Iconoclast: News/Info Thread

hello everyone!

Speaking about the "mystery" of the bass Mike Lepond plays on tour...evidently i wasn't updated!!
This is what i found in an old post dated 2009 here in the forum where Michael himself spoke about his gear:

"I am now endorsed by Peavey. I play a Peavey Zodiac DE bass. I also use Peavey amplification. However, Caparison has made me a new custom Dellinger bass that I will use in Asia. The Bass on ebay is the original one I received in 2005. By the way, I'm also endorsed by Rotosound strings, Tech 21, and Dunlop."

good music for all!:rock:
I remember him using the Dave Ellefson Scorpio back in 2008.

Goddammit I'm pumped for this tour. I hope they change up the setlist for America :D
I'm positively surprised by End of Innocence. I lost some faith after the comparisons with Paradise Lost, but my faith has been restored!

This. Reminds me of a mix of V's keys and song structures of DG or even TiO..........very excited for Iconoclast now!
It would be neat if they added some tracks from V back into the setlist (especially if they're other than Egypt). I don't know why they don't play stuff from this album live anymore, as it's definitely a fan favorite. While touring for PL, I saw them 3 times, and only once did they play a track from V, Egypt / Death of Balance. It was awesome, but I would love to hear Grand Design or Fallen again. Haven't heard those since the Odyssey tour (which was almost 10 years ago).
Updates go to the first page of this thread. :)
lol i didn't notice that , thanks dude ^^ .
....i am blown away already by these couple of songs , one thing confirmed about this next album : it is definitely NOT one directional .only two songs and i am already surprised but the amounts of the new , fresh and brave ideas .there is almost a bunch of everything , a lot of variety even within the songs themselves .the solo on Dehumanized is (i guess) different from anything MJR has made before and it 's GREAT !! and i can say the same about the drums too !! :Smokin:.....ok , i 'll have to stay away from this thread now , this album is very unexpected in a very good way and i don't want to spoilt my first listen :heh: ...

ps : Pinnella = Genius .
It would be neat if they added some tracks from V back into the setlist (especially if they're other than Egypt). I don't know why they don't play stuff from this album live anymore, as it's definitely a fan favorite. While touring for PL, I saw them 3 times, and only once did they play a track from V, Egypt / Death of Balance. It was awesome, but I would love to hear Grand Design or Fallen again.

I would love to hear Fallen, Communion, Absence of Light, or Rediscovery...

Anyway, about Dehumanized, does anyone else find it to be an odd tonality for them (the chorus riff in particular)? Love the song, and it's kinda cool to see them branching out into new territories. I'm really enjoying the amount of keyboard in the pre-chorus and bridge sections. Also, is anyone else reminded of old-school Symphony X or The Dark Chapter during the majority of MJR's solo? I love it!
I'm getting more and more confident about the new album. Was hoping for more clean vocals, but instrumentally it's definately more likeable than Paradise Lost.

Damn, what a nice riff! The drums!
Ill admit the first time I heard Dehumanized I found it very strange, I didn't take to well to it.

Now, on around the 4th listen, I'm loving it. I feel like the actual studio-recorded sound will be much more striking to me

And i gotta agree with those posting above me, These tracks are getting me really optimistic about the new album. Goddamnit Nuclear Blast Release something, Anything!
Dehumanize.. what a nightmare..

Lyrics and Vocals I do not like.. reminds me of paradise lost, very derived and predictable to me. Boooooooo.

"You cant break us, no you can't make us."

sounds almost as bad as this from Paradise Lost,

"I will forsake you
Destroy and unmake you
With all my might, I will take you down"

Sorry but these are simply bad and LAUGHABLE lyrics. Anyone care to argue this? Hahaha.

It sounds like they are now writing music for their kids rather them themselves. The solo is pretty good but where else is the guitar? It's like he just throws in some old school Symphony X solo and expects us to be happy. I can't imagine actually listening to this and WANTING to listen to it. Sorry but it's true.

