Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

^ Hahaha, I can't believe this guy could actually hear the majority of the notes from the video to actually play the song!

Remember when they started playing Serpent's kiss live? they decided it was their "hit" song and started playing it before the others, so my guess is "end of innocence" is going to be the first video clip they record. Oh, and i dont think it was the best of PL, not even close to set the world on fire or walls of babylon.

I always thought it was surprising that they released the two songs they did as videos/singles. I always thought that the title track and (especially) Eve of Seduction would have made better choices. But then again, I think Serpent's Kiss is average and I'm not a fan of STWOF...
^ Hahaha, I can't believe this guy could actually hear the majority of the notes from the video to actually play the song!

I always thought it was surprising that they released the two songs they did as videos/singles. I always thought that the title track and (especially) Eve of Seduction would have made better choices. But then again, I think Serpent's Kiss is average and I'm not a fan of STWOF...

They probably didn't want to spoil it all before the album came out. ;) I guess same goes here, End of Innocence / Dehumanized could be the average-ish tracks on the album.
The official video for End Of Innocence should depict the events of that sound check. Band on stage. Russell skateboarding in circles. No fire. No angel actors in jump suits. Just Russell going round and round. Awesome.
Hahaha that is just hilarious. I agree that its awesome how he is still able to hit those notes while on that skateboard.
Alright guys.. I'd like to say I've given both songs many listens and I feel a lot better. >_> I'm sorry for being so negative, it's hard for me to help it. I think it's because I was so badly disappointed with Paradise Lost.

So far I like both of these songs better than anything on Paradise Lost, especially dehumanized which I thought I would hate because its so old school!
The solo is cool, and I can feel the odyssey pouring out of it mixed with some old rock licks.

I went back and looked at what songs I like from the older albums, and I found that there are plenty of songs that I like LESS than these two new songs! This is great news for me lol.

I am very happy and excited for the new album, I seriously can't wait. I still very much dislike Paradise Lost, that album just does not work for me no matter how hard I try. But these two new songs are effortlessly good sounding to me.

I take my bad words back for the most part. I think we have a lot to look forward to on this album.

I guess what makes me so excited this time is that the catchy songs (promoted songs) are actually good, and that's a big deal for symphony x!
So far I think the direction on end of innocence is better, it's like someone already said - V + Odyssey. Dehumanized remember me of... the first symphony x album. Don't get me wrong, it's cool , but like many, I think that's their weakest album. Anyone who's seen their show can tell if Heretic is more like one or the other? I enjoyed PL, and I really hope they go darker but going back to some prog elements - like more keys - , but so far I think they're just heavier, a slower beat, more traditional heavy metal like Russ said. But let's wait for the whole pack...
Imo Dehumanized is more like something from the Odyssey + I don't really get the joke about it not being 'prog enough' unless you have some kind of a personal definition of prog.

There's plenty of keys in the new songs, but no keyboard solo. Seems like no solo = no keys for most people complaining about it. In case you haven't noticed, solos have a meaning in the compositions of this particular band and especially the keyboardist has a great sense of style in that aspect.

It's actually one of the reasons why I like the band - virtuosity stays in the compositions and is not scattered in blobs of meaningless wankery. I pretty much hate keyboard solos, but I think Pinnellas solos are awesome and fit any songs mood flawlessly.