everybody else looks a little...awkward, I feel. Apart from Pinnella, he just looks bored. Why do metal band pictures always look the same?

I've always thought Rullo looked the coolest/most relaxed. :D
What's it with MJR and open shoelaces? That must be some kind of guitar magic! And Russell is like "I GOT A FISH THIIIS BIG" in the 2nd pic. :goggly:

I'm a bit disappointed not seeing Pinnella's Nikes this time. :(