I don't like either of the two new songs enough to feel good about the new album. It doesn't mean it cannot be good though. I just see "uninspired" written everywhere.
I'm actually looking forward to hearing what that 10+ min song will sound like. I'm already loving what I hear so far so I'm holding my breath for something awesome.
Sorry but these are simply bad and LAUGHABLE lyrics. Anyone care to argue this? Hahaha.

It's okay, I stopped caring for SymX's lyrics ever since PL came out. :lol:

As for the music, I'll refrain from making any more comments until I hear the studio version. :)

Lyrics and Vocals I do not like.. reminds me of paradise lost, very derived and predictable to me. Boooooooo.

Other than that its ok.. just sounds like they are now writing music for their kids rather them themselves. The solo is pretty good but where else is the guitar? It's like he just throws in some old school Symphony X solo and expects us to be happy. I can't imagine actually listening to this and WANTING to listen to it. Sorry but it's true.

"You cant break us, no you can't make us."

Sorry but these are simply bad lyrics. Anyone care to argue this?

To be fair, lyrics have always been Symphony X's weakest point in my opinion. Luckily lyrics are the least important part of music for me...

About the actual music, it sounds like a hybrid of something from The Odyssey and Paradise Lost, which I can live with. It's very groovy (not unlike parts of Wicked or Serpent's Kiss) and also has some melodic sections, like the pre-chorus and bridge.

The keyboards are less prominent in this song than in End of Innocence, but I think we all need to accept that for one reason or another, Pinnella wants to take a back seat to Romeo. I don't see why he'd still be with the band if this isn't the case! The band is straying away from their beautiful keyboard polyrhythms of the past (e.g. Church of the Machine, Fallen, Communion and the Oracle), which is somewhat of a shame, since it's one of the biggest reasons this band is unique to me. We also need to accept that they are somewhat commercializing their sound, at least compared to their previous songwriting style. Paradise Lost is evidence of this not only for the songwriting style, but for the greatly decreased amount of keyboard solos - for some reason, keyboard solos just aren't as accessible as guitar solos. Sure, we as Symphony X fans love them (my favorite song from Paradise Lost is The Walls of Babylon, one reason being because it contains half of the keyboard solos on that album and doesn't feature MJR in the spotlight), but it's obvious that they are trying to be more of a "metal" band with keyboards in a supporting role. As much as it pains me to say it, I don't foresee many more dueling guitar/keyboard sections in the band's future. But of course, I still hope the new album proves me wrong!

I refuse to listen to any material until I have the album in my hands (and then in my player).

I do agree in general about what you're saying, though.
At the same time, solo trade-offs are starting to get boring. I love guitar and keyboard solos... when the music calls for them. If your song is going to be Intro, Verse, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Solo, Chorus, I just feel that the solo is forced. If you squeeze one into a song creatively, I will care more about it in the long run.
... maybe I just really hate that type of song structure, and that's my problem...
I think its too early to judge anything, but so far we've seen two songs, with two very different directions. And i'm loving the flow of things.
Also the whole point of this thread was to get people pumped, and try to avoid the negative comments/hostility some people have towards the band, the songs, or other people. So lets try to re-frame from bringing everyone down, just because they enjoy something that you don't. If its not positive, constructive criticism take it elsewhere. There is plenty of room on these forums for fowl play :) Just not in this thread!
I think its too early to judge anything, but so far we've seen two songs, with two very different directions. And i'm loving the flow of things.
Also the whole point of this thread was to get people pumped, and try to avoid the negative comments/hostility some people have towards the band, the songs, or other people. So lets try to re-frame from bringing everyone down, just because they enjoy something that you don't. If its not positive, constructive criticism take it elsewhere. There is plenty of room on these forums for fowl play :) Just not in this thread!

Agreed, but maybe these two songs might just be little fillers for whats to come. For all we know, they might be hiding the best songs for when the album comes out. Its too soon to judge the album now, but I'm liking what I hear so far.
Remember when they started playing Serpent's kiss live? they decided it was their "hit" song and started playing it before the others, so my guess is "end of innocence" is going to be the first video clip they record. Oh, and i dont think it was the best of PL, not even close to set the world on fire or walls of babylon.